
Literary and artistic all-rounder Gan Zeping

author:Apricot altar reading micro-record
Literary and artistic all-rounder Gan Zeping

Gan Zeping

Gan Zeping, pen name Gan Ku, born in Puyang County in 1942, is a member of the Henan Calligraphy Association and a librarian of the Henan Provincial Museum of Literature and History.

Gan Zeping has long been engaged in cultural work and literary and artistic creation, and has achieved fruitful results and brilliant achievements in various fields, and is known as "literary and artistic all-rounder". Among them, he is the most outstanding scholar-type calligrapher in the field of calligraphy, and is a scholar-type calligrapher who integrates calligraphy creation, calligraphy theory and calligraphy education in contemporary China, and his calligraphy works are well-known at home and abroad.

In addition to publishing some poems, essays, commentaries, music and lyrics, Gan Zeping was mainly engaged in theatrical creation, and the scripts published and performed were: large-scale modern dramas "Red Accounting", "Puquan Zhuang", "Zhan shan he", "Yellow River Fury"; newly edited historical dramas "Red Lady" and "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix"; one-act dramas "HouseWork Qingguan", "Guarding Horses", "Knife Out of sheath", "Sending Motors" and so on. Among them, "Red Accounting", "Zhan Shan He" and "Red Lady" all won the second prize of Henan Provincial Drama Performance; "HouseWork Qingguan" won the first prize of Anyang District, which was later adapted into an opera radio drama, which was recorded and broadcast by Henan People's Radio. "The Red Lady" was well received by dramatist Wu Zuguang and recommended to the Central News Record Film Studio, where a stage drama film was produced by Director Mu Tie. In addition, he participated in the creation of a large-scale modern Yu opera "Brother-in-law and Big Brother", which was filmed by Shanghai Film Studio into a stage drama film (upper and lower episodes). In 1969, he also participated in the "Chaoyanggou" crew formed by the Revolutionary Committee of Henan Province.

During his studies at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Gan Zeping created a set of comic strips "Little Lambs" by himself, and participated in the creation of the large-scale flip chart "Jiao Yulu".

Literary and artistic all-rounder Gan Zeping

Young Gan Zeping

During his work in the county cultural center, propaganda station, and exhibition hall, he personally designed large-scale exhibitions such as "Agricultural Science Dazhai," "Long Live the Victory of Mao Zedong Thought," "Class Education," "Living Study and Application of Chairman Mao's Writings," "Blood and Tears on the Yellow River Beach," and "Lei Feng-style Good Militia -- Zhang Lianyou." Among them, "Blood and Tears on the Yellow River Beach" was exhibited in the Henan Provincial Museum in the form of large clay sculptures for two years, affirmed by the central and provincial and municipal leaders, with hundreds of thousands of visitors, and then compiled and printed into a comic book for publication and distribution.

During his work at the county cultural center, he was responsible for the editing and publishing of literary and art publications, from "Changyuan Literature and Art", "Chaoyang" to "Dandelion", and the composition, typesetting, proofreading and distribution were all undertaken by himself, and he devoted a lot of effort to cultivating an amateur literary creation team.

The county-level literary journal "Dandelion" became the leader of literary and artistic publications in the province at that time, and was exchanged and distributed throughout the country. Some famous domestic writers have submitted articles for them, mr. Mao Dun, a literary giant, has twice inscribed the title of the journal, and Li Zhun, Yao Xueyu, Shu Wu, and others often write letters to encourage and support them.

After being transferred to the county CPPCC Committee, Gan Zeping began to collect, sort out, and publish literary and historical materials and compile the "Changyuan CPPCC Newspaper.", which was cared for and supported by Zhou Peiyuan, then vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, and personally inscribed the name of the newspaper.

Literary and artistic all-rounder Gan Zeping

Mr. and Mrs. Gan Zeping are with world table tennis champion Ge Xinai and his wife

He edited and published more than 20 issues of "Selected Literature and History Materials" and "Changyuan CPPCC Daily", publishing more than 600,000 words of articles, and some of the materials are rescued and very precious. For example, a large number of pictures and texts on the liberation of Changyuan City obtained from the relevant leaders of the central government filled the gap in the "Chronicle of Changyuan County", and the reportage "The Story of the General and the Triplets" written accordingly won the national gold medal.

Gan Zeping was born in Shuxiang Mendi, and his grandfather was a former Qing Xiucai, a local famous teacher, who wrote well and painted well, especially the "bird head character"; his father was even better, and became a well-known calligrapher in northern Henan when he was young.

