
Chinese surname - Qiao surname origin Qiao surname distribution Qiao surname person

author:Love the community

The surname Qiao is a common surname. It is widely distributed, present-day Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu Xinyi, Jiangsu Suqian, Jiangsu Yancheng, Henan Kaifeng, Henan Shangqiu, Henan Luohe, Henan Zhoukou, Henan Huaxian County, Hebei Shangyi, Hebei Wei County, Shandong Tai'an, Ningyang, Surabaya, Pingyi, Longkou, Inner Mongolia Wuhai, Shanxi (Jiexiu, Taiyuan, Pingyao, Qi County), Xinjiang Tacheng, Anhui Jing County, Guangdong Xinhui, Guangxi Tianlin, Yunnan Lushui, Sichuan Hejiang, Henan Xiangcheng and other places are distributed.

Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Dai, Miao, Buyi, Lisu, Xibe, Daur and other ethnic groups have this surname.

In the Later Han Dynasty, there were Qiao Hu and Taishou in the Clouds; in the Tang Dynasty, there were Qiao Zhizhi, Feng Yiren, and Zuo Shilangzhong; in the Yuan Dynasty, there were famous composers Qiao Ji and Taiyuan people. Contemporary there are Qiao Guanhua, Qiao Yu, Qiao Rongzhang and so on.

Chinese surname - Qiao surname origin Qiao surname distribution Qiao surname person

<h1>Surname origin</h1>

Source Stream One

Derived from the surname Ji, it is from the ancient times as a descendant of the Yellow Emperor Shouling, and belongs to the clan with the name of the place.

According to the historical records "Yuan He Surname Compilation" and "Genealogy of Ten Thousand Surnames", it is said that the common ancestor of all ethnic groups in the Central Plains, the Yellow Emperor, was buried in Qiaoshan (present-day Huangling, Shaanxi) after his death, and some of his descendants stayed in Qiaoshan to watch the mountain, so these people took the name of the mountain and called it the Qiaoshi.

Source stream two

Originating from the Xiongnu ethnic group, it belongs to the Sinicization and changes its surname to a surname.

Source flow three

Originating from the Mongolian ethnic group, it belongs to the Sinicization and changes its surname to a surname.

Source Stream Four

Originating from the Lisu people, it belongs to the Sinicization and changed its surname to a surname.

The Qiao clan of the Lisu clan originates from the Lisu clan of the Qiao clan.

Source Stream Five

Originating from the Daur ethnic group, it belongs to the Sinicization and changed its surname to a surname.

Source Stream Six

Originating from the Manchus, it belongs to the Sinicization and changes its surname to a surname.

Source flow seven

Originating from other ethnic minorities, it belongs to the Sinicization and change the surname to a surname.

<h1>Joe surname distribution</h1>

Historically, the distribution and migration of joe surnames

Since its birth, the surname Qiao has been associated with the wars in the north, and the main activities in the Han and Jin dynasties were in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Henan and other places. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it had already crossed the Yangtze River into Hunan, Sichuan and other provinces. Since then, the Qiao surname of Qiao has spread throughout the north and south of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River Basin, especially in the eastern part of Henan and the northwest of Anhui, forming the famous Qiao clan of liangguo.

During the Tang and Song dynasties, the Qiao surname developed to the eastern Shandong and southeastern Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, forming a distribution with Henan as the center and radiating around. After the Ming Dynasty, the Qiao surname gathering area centered on Yulu was basically formed.

During the Song Dynasty, there were about 50,000 people with the surname Qiao, accounting for about 0.06% of the country's population, ranking after the 180th. The largest province with the surname Qiao is Henan, which accounts for about 19% of the total population of the country.

The distribution of qiao surname in the country is mainly concentrated in Henan, Zhejiang, Shandong, these three provinces Qiao surname accounted for about 56% of the total population of the country's Qiao surname, followed by Shanxi, Gansu, Jiangsu and other provinces. The whole country has initially formed a gradient distribution with Henan as the center and outward.

During the Ming Dynasty, there were about 110,000 people with the surname Qiao, accounting for about 0.11% of the country's population, ranking after the 130th. In the 600s of the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, the population growth rate of the Qiao surname was higher than the national population growth rate. The distribution of the Qiao surname in the country is mainly concentrated in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei and Jiangsu, and these five provinces concentrate 91% of the population of the Qiao surname.

Shanxi is the largest province with the surname Qiao, accounting for 43% of the total population of the surname Qiao. During the Song and Yuan dynasties, the overall distribution pattern of the Qiao surname changed greatly, and its population mainly migrated from the Central Plains to the northwest and southeast regions. The whole country has re-formed two qiao surname gathering areas in the north of Jinqin, Hebei and Yu, and in the east of Jiangsu.

<h1>Joe's name is a man</h1>

Qiao Songnian: Inspector of Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty, Xu Manren.

Qiao Yunsheng: Shangshu of the Punishment Department of the Ming Dynasty, a native of Luoyang (present-day Henan).

Qiao Zhiyong (1818-1907), also known as Zhongdeng, Xiaochi, a native of Qi County, Shanxi (present-day Qi County, Shanxi), the fourth head of the Qiao family, a famous Jin merchant, known as the "Bright Rich Lord". Qiao Zhiyong was the representative merchant of Shanxi Jin merchants at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and at the critical moment of the survival of the family business, he abandoned wen to take over the business from the businessman. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Qiao family had more than 200 ticket numbers, money houses, pawnshops, and grain stores throughout China, with assets of tens of millions of taels of silver. In the Qing Dynasty, where the country was weak and the people were poor, it was not easy for Jin merchants to go to the whole country.