
She raised cacti for five years, and finally blossomed, netizens: it seems that flowering is not difficult how to maintain cacti to flower smoothly?

author:Yan Xiaoxiao

#818 Life Good Things # Many people have a misunderstanding of the cactus, thinking that this is a plant that does not flower, in fact, the cactus also has the ability to flower, and the flowers that bloom are more beautiful than the general flowers, the flower color is more colorful, the reason why it does not bloom often, mainly because of the unreasonable personal maintenance.

She has a pot of cacti that has been raised for five years, and recently finally bloomed a variety of brilliant flowers, after she shared the experience of promoting the flowering of cacti, netizens have said: It seems that it is not difficult to make cacti blossom.

She raised cacti for five years, and finally blossomed, netizens: it seems that flowering is not difficult how to maintain cacti to flower smoothly?

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to maintain cacti to flower smoothly? </h1>

If you want the cactus to blossom, you need to maintain at least three years of time, and then carefully manage to make the delicate flowers germinate from the top of the stem, the specific maintenance methods are as follows:

★ Give plenty of light

Cacti are native to desert areas, where the light conditions are relatively good, making the cactus form a light-loving property. Usually when maintaining cacti, be sure to put it in the sun to manage, such as the south side of the balcony, window sill can be, to ensure that the daily light time is more than 6 hours, even in the summer does not need shade, do not have to worry about sunburn, so that the cactus can bloom as soon as possible.

She raised cacti for five years, and finally blossomed, netizens: it seems that flowering is not difficult how to maintain cacti to flower smoothly?

★ Water as little as possible

Cactus drought tolerance is relatively strong, the demand for water is not very high, usually do not need to regularly water it, so that the soil to keep dry state can be. Too much watering will rot its root system, which is not conducive to the growth and flowering of cacti. If you really can't grasp the frequency of watering, you can do it according to the dryness of the soil, and wait until the soil is completely dry and then water it in moderation.

She raised cacti for five years, and finally blossomed, netizens: it seems that flowering is not difficult how to maintain cacti to flower smoothly?

★ Give appropriate temperature difference maintenance

If you want the cactus to flower smoothly, you can't always put it in a constant temperature environment, you must give a suitable temperature difference maintenance, so that the cactus can differentiate the flower buds as soon as possible to achieve the purpose of flowering. Like her cactus, it is very important to put it outdoors for normal management during the day and move to a cool and ventilated place at night to maintain it, forcing the cactus to flower through the temperature difference between one cold and one hot.

She raised cacti for five years, and finally blossomed, netizens: it seems that flowering is not difficult how to maintain cacti to flower smoothly?

★ Apply fertilizer reasonably

Some flower lovers believe that the cactus does not have a high demand for fertilizer, so it does not need to apply any fertilizer to make it grow well, which is wrong. In order to make the cactus grow strong, it is also necessary to apply fertilizer in a timely and reasonable manner, and you can apply a decomposing liquid fertilizer every once in a while to avoid the soil being too poor. Wait until the flower buds grow out, and then apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in an appropriate amount to make the flower buds grow full and powerful, and then bloom beautiful and colorful flowers.

She raised cacti for five years, and finally blossomed, netizens: it seems that flowering is not difficult how to maintain cacti to flower smoothly?

★ The temperature should be suitable

Cactus resistance to low temperature is not very strong, when the temperature drops below 5 degrees, the plant will enter a dormant state, the growth rate will be greatly slowed down, if the temperature continues to decrease, it is easy to frostbite cactus. Therefore, after entering the winter, it is necessary to do a good job of thermal insulation measures in time, try to control the temperature to a suitable range, so that the growth of the cactus is not hindered, so that it is conducive to the late flowering of the cactus.

She raised cacti for five years, and finally blossomed, netizens: it seems that flowering is not difficult how to maintain cacti to flower smoothly?

In fact, cacti should be regarded as a kind of flower that is relatively easy to raise and has a solid skin, and both novices and gods can raise very vigorously. But if you want the cactus to blossom, you must pay more attention, can not blindly manage, you need to pay more attention to the light, temperature difference, water and fertilizer, heat preservation, these aspects are done well, want to prevent the cactus flowering are difficult.