
Reading Change Lives – Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment"

author:Prime fulfillment

有几位诗友对我未看陀思妥耶夫斯基‬不得其解,并痛心疾首,陀氏的大名我何尝不知,他的长篇具有‬俄罗斯阴郁、沉重的独特气质,需要安静的阅读,奈何平日琐事缠身,一直难有安静的内心。 正好利用初秋阳光缠绵的周末,鼓起勇气挑战‬这本【罪与罚】。

Dostoevsky is on a par with Tolstoy and is the brightest Gemini star in Russian literature. It is said that he is a gambler, an alcohol lover, and the shy embarrassment in his pocket is the source of his creation. Because I have to pay off my debts with the fee. Literature is strange, and writers' creations are often "kung fu outside the poem". Wuxia novels everyone Gu Long became an alcoholic before he died, and whenever he paid for the advance of the manuscript, he drank heavily, and the motivation for writing was to drink and pay off debts. Life is absurd, certain souls, strikingly similar.

《罪与罚》详尽描写了一桩杀人案,展现19世纪俄国的贫穷和犯罪的社会问题,其独特之处在于,更‬像一本忏悔录式的心理小说。 The mental activities of the characters in large sections are like the narration of the large sections of the movie, the psychological conflicts in the characters' hearts, the alternation of good and evil, the reincarnation of faith and reality, and the analysis of the complexity of human nature. The protagonist, persuaded by Sonia, who was forced to become a prostitute, surrendered himself and was sentenced to exile in Siberia, completing his redemption. The prostitute Sonia is the light of a sinful society, and in a difficult world, conscience alone is not enough to save herself, but also faith.

This long piece has no bizarre plot, no beautiful and exciting writing, and of course, there is no pleasure of reading, it is more like a psychological novel, always exploring the other side of life, full of helplessness, wandering, panic, and loss. I saw many shadows of American movies in it, such as Zodiac, Pulp Fiction, Seven Deadly Sins, and so on. The nutrition of the tome has fed back many cultural phenomena and has stood tall for a long time. 许多事情的‬发生‬看‬不清源头,也‬没有真理,甚至不需要道理。 此时想到赵振开有首诗也是‬描述‬大时代‬的‬背景‬,用在此处颇为贴切:

"Everything is fate / Everything is a cloud of smoke / All joy is not a smile / All suffering is not a tear stain / All faith is groaning / Every explosion has a moment of silence / All death has a long echo"

生活‬是‬模糊的,生活也‬没有所谓‬真相。 It has been said that outstanding novelists are failures in life because they are sensitive, suspicious, angry, tenacious, and often do not live their own lives. I loved poetry, and I still love it, and poetry seems to be wild and unrestrained. It took me a lot of time to discover that poetry has an internal logic, and the plot of the novel should be more logical. But in this novel, I can't find the logic, and people's behavior is like a momentary rein, like a nightmare of despair and compromise in life. Some people say that Chinese and foreign novels always ask the ultimate question: "Our lives are so terrible, but why do we still have to live?" "The world is full of absurdity, is there a cycle of cause and effect?

Protagonist Raskolnikov: The typical tragic life, it is the life of poverty and lack of dignity that makes him have a radical theory of killing and desperately take risks. After the killing, no one knew, but the ghost sent God, he chose to return to the scene of the crime, and the guilt made him unable to live a normal life, because God could see everything that was happening on earth. Raskolnikov was an idealist of his time, surviving on pawns himself, but charitable, whether it was a classmate or a woman he never knew. The greatest suffering of human beings comes from inner emotions, the red and black, good and evil of human nature, there is no obvious boundary, we can not even give a precise definition of human nature. 法律会惩戒违法之人,但忏悔只能‬是‬个人‬的‬,是发自内心的。 The guilt of the killing has always oppressed Raskolnikov, and this pain is hidden in the heart and no one knows.


Razumihin: The protagonist's former colleague. Be steadfast in your destiny and be content with the status quo. 他是主人公生活经历的见证人,他整个事件的亲历者,对朋友义气,善良,他‬单纯‬得‬对生活甚至报‬有乐观的期待‬。

Lu Ren: An exquisite egoist. 他是一个小人,在动荡不安的社会游刃有余,往往‬是通过‬征服‬他人‬来‬取悦‬自己,伪善‬狡猾‬,是‬新兴‬的‬获益者‬。 他像救世主一般‬凌驾于‬主人公的母亲和妹妹之上‬,当‬谎言‬被‬戳穿‬,当‬欲望破灭后,他‬报复的行为让人‬侧目‬,让人不齿。

Sonia, a prostitute: An 18-year-old girl who sells her body and bears the livelihood of a large family. Sonia is submissive, tolerant and sacrificial. She understands and forgives any humiliation. She never protested, did not complain, and showed a Christian spirit of fraternity. 索尼娅‬和主人公的爱情始终于‬微时‬,主人公投案流放,她一直坚守等待‬,终于完成了对于一个苦难心灵的救赎。 In the Siberian penal colony at the end of the novel, Sonia's image of the Redeemer is increasingly sanctified. 当看到她为其他犯人提供‬无私‬帮助,而犯人尊称他为俄罗斯‬母亲时,让人泪目,信仰的光辉照亮那个荒诞、邪恶的社会。 The female figure in Crime and Punishment completes a complete process from oppression, rebellion and self-salvation to redemption of others. 

斯维里加洛夫:他‬是‬矛盾‬的‬综合体‬,甚至‬可以‬说‬是‬反派‬。 他‬生活‬富足‬,为所欲为‬,花天酒地‬,杀妻‬、强奸‬幼女并‬致其‬自杀‬,他对这荒诞的社会愈发光怪陆离感到不可理喻和深沉的悲哀。 He once hired the protagonist's sister Dunia and wanted to commit misdeeds; when his wife found out, he ruined Dunia's reputation everywhere; he turned to a fanatical pursuit of Dunia and did not hesitate to kill his wife. 当‬爱情不得‬,他对一切绝望,自杀‬或者‬投案‬? 选择‬了自杀‬。 这‬也是‬一种‬救赎‬。 谬塞‬说‬:爱超越理智是唯一的真理。 也许‬吧‬。

毛姆在《阅读‬是‬一所‬随身‬携带的‬避难所‬》中‬用了‬整整‬‬三十个‬‬页码‬来‬介绍‬陀思妥耶夫斯基‬;尼采‬:“我从他那里获得了最有价值的心理学资料”。 伟大‬的‬作家‬是用‬上帝‬之‬手‬在写作‬,陀思妥耶夫斯基‬‬‬:我‬唯一‬担心‬的是‬我们‬明天‬的‬生活‬,能否‬配得上‬今天‬所‬承受‬的‬苦难‬。 信仰‬与‬救赎‬构成‬了‬他作品‬‬的‬内核‬。 梵高说‬:每个人‬心中‬都‬有‬一团火‬,而‬路过‬的‬人‬,只能‬看到‬一阵‬烟‬。 在‬伟大‬的‬陀思妥耶夫斯基‬面前‬,我们‬路过‬只‬看到‬一阵烟,‬也‬甚觉‬美好‬。

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