
Folk tales: Human ghost love

author:Wild dwellers

Lishui Wang Zheng is a xiucai in the county, one year he was going to Hangzhou to take the exam, when passing through Jinhua, he met a Xiucai who went to the test with him all the way, Jinhua Li Gongcheng, the two were quite close, and they walked together, Li Gongcheng's talent was especially above Wang Zheng, and Wang Zheng was humbly asking him for advice along the way. One day on the road, Wang Zheng took out the dim sum made at home, a kind of food called "small tea cake" to fill the hunger, he divided some to Li Gongcheng, Li Gongcheng has never eaten such a dim sum, feel that this taste is very unique, very like to even claim praise. Wang Zheng's family was poor, and he saved money along the way, and in order to fulfill his dignity, Li Gongcheng always distributed it to Wang Zheng on the grounds that there was too much food sold in the market. For a moment, the feelings of the two were like brothers.

Folk tales: Human ghost love

When he arrived in Hangzhou Province, after taking the exam, Li Gongcheng took Wang Zheng on a sightseeing tour, all of which he funded and maintained. After the list was released, Li Gongcheng really won the lift, while Wang Zheng fell behind Sun Shan. He couldn't help but feel a little sad, and at this time Li Gongcheng came over to comfort him, and there was no trace of pride in his expression. Some are just upset that their friends have failed to fulfill their wishes. Li Gongcheng encouraged Wang Zhengqin to study, and after three years he would be able to be nominated on the list. Wang Zheng felt his sincerity and was very moved. After the two separated, Li Gongcheng often came to the book to care about his studies, encouraging him to work hard. Wang Zheng also sent many letters to show his gratitude. After two years, Li Gongcheng's letters were broken, Wang Zheng wrote him several times, and there was no reply, at this time he could not help but be a little lost, and he said in his heart, that there are eternal friends! Sometimes you treat others as friends, but in other people's hearts, whether you are treated as a friend, who knows?

Folk tales: Human ghost love

Since then, Wang Zheng has thought that Li Gongcheng has forgotten the friendship between the two and has not rest assured of this matter. Only put his mind on his studies, when it came to the township examination, Wang Zheng was ready to take the exam in Hangzhou Province. The night before I left, I suddenly dreamed that Li Gongcheng was coming. Wang Zheng seemed to forget in his dream that the two had not been in contact for a long time, and still spoke to him very enthusiastically. Li Gongcheng asked him how his knowledge was, and how sure was it? Wang Zheng then told him that it was better than before. The two talked a lot again, Li Gongcheng got up and left, and when he left, he said to Wang Zheng, the "little tea cake" you gave me last time was very delicious, I still can't forget the taste, if you still have the heart, when you pass through Jinhua, you can bring some such snacks to me to eat, I am very satisfied. After saying that, Wang Zheng woke up. He thought again of his former love affair with Li Gongcheng. At this time, before the sky saw light, Wang Zheng got up and made pastries and put them in a beautiful box. Ready to take Jinhua to Li Gongcheng.

Folk tales: Human ghost love

After walking for a few days, he finally arrived at the residence of Li Gongcheng in Jinhua, where Wang Zheng returned to his hometown with Li Gongcheng and entertained Wang Zheng at his home. Wang Zheng knocked on the door, and the servant who opened the door was still the same person three years ago, and he told Wang Zheng that his young master had passed away due to illness for a year. It was buried in a watershed beach outside the city. Wang Zheng listened like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, he had imagined ten thousand possibilities, but he did not think that Li Gongcheng had actually died. It turned out that he did not forget their friendship with each other, but his own will was not firm enough. Misunderstood him. Wang Zheng placed the "little tea cake" in front of Li Gongcheng's grave, leaving tears of guilt. Sometimes it's not that you and your friends don't have a deep enough friendship, but whether you have a sincere concern for each other. Maybe you and I started with a misunderstanding. But when misunderstandings arise, have you and I ever thought about the absolute belief when we first talked about laughter?

Disclaimer: This story is an original folk tale, can not be with the feudal superstition into the seat, the pictures are from the network, the copyright belongs to the original author, like please pay attention to the editor, thank you.

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