
Flowers bloom for 100 days, 100 days red

author:No lovely life

Thousand day red, also known as hundred day red, fireball flower, is an annual herbaceous flowering plant, there are purple, red, white, pink, flowers do not wither for a long time, can be dried naturally to make dried flowers, it also has medicinal value, quite popular with the majority of flower friends. Today I would like to share with you the usual maintenance methods of Thousand Day Red.

Flowers bloom for 100 days, 100 days red

The propagation of thousands of red is mainly sowing seeds, in the spring with a watering can to spray the seeds wet and then use paper towels to germinate, and when the buds begin to emerge, sprinkle on the nursery soil and then cover it with a thin layer of soil, or directly sprinkle the seeds in the soil and then use the watering can to wet the soil to maintain the temperature, and then transfer the seedlings to fake planting when the seedlings grow to 4 or 5 true leaves.

Flowers bloom for 100 days, 100 days red

Thousand Sun Red has higher requirements for soil, it likes loose and breathable drainage of growing medium, I generally use peat + humus soil + perlite or coarse sand in a ratio of 3:2:2 mixed.

Flowers bloom for 100 days, 100 days red

Thousand days red has a relatively high demand for light, it likes to grow in a well-lit environment, usually to put it in a place with direct light, the maintenance environment is too shady will cause the plant to grow. In the growth period, it is necessary to maintain the water required for its growth, especially in a well-lit environment, do not cause the plant to wilt due to lack of water, but the watering should follow the dry and wet, do not accumulate water.

Flowers bloom for 100 days, 100 days red

The demand for fertilizer is not very high, when the pot is added to the bottom of the pot as the bottom fertilizer, usually every half a month to add compound fertilizer or sprinkle some slow-release fertilizer on the surface of the pot, and so on when the flowering period in May is approaching, give it a weekly supplement with a higher fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium, you can use Huaduo No. 2 to water the spray at the ratio of 1:1000, so that two or three times it will begin to flower buds ready to flower. Its flowering period is generally from May to August, and when the flowers are almost blooming, the flowers are pruned down, and the dried flowers are also very beautiful in the vase.

Flowers bloom for 100 days, 100 days red

The above only represents personal views and practical experience, friends with different methods can leave a message in the comment area. Feel useful like points of attention, Nokia to take you to pick flowers and grass together, together to exchange flower raising experience, thank you!

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