
In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

author:Raising flowers

Summer temperature is high, humidity is high, many flower friends have reacted, the flowers at home have grown a lot of air roots, encounter this situation, then congratulations, because these branches with air roots cut down, buried in the soil to live, do not have to work hard to cut cuttings.

Longevity flowers

Longevity flowers, summer is very easy to grow air roots, if the air roots are only a small amount, then do not worry too much, do not cut off the air roots, cut down the cuttings, buried in the soil to live, especially easy to live!

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

With a sharp knife, cut off the branch with the air root, place it horizontally in a semi-shaded and ventilated place, dry the wound for 1-2 days, and wait for the incision to dry and heal, and then perform cuttings.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Find a smaller pot, prepare grass charcoal soil + perlite or coconut bran soil + saprophyll soil and other cuttings of soil, bury one end of the branch with air roots into the soil, water once, and you can do it.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Because the branches themselves are rooted, so about three or five days, you can slow down the success of the seedlings, pay attention to not drying or watering more ventilation, see the scattered light, don't expose yourself to the sun!

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

note! If the air roots that are born, like the one in the picture below, are dense, then the probability is that the root system in the soil is rotten, and it is impossible to absorb water from normal, so many gas roots have grown, and it is necessary to change the soil and change the pots and prune the rotten roots.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Crab claw orchid

Crab claw orchid, summer dormancy is also easy to grow qi root, is also very good to live, we must seize the opportunity, otherwise wait for the autumn cool and dry, the air root dried up, you missed the good time to cut the cuttings Oh!

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Find a sharp knife, from under the crab claw orchid root, slowly cut the branch, pay attention to the cutting to be extra careful, do not remove the root system, or cut to the lower branch.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Cut off crab claw orchid branches, but also to release light and ventilated places, dry the wound for 2-3 days, and then cut into the soil after the wound scab, the soil can be used pine needle soil, or saprophyte soil: peat soil: perlite: coarse sand = 2: 4: 2: 2: 2: 2.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Bury one end of the branch with roots in the soil, then water it once, let loose the light and ventilated place, and then if the pot is dry, you can use the spray kettle to wet the pot, and after a few days it will become alive.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Green Lotus

Summer humidity is high, the cane of the green lotus will grow very fast, and the cane will grow a lot of air roots, these air roots can not be ugly, they are the green lotus cuttings into life, 1 pot becomes more pots of guarantee.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Cut the cane with air roots, and then cut the rattan into small sections, each section is almost 2-3 knots, and with air roots, the leaves are removed, the rattan is put vertically into a plastic bottle, and half of the water is poured, and soon the air roots will grow very long.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

The rooting canes, the root system, are buried vertically into the clean and breathable soil, and each root is inserted vertically in the soil, and after planting, the seedlings are slowly watered with a spray kettle and scattered to the place of light.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Insist on spraying water on the foliage and soil surface every day, the pot is light and watered, a few days to adapt, after 1-2 weeks, the new shoots will emerge, and in 1-2 months, it will grow into a pot of lush green lotus.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

In addition to the method of cutting the green lotus vine above, there is a safer way to put a flower pot directly next to the green lotus pot, fill it with nutrient soil, and then put the green lotus vine with air roots horizontally on the soil surface, and then bury the air roots in the soil.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Phalaenopsis orchid

Phalaenopsis orchid is also easy to grow air roots, sometimes raised for more than 2 years, the air roots on the stem are horizontal and vertical, very unsightly, this time can be cut down from the middle, so that the phalaenopsis orchid becomes 2 trees.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Flower lovers "believe that tomorrow" there is a phalaenopsis orchid, from the middle stem stem out of the stem of four or five strong and healthy qi roots.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

So she slashed a knife from the middle and cut off the upper part of the stem with gas roots. In this way, one phalaenopsis orchid is divided into 2 trees.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Cut off the part of the phalaenopsis orchid, remove the bottom leaf, soak it in carbendazim solution for 30 minutes, then remove the place where it is semi-shaded and ventilated, and leave the wound facing upwards for 5-7 days, and then plant it into the new water moss.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

