
Huang Xiaorou 'Domineering Queen look' husband praised! Launched 110 new works in half a year... Exposure of new identities

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Lin Yanjun / Interview

Huang Xiaorou succeeded as a writer, and recently launched Lucy's co-branded jewelry, she shared with "ETtoday Starlight Cloud", when a friend introduced the CEO of the brand, and then promoted cooperation, planning to launch jewelry for about half a year, the first wave of 110 models. Huang Xiaorou smiled and said, "When the CEO asked if I was interested in cooperating, I thought it was a joke, but it turned out to be a hit, they gave me a lot of space, so that I could create without pressure."

Huang Xiaorou 'Domineering Queen look' husband praised! Launched 110 new works in half a year... Exposure of new identities

Huang Xiaorou returned to the design field after 13 years. (Photo/ Courtesy of Huang Xiaorou)

After 13 years, Huang Xiaorou returned to the design field, she immediately entered the situation, refurbished her previous experience, and her husband was also quite supportive, "He gave me great encouragement, saying 'You are very righteous!'" He will also say very seriously, "You are not simple, you can wear multiple jobs and keep design ideas" He saw my eyes shining, and he felt that he was marrying a different me." The sudden affirmation of her husband, who is usually not good at praise, makes her more confidently invest in the conception of jewelry.

Huang Xiaorou's eldest son, "Little Orange", is very artistic and often observes, revealing that her son is inspired to become an artist and will open a painting exhibition in the future. Huang Xiaorou used to watch exhibitions and animations with her son to cultivate his son's appreciation of beautiful things, and when making films, she would discuss special effects or tones with her son, and once she couldn't make up her mind, her son told her: "Black and white are classics." Huang Xiaorou was quite surprised, this sentence was what she had said to her son, and it turned out that his son had remembered it in his heart.

Huang Xiaorou 'Domineering Queen look' husband praised! Launched 110 new works in half a year... Exposure of new identities

Huang Xiaorou's favorite ornament " Queen " . (Photo/ Courtesy of Huang Xiaorou)

Huang Xiaorou's jewelry style is neutral, the style is simple and pure, at first she was worried that the style was too niche, she did not expect to sell it, the "queen" that has not yet been listed is her favorite work, elegant pearl long chain, with a bit of dark, domineering conflict beauty, "that wants to narrate a lot of people for beauty kidnapping, I like the sense of conflict, when I want to do it, the ceo suggested that the pearl circle up to the position of the navel, I said to be surging and the queen's domineering."

Just started selling, Huang Xiaorou has begun to prepare for the second wave of design, due to the severe COVID-19 epidemic, she is planning a vaccine-related earrings, will also donate the proceeds, is expected to be listed next month, Huang Xiaorou said: "Powerful, now the version is almost ready, launch next month, do some meager strength." She gave her current self an 80 points, thinking that the inner beast has not yet been fully released, and there are many ideas that will be presented one after another, "Every 13 years back, I like a bit of crazy design, I like simple and pure, a look is very direct." 」

Huang Xiaorou 'Domineering Queen look' husband praised! Launched 110 new works in half a year... Exposure of new identities

▼ Huang Xiaorou planned for half a year, stepping into brand design. (Photo/ Courtesy of Huang Xiaorou)

Huang Xiaorou 'Domineering Queen look' husband praised! Launched 110 new works in half a year... Exposure of new identities

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