
Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

author:Ctrip Raiders Community

Author: Ctrip Member Service Center

Quietly 2018 is halfway through

Not sure how many items your 2018 travel checklist completed!

It rained a few times


Summer is here

Just blinked

July has also arrived


The air is full of the smell of summer

Whether you want to escape the heat

Still want to see the summer scenery

In this July

You are all worth a trip

Don't treat yourself badly.~



Red tiles and green trees, blue sea and blue sky

In the hot summer, going to the beach is king! In July, the inland city is already very hot, but Qingdao is relatively cool, and it is definitely a "summer resort". There is also the Ocean Festival in July, where you will be spoilt for choice with activities and delicious seafood!

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

Figure via Ctrip Raiders community users

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

Attractions: Zhanqiao, Laoshan, Badaguan, Tsingtao Beer Museum, Minjiang Road - Yunxiao Road Food District...


Hong Kong

Pearl of the Orient, food paradise, shopping paradise

Hong Kong is known as the "Pearl of the Orient". The commercial districts on both sides of Victoria Harbour attract shoppers to flock to it, while the Tianxing Ferry on the Xiangjiang River has a century-old history; there is the earliest Disneyland in China, there is also the famous Wong Tai Sin Temple; there are countless cuisines, and the unique tea restaurant culture has been carried forward in all Chinese gathering places around the world.

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you
Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

Figure via Ctrip Raiders Community @Xie Hui

Attractions: Hong Kong Disneyland, Victoria Peak, Ocean Park, Lamma Island, Victoria Harbour



A city suitable for leisurely walking, dazed and sunbathing

Xiamen, with its pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, and the combination of humanities and nature is just right, the whole city is also pleasing to the eye, and has now become a livable city that many people yearn for.

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you
Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

Figure via Ctrip Raiders Community @Walkers

Attractions: Gulangyu Island, Xiamen University, Huandao Road, Zengcuo'an, Xiamen Fantawild Oriental God Painting, etc



Bringing together modern and traditional, integrating the essence of Eastern and Western cultures

Singapore, one of the smallest countries in the world, is known as the "City State". It brings together modernity and tradition, blends the essence of Eastern and Western cultures, coupled with its clean environment and urban atmosphere, making this "small country" exude great charm.

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

Figure via Ctrip Raiders Community @Mayu-hwa

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

Attractions: Universal Studios, Sentosa Island, S.E.A. Aquarium, Gardens by the Bay, Flyer



A place that, before you leave, has begun to miss her

In the hearts of every traveler, there is a different rice city - Aden, she may be the three sacred mountains that shock the soul; she may be the Tibetan cooking smoke on the outskirts of the county; she may be the lush, golden poplar forest by the river; she may be the cluster of red grass beaches under the autumn blue sky; she may also be the ancient, pure temples...

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you
Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

Figure via Ctrip Raiders Community @Shen Ye

Attractions: Milk Sea, Sennairi, Daocheng Aden, Aden Village, Yangmaiyong


Putuo Mountain

Haitian Buddha Kingdom, South China Sea Sacred Land

Putuo Mountain, majestic in the vast lotus ocean east of Hangzhou Bay, resembles a dragon lying on the sea, across the sea from the world-famous fishing port of Shenjiamen, and is one of the four famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism.

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

Figure via Ctrip Raiders Community @Fujii_Tree

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

Photo via Ctrip Raiders Community @Zhu Honghui

Attractions: Putuo Mountain Scenic Area, 33 meters high Nanhai Guanyin, Puji Zen Temple, Fayu Temple, Huiji Temple



Spring is like a dream, summer is like a drop, autumn is drunk, winter is like jade

Lushan Mountain, the four seasons are beautiful, and among them, the cool summer is the most popular, and it is a well-known summer resort at home and abroad. There are both the victory of the sea of clouds, the beautiful sunrise sunset, and the mellow alpine cloud tea.

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you
Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

Attractions: Lushan Scenic Area, Sandian Spring, Wulao Peak, Fairview Valley, including Pokou


Erhai Sea

A blue lake at the foot of a lush green mountain

Erhai, located on the east side of Dali Ancient City, at the foot of the lush Cangshan Mountains, the water is blue, and it is famous for its invincible landscape beauty and unique villages and towns along the lakeside.

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you

Figure via Ctrip Raiders Community @Tang Limin

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you



Summer and health resorts

Beidaihe, here there is no heat in summer, no severe cold in winter. Backed by the lush trees of Lianfeng Mountain, the natural environment is beautiful, and Beijing, Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, Xingcheng, Huludao constitute a golden tourism belt, Beidaihe is in the node of the tourism belt. Beidaihe Beach has better sand quality and gentle slope, making it an excellent natural beach.

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you
Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you


Summer palace

Royal Garden Museum

Summer Palace, the former Qing Dynasty emperor's palace and garden, also known as Qingyi Garden, to Kunming Lake, Wanshou Mountain as the base site, in accordance with the design method of Jiangnan garden construction, is China's existing scale is very large, very complete preservation of the royal garden, the scenery is very elegant, there are many precious cultural relics, known as "Royal Garden Museum".

Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you
Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you
Ten cities, ten summers, there is always one for you