In addition, if your Phalaenopsis orchid has too much gas rooting, it is very likely that the water moss is not good or the root system in the water moss is rotten.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Therefore, the half of the phalaenopsis orchid that remains after cutting needs to be trimmed and the water moss needs to be trimmed and replaced with water moss. Take good care of it, and it will re-sprout and blossom.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

In addition, after the flower arrow of phalaenopsis orchid blooms, if the flower arrow is left, the temperature is relatively high, high buds will emerge, high buds will grow leaves, and roots will grow, and when the roots grow to 3-4 roots, they can be picked off and planted separately.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live


Succulent summer will grow gas roots, everyone is not strangers, especially in the summer, succulents catch up with the dormancy period, and the humidity is high, it is easier to get angry roots.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

If it is a large area of very dense angry roots, like the picture above, it must be a problem with the succulent root system, and it is necessary to change the soil immediately to change the pot and deal with the rotten roots; and if it is only a small number of gas roots, like the following picture, it can be left alone, or it can be cut down to plant the soil for backup.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

With a sharp wallpaper knife or carving knife, cut off the branches with air roots, dry them for 2 days and then pott them, and the soil can be prepared with granular soil (perlite, deer swamp soil, wheat stone, chlorite, etc.): peat soil = 1:1 ratio.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

After planting, water once permeable, release the place of scattered light, do not expose to the sun, wait for the pot to be white, the pot is light and then water, rather dry than wet.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Turtle back bamboo

Turtle back bamboo is particularly easy to grow air roots, generally speaking, there is no need to worry, if it is too ugly, you can cut off the stem of the root and take it to cut the cuttings.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Find a gardening shear, find a turtle back bamboo with air roots, but the air roots are not very long, cut it off, pay attention to the operation with gloves, do not contact the juice flowing from the stem by mistake, so as not to be poisoned.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Cut the cut turtle back bamboo stem into small sections, each section has air roots and 1-2 stem nodes, and then sprinkle the incision with carbendazim powder, put it in a semi-shaded and ventilated place, and dry the wound for 1-2 days until the wound is wrinkled and healed.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Next, the dried turtle back bamboo stem, the air root is buried in the soil, horizontally and vertically can be planted, and then watered, scattered light and ventilation can be done!

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Soon on the stem of the turtle back bamboo, new leaves will emerge and re-grow into a pot of densely branched turtle back bamboo, and a stem can be cut into many sections, and cultivate many pots of turtle back bamboo, too worth it!

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Watercress green

Watercress green summer is also very easy to grow gas roots, and a long and long lot, this time do not need to cut it off, leave several pots of cuttings, simply earned.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Watercress green is extremely good to feed, cut off the branches of the root of the gas, planted into the soil to water it thoroughly, it is recommended to use the grass charcoal soil with the breathable point with perlite, or directly use the clean point of pine needle soil.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live


Bulbophyllum is also prone to angry roots, you know not? If you are disgusted with the fact that the cuttings of the bulbous orchid branches are too difficult to take root, you can try cuttings with air roots.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Cut off the branches with air roots, find a small flower pot, bury it in loose and breathable soil, and the soil can be prepared according to the ratio of peat soil: coconut bran: perlite = 1:1:1.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live


Ivy as a climbing vine plant, summer humidity, but also easy to produce a lot of gas roots, some of the gas roots are even lined up densely packed together, let people see the dense phobia are committed.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

If the branches of the long gas root are very unsightly, then we can cut it down, bury the end of the gas root into the soil to water it, release the light, and soon slow down the seedlings successfully, restore growth, and it is easy to survive!

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Hanging orchid

The air roots of the hanging orchid are mainly grown on the small hanging orchids on the creeping stems, and the small hanging orchids with gas roots are easier to survive than the small hanging orchids without gas roots.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

Prepare a small flower pot, fill it with loose and breathable soil, dig a small hole in the middle, pluck the small hanging orchid with gas roots, put it into a small hole, bury the root system and water it, and live for 1-2 days.

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

In addition to the soil plug, the water plug is also very simple, it is easy to become a living yo!

In the summer, when he saw the qi taking root, he quickly cut it off and planted it in the soil to live

About plants with long gas roots,

how should it be handled,

Flowers and flowers will be introduced here today,

Flower lovers, if they have such plants at home,

You can operate according to the method of flowers and flowers!