
Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn

author:Henan Economic News Shangqiu News

Henan Economic Daily all-media reporter Diao Jingxian Chen Jiao Correspondent Li Bowen Chen Yige

Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn

In order to strictly prevent the epidemic from entering the campus, improve the campus epidemic prevention and emergency response capabilities, and ensure the safe, smooth and orderly progress of the opening of the school. According to the work requirements of the superior, on August 26, Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn. Wang Fushan, secretary of the party committee and president of the school, and members of the school's epidemic prevention and control team participated in the drill. Fan Jincai, deputy director of the Shangqiu Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports, and Zhao Huijun, section chief, and other leaders observed and guided the whole process.

Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn

Before the drill began, Wang Fushan, secretary of the school party committee and president of the school, made a mobilization speech, in which he asked all the staff members participating in the exercise to enhance their understanding, enhance their sense of responsibility, obey the leadership, obey the command, standardize operations, have the responsibility to guard the soil, and fulfill their responsibilities in defending the soil.

Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn

Bo Yandong, executive principal of the new campus, gave special training on emergency drills for the participants, organized everyone to seriously study the "Technical Plan for the Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic in Primary and Secondary Schools in Autumn and Winter" and the "Emergency Drill Plan for the Normalization of Epidemic Prevention and Control in the New Campus of Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School", and further mastered the emergency procedures and disposal methods for epidemic prevention and control in schools to ensure timely detection, rapid disposal, and accurate prevention and control.

Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn

According to the school's arrangements, the school's epidemic prevention and control staff is divided into an emergency treatment team for epidemic prevention and control, an infrared thermal imaging camera temperature detection team, an infrared temperature measurement door detection team, a security group, and a logistics support team. The drill is divided into five scenarios, covering a variety of unexpected situations.

Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn

Exercise 1: Students take temperature and enter the school. Under the guidance of the duty personnel, two columns are lined up at the school gate, and each person is lined up at an interval of 1-1.5 meters to pass through the temperature measurement channel in an orderly manner and consciously accept the body temperature detection. When a student with an abnormal body temperature is detected, the duty officer immediately takes him to the isolation observation room and is disposed of by the emergency treatment team for epidemic prevention and control.

Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn

Exercise 2: Bus route and staggered peak to school. Before departure, the bus will be fully disinfected by a special person. Students with a normal temperature and a handwritten body temperature strip from their parents can wear a mask to ride. On both sides of the east and west roads of the south gate of the school, a duty officer is on duty to prevent any private vehicles and electric vehicles from entering, and the buses go in and out of the east and west. After 7:10 a.m., the bus arrives at the school gate from the east to the west exit. After arriving at the school gate, only the two car doors that reached the school gate were opened. Students enter the school from the temperature measurement doors on both sides. The vehicle behind is not at the school gate, and it is not allowed to open the door in advance.

Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn

Exercise 3: Timely disposal of students who suddenly have a fever during class. In Room 701 on the first floor of the Duxing Building, during class, a student suddenly raised his hand to report that the teacher had a fever. The teacher immediately stopped and called the school doctor to take the students to the isolation observation room for further disposal.

Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn

Exercise 4: Conduct temperature checks on teachers driving vehicles into the campus. After the motor vehicle entered the campus, at the entrance of the school gate, the driver underwent a temperature check and no abnormality was found in the driver.

Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn

Exercise 5: Staggered peak dining in the student cafeteria. Students wash their hands according to the seven-step handwashing method at the student handwashing outside the canteen, and a single row and an orderly interval of 1 meter are lined up to wear masks to enter the restaurant to the designated take-off port. After taking the meal, go straight to the designated seat to sit, take off the mask to eat, and keep a certain distance between the left and right during the meal, do not speak, and do not move around at will. After eating, bring a mask and deliver the utensils to the designated place. Walk straight out of the cafeteria, wash your hands at the student's handwashing area, and return to the classroom.

Shangqiu No. 1 Middle School held an emergency drill for epidemic prevention and control in the autumn

This epidemic prevention and control simulation drill has further clarified and standardized the various prevention and control work processes and operational steps of the school in a manner close to actual combat, enhanced and improved everyone's awareness of epidemic prevention and control and emergency response capabilities, and the school will continue to adhere to strict prevention and control, fine drills, routine training, promote the scientific, standardized and systematic prevention and control of the epidemic on campus, and build a solid protective wall for the life safety of teachers and students in the school.