
How scary is the Amazon rainforest? These ten creepy creatures make this place a forbidden area for life

author:Blue Blood Lotus Shadow

Located in the Amazon Plain of South America, the Amazon Rainforest covers an area of 5.5 million square kilometers and spans nine countries. It is the largest and most plant-rich rainforest in the world. Often referred to as the "lungs of the earth" and the "green heart". Many of the flora and fauna here have the title of "the largest in the world," both in lethality and in size. These terrible creatures not only inhabit the bushes and trees, but also inhabit the water or soar in the sky. They basically all possess lethal weapons. Therefore, the Amazon rainforest is also known as the "forbidden zone of life", so what are the terrible creatures? Let's take a look.

1. Brazilian stray spider. The spiders possess the most fearsome neurotoxins in the world, and their bites can cause human nerves to run out of control, difficulty breathing, and severe pain. If not treated in time, it will be life-threatening. However, these spiders are natural ambush masters, and they often hide in dark and damp crevices or under rocks, making it difficult to spot them.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? These ten creepy creatures make this place a forbidden area for life

Brazilian stray spider

2. Toothpick fish. The fish is very small, usually less than 10 cm, and often inhabits rivers or swamps. They are one of the most stealthy killers, and it is said that it can swim into the human body through the human urethra, and then suck blood and body tissue until the human blood is sucked dry. If a person seeks medical attention in time, he can only be removed through surgery. Therefore, it is also known as the "Brazilian vampire".

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? These ten creepy creatures make this place a forbidden area for life

Toothpick fish

3. Black caiman. This crocodile belongs to small and medium-sized crocodiles, generally 1.2 meters to 4.5 meters long. They are grumpy, especially their bloody mouth, and it is estimated that no animal dares to provoke them. Their signature action: death roll, it is estimated that many people have seen it on the Internet or on television, dragging prey that is much larger than their own body into the water and then tearing off large pieces of flesh with death roll. Their main diet is small mammals, fish, turtles, and they also attack humans. He usually likes to hide in the river or swamp.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? These ten creepy creatures make this place a forbidden area for life


4. Bullet ants. Bullet ants are several times larger than ordinary ants, and they have sharp, venomous tail spines. If a person is bitten like a bullet, the pain is extremely severe, and the pain is unbearable for few people. It is rumored that the local indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest hold a coming-of-age ceremony to endure many bullet ants biting at the same time, and if they can pass this pass, it means that they have passed the rite of passage and become a real man. This shows the power of this ant.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? These ten creepy creatures make this place a forbidden area for life

Bullet ants

5. Jaguar. The jaguar is also one of the deadliest animals in the Amazon rainforest, with a powerful jaw that can easily bite bones and flesh, it is not afraid of water, it is a natural swimmer, and fish and caimans are also prey in their mouths. And this animal is also very good at ambushing, their markings can effectively integrate with the surrounding environment.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? These ten creepy creatures make this place a forbidden area for life


6. American horn carving. This animal is a large bird of prey, which is large and has sharp claws and will actively attack other birds. Generally feeds on small mammals, usually when hunting, like to hover in the air to observe and track prey, once targeted, almost can not escape.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? These ten creepy creatures make this place a forbidden area for life

American horned eagle

7. Vampire bats. They are small, but their skulls and teeth are highly evolved, and the bats are known as "vampires" and mainly meet their own nutritional requirements through the blood of animals. They prefer to go out at night, mainly attacking sleeping animals. It also carries a large number of bacteria, which can easily cause infection or spread disease after being bitten.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? These ten creepy creatures make this place a forbidden area for life

Vampire bats

8. Giant otter. The otters of the Amazon rainforest are huge, don't look at this animal is very cute, they are powerful killers, often hunting carnivores such as caimans and anacondas. For this reason, they are also known as "river wolves".

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? These ten creepy creatures make this place a forbidden area for life

Giant otter

9. Poison dart frog. Poison dart frogs are small and very colorful, mainly a combination of black and bright red, yellow, orange, pink, green, and blue. They have poisonous glands all over their bodies, and they are extremely poisonous, and if other animals accidentally prey on them, they will immediately poison and die.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? These ten creepy creatures make this place a forbidden area for life

Poison dart frog

10. Piranha. Inhabiting mainly rivers or swamps, these fish are ferocious fish with long teeth in their mouths that can crush bones and tear off animal flesh. A school of goby can nibble away at a prey in a matter of minutes, leaving only bones. Locals talk about this fish discoloration.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? These ten creepy creatures make this place a forbidden area for life
