
Common psychological problems and solutions in the singing process

author:Sing like talking

Common psychological problems and solutions in the singing process

Singing psychology refers to the sum of the behaviors and mental activities associated with singing and their interactions.

Singing activities are one of the most direct and commonly used means of expression for people, using music and language as the carrier to express feelings, is a manifestation of the spiritual world, and is to impress and infect people through inner thoughts and emotions. Her soul and essence lie in the beauty of the heart.

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Common psychological problems and solutions in the singing process

There may be all kinds of negative psychology in the performance. Common psychological quality problems are manifested as emotional tension, difficulty in self-control, so that singers can not play their due level normally, which is quite harmful to vocal performance. This article will explore several of the main causes of psychological quality problems in singing, and then find ways to solve them.

One. Mental state problems in singing

1. Lack of self-confidence.

This is a problem encountered by many singers in the process of singing learning and performance, and introverted singers are often more nervous and lack self-confidence than extroverted singers, because they are more pessimistic and negative, and they cannot reach the excitement required by singing. Beginners are often more likely to lack self-confidence than experienced singers, who will not know how to express themselves because they are inexperienced, unpredictable about the situation in singing, and do not know how to cope. So much so that it causes psychological panic and lack of self-confidence.

Common psychological problems and solutions in the singing process

2, the technology is not in place.

When a singer cannot meet the technical requirements of singing, there will often be uneasiness and tension in the presence of the scene. Because it is not competent for the song, it is not certain to play well or just play normally. For unsure singing, nervousness is a normal psychological response. This tension is difficult to eliminate and often affects the normal play of singing.

Common psychological problems and solutions in the singing process

3. Personal gain and loss are too heavy.

Some singers have too many distractions when singing, afraid of losing face, or hoping to become famous in one fell swoop through formal performance opportunities, too concerned about personal gains and losses, and the psychological pressure when singing is very large. In addition, driven by this psychology, singers often show that they sing larger and more difficult songs in the case of insufficient technical and psychological preparation, so that they cause a heavier psychological burden, and as a result, they cannot take care of the emotional expression of the song when singing, and finally cannot play normally because of excessive psychological pressure.

Common psychological problems and solutions in the singing process

4. Lack of experience in formal singing.

Many singers perform very well in the usual class, but once they take the stage, they are nervous and forget everything, their hands and feet are shaking, their faces are miserable, there are many unconscious small movements, and so on. Stage fright happens to almost every first-time stager without exception. Lack of experience leads to confusion among singers, who do not know how to express themselves and how to perform completely.

Common psychological problems and solutions in the singing process

5. The influence of external factors.

Maybe you've prepared for the next day's show, but suddenly wake up in the morning feeling uncomfortable in your throat and in poor physical condition; or when you walk into an unfamiliar venue and see thousands of spectators feel dazed and overwhelmed; or something unpleasant happens before the show. All of this will more or less affect the mood of the singer and cause psychological uneasiness to the singer.

In short, the singer's psychological state in vocal performance is very complex, all kinds of negative psychological qualities are threatening the singer's singing activities, how to eliminate undesirable factors, and actively cultivate correct and good psychological qualities are particularly important.

Two. How to solve and overcome the psychological state problem in singing:

Being a performer requires overcoming negative mental states. Solve the negative psychology in singing, in order to make better progress. We can mainly start from the following aspects:

1. Give full play to your strengths and enhance your self-confidence.

Singers should correctly understand and evaluate themselves, give full play to their own advantages, and learn to play to their strengths and avoid weaknesses. For example, if you are good at singing lyrical songs, then try to choose this type of song when performing, and do not choose difficult works other than your own ability. In this way, it is conducive to eliminating the timidity of the singer, exercising and enhancing the courage of the singer. Both introverted singers and first-time singers have played a positive role and are more willing to participate in such activities.

Common psychological problems and solutions in the singing process


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2. Strengthen the training of singing skills and eliminate tension.

The so-called "artist is bold", singers can only be confident if they are familiar with their singing skills, and no matter what kind of situation they encounter, they can be calm and easy to deal with. Proficiency in technique is key to overcoming the excessive nervousness of the singer during the performance. Various psychological problems will also be solved.

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3. Adjust your mindset and create a good singing environment.

We must set strict demands on ourselves, strengthen our own artistic accomplishment, improve our own quality, and be able to correctly view vocal performances. Understand the meaning of singing. Singing is a beautiful activity, a kind of self-expression and happy catharsis, do not let the tension destroy the good mood, the audience's appreciation should be based on the common aesthetic taste, to let themselves learn to enjoy and improve from it.

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4. Participate in more performances and accumulate performance experience.

Stage experience plays an important role in the success of a singer's performance. Stage experience is obtained through participation, observation, summary, learning, accumulation, and it requires a process. A performer, must pay attention to social practice, more on stage performances, accumulation of stage experience, successful performers are in the repeated stage practice growing up, they in practice constantly adjust to improve their psychological state, eliminate psychological state, with the stage experience is rich, their self-confidence has also been cultivated and strengthened.

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5. Protect the voice, combine work and leisure.

Every singer should pay attention to protecting his voice, pay more attention to rest, avoid eating irritating foods, and try not to fatigue the vocal cords. Avoid staying up late and arrange your daily routine reasonably.

Common psychological problems and solutions in the singing process

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