
Anthony Brown's classic picture book | Through the Magic Mirror - Through the Magic Mirror

author:Xiaohua parent-child English

- I am Xiaohua, English anchor, senior simultaneous interpreter-

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"Through the Magic Mirror" was published in 1976 and is Anthony's debut novel.

The characters, animals, and environments in the book are all deliberately placed by Anthony, inverting proportions and swapping forms, creating a variety of unexpected surreal effects.

Even today, after 40 years, both children and adults are still obsessed with this "crossing" and enjoy this magical fantasy imagination.

Anthony Brown's classic picture book | Through the Magic Mirror - Through the Magic Mirror

On a boring afternoon, Toby, a boy who has nothing to do at home, inadvertently crosses the mirror and comes to an incredible world.

Click on the audio and listen to Xiaohua and Emma read the picture book!

Anthony Brown's classic picture book | Through the Magic Mirror - Through the Magic Mirror

There, oranges floated in the air, and rainbows plunged diagonally into the ground.

Anthony Brown's classic picture book | Through the Magic Mirror - Through the Magic Mirror

The invisible man walks with a briefcase, and the dog leads the man for a walk.

Anthony Brown's classic picture book | Through the Magic Mirror - Through the Magic Mirror

The painter paints the clear sky into night, the giant ship and the train run parallel in the city, a group of choir boys fall from the sky like goose feathers snow... All is strange and magnificent!

Anthony Brown's classic picture book | Through the Magic Mirror - Through the Magic Mirror

This picture book is full of surrealist master Magritte's works, and there are even several pictures that are very similar to Magritte's masterpieces.

Anthony Brown's classic picture book | Through the Magic Mirror - Through the Magic Mirror

左图:《Through the Magic Mirror》

Right: Surrealist master Magritte

In reading, children can experience a dream journey with Toby, and at the same time, parents can find out with children, what other surrealist paintings are in the picture book?

Anthony Brown's classic picture book | Through the Magic Mirror - Through the Magic Mirror

Group Buy: Anthony Brown Orangutan Willy Series and Family Series

Reading age: 4-12 years old

Volume: 6 volumes/series, paperback

Group purchase price: 132 yuan / series

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