
37-year-old is popular, but she is the first Grand Slam queen, who prefers heavy taste, but is an independent film queen

author:Cat's Eye Entertainment

"Ace Agent 2: The Golden Circle" is about to land in major theaters, in addition to the increasingly mature "egg" Taran Egerton and the one-eyed resurrected Uncle Colin, Julian Moore, who plays the glamorous villain Poppy, is also absolutely eye-catching!

In the trailer, Julian Moore shows a standard 8-tooth smile and introduces herself word for word as the CEO of the Golden Circle, and the villain group she represents is aggressively and boldly investing in the latest black technology. With a whistle of hers, two mechanical dogs swooped out of the screen, howling fiercely while chasing their opponents who had fallen in a hurry. The actions of the president of the United States have made the Golden Circle behind the scenes very dissatisfied, so they have made a public appearance and taken the initiative. To make sure that her actions would not be disrupted by anyone, Aunt Mo put down her harsh words, "The ace agents are going to be charred, just like their favorite grilled toast." With the explosion scene in the trailer, Aunt Mo is prepared to look like she is really sweating for the agents.

37-year-old is popular, but she is the first Grand Slam queen, who prefers heavy taste, but is an independent film queen

Julian Moore, who is now confident and calm, will use "freaks" to recall his childhood self. Her outliery of small freckles and red hair made her look out of place among her peers, and she transferred schools eight times in 13 years because of her father's work relationship. Now she can be funny and ridiculed, and the once bitter childhood is the foreshadowing of her acting career, allowing her to learn to observe, learn to imitate, and learn to quickly switch states of mind.

In 2014's "Still Alice", Julian Moore, who ran with 28, finally won the little golden man, and she also became the first Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Oscar grand slam winner, and became the first actress in history to win the British Academy Award, the American Golden Globe Award, the American Actors Guild Award and the highest actor award at the three major European film festivals.

37-year-old is popular, but she is the first Grand Slam queen, who prefers heavy taste, but is an independent film queen

In addition to being a post-film Grand Slam winner, Julian Moore has another reputation – "The Queen of Independent Cinema". She is the heroine of Unruly Nights, in All the Time, she is a housewife with homosexual tendencies and struggles alone; she is a British socialite in Labyrinth of Desire, but in order to correct her son's sexual orientation, she forced a relationship with him; in Children Are Fine, she really has her own same-sex partner and two children. It is not difficult to see that Julian Moore does not have a fixed principle of film selection, these films rarely have a wide audience, and independent films also occupy a considerable proportion, and Aunt Mo is indeed a woman who cannot be guessed.

37-year-old is popular, but she is the first Grand Slam queen, who prefers heavy taste, but is an independent film queen

However, fans call Julian Moore "Rotten Aunt" because many of her films share the same theme, that is, same-sex relationships. Either the husband's son and friend are gay, or they have homosexual tendencies or play as gay characters themselves. In the movie "The Kids Are All Right", Annette Benin and Julianne Moore play a pair of same-sex couples for many years, they have a cozy big house, a son, a daughter and a dog, and a peaceful and peaceful life.

Until one day the children offer to see the father who provides sperm, "Hulk" Marc Ruffalo's father, the arrival of the father who triggers the family's peace... The film is a milestone on The Road to "Corruption" for Aunt Mo, as she finally has a same-sex partner! In addition, she is also a strong supporter of the LGBT community, speaking out for LGBT more than once, and has a fairly good relationship with some gay celebrities in the circle.

37-year-old is popular, but she is the first Grand Slam queen, who prefers heavy taste, but is an independent film queen

However, The Rotten Aunt herself is an uncompromising heterosexual, and her marriage to film director Bart Frundrich is very happy. The two fell in love because of the drama, and a week after the movie "Secret Storm" started, the two had feelings. Julian Moore, 19 years ago, really did not expect to be able to be 9 years younger than himself Bart Frendrich can accompany him to this day. Aunt Rotten once said in an interview, "He has a special temperament, with him, you will never be disappointed in yourself, whether it is work or life, he makes me feel very satisfied with myself." ”

37-year-old is popular, but she is the first Grand Slam queen, who prefers heavy taste, but is an independent film queen

In the trailer for "Ace Agent 2: The Golden Circle", the villain played by Julian Moore appears in a yellow sweet suit, and as soon as he introduces himself, it feels like something is not good. When she saw her mechanical dog tearing wildly with her opponent, her smile was even more chilling. The scene changes to the bowling alley, and the rotten aunt wears a ponytail and a sportswear, and says in a playful tone that she wants to turn the ace agents into roasted toast. Xiao Meow has a hunch, the villain Poppy played by Julian Moore can also absorb countless fans this time, as for whether Xiao Meow's hunch can come true, it is up to you to decide the ticket stub in your hand!