Gan Zeping inherited the tutor at an early age, and the weak crown was a teacher, and he went all over the pasta, first learning Yan Zhenqing and Sun Guoting, and then learning Zhang Qianbei and Zhang Ronglong monument. In order to copy the Diamond Sutra, he once held an illness and climbed Mount Tai. After the integration, it is self-contained, and has won gold, silver, bronze and first, second and third prizes in various group calligraphy and painting grand prix at home and abroad.

He regards calligraphy as a career and a lifelong pursuit, and is bent on carrying forward the national treasure of calligraphy. He worked tirelessly to set up a calligraphy and painting organization, hold lectures, study classes, and invite internal training, so that a large number of calligraphy and painting talents stood out and formed a considerable team of calligraphy and painting.

Literary and artistic all-rounder Gan Zeping

There are three collections of Gan Zeping's calligraphy works

During his work in the county CPPCC committee, he often organized local calligraphy and painting celebrities to carry out righteous paintings. During Beijing's preparations for the Asian Games, he went to county government offices, schools and township enterprises to write and paint for a month, and sent the more than 20,000 yuan raised to the Asian Games Organizing Committee, where he received special commendations.

Before the Spring Festival in 1986, calligraphy and painting friendship activities were carried out with overseas compatriots to arouse their homesickness, which played a role in attracting investment and investment, and the photos and introductory articles of the event were published in the front page of the People's Daily (overseas edition) and the People's Political Consultative Conference Daily.

In 1990, after Gan Zeping was transferred to the chairman of the county federation of literary and art circles, he immediately set up 11 group organizations such as the Writers Association, the Book Association, the Artists Association, the Drama Association, the Calligraphy and Painting Academy, and the Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, and successively exchanged and friendshipd with relevant organizations at home and abroad. Mr. Ichiro Fukuda, Chairman of the Himeji City Calligraphy and Painters Association of Japan, Mr. Wang Yimeng of Taiwan, known as the "Champion of Southeast Asian Calligraphy", and Mr. Lian Jiasheng, Chairman of the Macao Book Association, have repeatedly invited them to exchange calligraphy, exchange works and establish friendships. Mr. Guo Nong, Chairman of the World Calligraphy and Painting Association headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, also invited him to serve as a lifelong basic member of the organization, and in 1994 he was awarded the title of "World Bronze Medal Artist" and "World Celebrity of Calligraphy and Painting".

After his retirement, Mr. Gan Zeping devoted himself to calligraphy creation with calligraphy as the carrier. He walked out of Changyuan, out of Henan, and into the whole country, and was invited to Beijing, Nanjing, Jinan, Nanning, Zhengzhou, Dunhuang, Qufu and other places to pass on the scriptures and send treasures and exchange books. He won the gold medal in the "Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Anti-Fascist War" and was awarded the title of "Patriotic Artist".

Literary and artistic all-rounder Gan Zeping

On the way out with Mrs. Zhang Wangyun

At the same time, he has made his works go abroad through various channels. So far, more than 20 countries and regions such as the United States, Japan, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have collected nearly 300 works and inscribed more than 20 inscriptions. It has played the role of cultural messengers in economic exchanges and scientific and technological dissemination at home and abroad.

In 2003, following the publication of the hard pen calligraphy collection "Ideals, Ethics and Sentiments", three special collections were published: "Gan Zeping Calligraphy Collection", "Gan Zeping Calligraphy Sketch Collection" and "The Magnificent Song of the National Spirit" and "100-meter Long Volume". His works have also been included in the compilation of "Chinese Contemporary Ink Treasure Collection", "21st Century Chinese Scholars Inkblot", "Appreciation of Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Works", "Chinese Expert Talent Database", "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Celebrity Dictionary", "World Dictionary of Calligraphers and Painters" and other collections and classics. The relevant domestic newspapers and periodicals "People's Daily" (overseas edition), "People's Political Consultative Conference Daily", "Henan Daily", "Dahe Daily", "Calligraphy And Painting", "Calligraphy Herald", "Chinese Soul", "SwingIng Research", "Zhiyin", "Contemporary" and so on have commented on about 160,000 words.

Mr. Gan Zeping actively participated in public welfare activities and Chinese charity, donating more than 1,000 calligraphy and painting works to some Hope Primary School, love orchestra, cancer and leukemia patients, as well as Tianmu Mountain Zenyuan Temple and Mingyue Zen Temple of Tibing Mountain. Therefore, he was cordially received by Gao Zhanxiang, former secretary of the party group of the All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Zen painting master Yuezhao Shangren, and abbot of the Shaolin Temple, Shi Yongxin, and treated him as a "charity artist".

Literary and artistic all-rounder Gan Zeping

With the calligrapher Niu Guangfu

In 2003, during the nationwide people's fight against SARS, Mr. Gan Zeping rushed to write two sets of 100-meter-long volumes of the 100-meter-long poem "The Magnificent Song of the National Spirit" composed by Mr. Wang Yutian overnight. This matter was also added to the color by the inscriptions, inscriptions, and inscriptions of Zhang Hai, chairman of the All-China Book Association, Zhang Jianfeng, vice chairman of the Henan Provincial Book Association, and Yun Ping.

In 2006, in organizing the "Yellow River Wetland Green Environmental Protection Walk", he came up with ideas, thoughts, and opened up bases to protect birds, release fish, write poems and write articles praising nature, and promote environmental awareness. When the relevant leaders were invited to Japan for inspection and exchange, they donated 10 pieces of Japanese environmental protection content calligraphy works, which were permanently collected by the Japanese environmental protection unit and received gifts from the other party, and later received commendations and awards at the National Environmental Protection Work Commendation Conference.

During the national preparation for the Beijing Olympic Games, in addition to proposing and actively participating in the 2008-meter calligraphy and painting long scroll activity of "Welcoming the Olympic Games" initiated by China Longxiang, he also wrote a long scroll of "China's Olympic Hundred Years" and "Olympic Encyclopedia Knowledge" in the form of gold antique rice paper and three-body format to carry forward the Olympic spirit and show olympic feelings.

Literary and artistic all-rounder Gan Zeping

Together with Jiang Bangcheng, chairman of the Changyuan Cuisine Association, we investigated the culture of sake

After the sichuan earthquake, Mr. Gan Zeping braved the aftershocks to participate in the disaster relief pen meeting organized in Xi'an, and later wrote charity paintings for disaster relief in Luoyang, Puyang and other places. He also spent more than a month writing more than 200 works, selecting 160 carefully framed works, which were successively exhibited in Changyuan, Zhengzhou and Puyang, and were praised by provincial, municipal and county leaders. Major media in Henan have made special reports on this. After that, Mr. Gan sent 100 works to the donation hotline of the China Book Association, 30 to the China Charity Federation, and 30 to the Customs Work Committee of Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province, all for the reconstruction of primary and secondary schools after the disaster. The relevant leaders in the province gave high praise: Mr. Gan Zeping's "four highs" were summarized: high realm, high grade, high quality, and high value (the authoritative department positioned its Runge at 6,000 yuan / square foot). The Changyuan County Party Committee and the county government named him a "model of earthquake relief" and a "model of care", and held a commendation meeting.

He was invited to the CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Hall and Yuquan Mountain to participate in the PEN conference, and had the honor of writing the banner "Guan Hai Tingtao" and the "Horse" character Fang Dou, and inscribed "Zhongnanhai Qing, Yuquan Mountain Ming." Harmony and prosperity, tiger leaping dragon soaring. Unity and progress, horse to success. "To express support and praise for the Party Central Committee." During the PEN conference, he was awarded the "Lifetime Achievement Award" by the organizer. ”

Literary and artistic all-rounder Gan Zeping

Mr. Gan Zeping has never left the cultural front for decades, and he has bravely climbed the road of calligraphy. The level of his calligraphy works is constantly improving, and so is his popularity. Once, I occasionally saw his work signed "Sweet Bitter", I asked him why he took this pen name, he said, this is my little understanding of practicing calligraphy, it is difficult to practice calligraphy, it is very bitter, it is more difficult to practice well, more bitter, engaged in calligraphy to be happy to suffer, my surname is Gan, so I named it "Sweet Bitter".

Then, he turned sharply and said that although practicing calligraphy is very hard, those who like calligraphy will take pleasure in suffering.

Literary and artistic all-rounder Gan Zeping

With Vice Minister of Culture Gao Zhanxiang

And I asked: Where is the suffering? Where is the fun?

He said that calligraphy is different from painting, although calligraphy does not have the image of things, but it can create shapes, images, and momentum by means of dot painting. Although the calligraphy does not have seven colors, it can be divided into five colors in one ink. Although calligraphy cannot show the mountains and rivers and ravines like painting, it can be fascinated by dry and wet, virtual and real yin and yang, dense size, and jaggedness. People who are good at calligraphy cast thousands of weather between the scales, show the colorful world between black and white, and use it as a way to create a mysterious world, and express the profound cultural spirit through external forms. It's hard and hard to do, but when you do it well, you can get a lot of fun from it. His words made me suddenly open up, Mr. Gan Zeping's artistic life is "to take pleasure in suffering" and "to be bitter and happy"!

Author: Shi Hongguang Recorded from Song Guangmin's "History of Changyuan Literature" Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House