
Interview with the national table tennis Olympic team doctor: Xu Xin Chen Meng played bandage training, Sun Yingsha Fan Zhendong had the best health

author:Health Times

(People's Daily Health Client Zhang He Li Chaoran Zhao Yuanzhi) "The physical health of 'Little Sasha' (Sun Yingsha) is very good, according to her current age, her mentality and state are very good. "In this Tokyo Olympic Games, the Chinese table tennis team won a total of 4 gold and 3 silver results.

During the period of isolation back to China, Yuan Chaoming, a team doctor of the Chinese national table tennis team, accepted an exclusive interview with the health client of the People's Daily, talking about the little-known perseverance and difficulty of the athletes behind the brilliant achievements of the Chinese table tennis team.

Interview with the national table tennis Olympic team doctor: Xu Xin Chen Meng played bandage training, Sun Yingsha Fan Zhendong had the best health

Sun Yingsha at the Tokyo Olympics. Global Times reporter Cui Meng photographed

In the domestic warm-up competition, Chen Meng played bandages and won the first place

"'Bringing an injury to the field' is commonplace for many athletes." Yuan Chaoming followed the Chinese national table tennis team through the London, Rio and Tokyo Olympic Games, he told reporters that many athletes, including Ma Long, Xu Xin, Liu Shiwen, Chen Meng, have injuries, compared to the team's better physical condition, or "little fat" Fan Zhendong and "00" young general Sun Yingsha.

Table tennis is a one-sided sport, often leads to uneven development of muscle strength around athletes, so table tennis players are mainly some chronic strain injuries, are traceable, team doctors will use various techniques to relieve athletes according to the cause of injury.

Because Olympic athletes are special patients, most drugs cannot be used before and after competitions, so the treatments available to them are also relatively limited. But at the same time, it also requires rapid results in a short period of time and timely recovery of high levels of exercise ability. Yuan Chaoming told the Health Times reporter that in training, athletes with injuries will focus on functional rehabilitation training, and preparation activities such as pulling and pulling will also be done before and after the game. If an injury recurs before the game, they will help them with massage, massage, acupuncture or some physiotherapy equipment.

Interview with the national table tennis Olympic team doctor: Xu Xin Chen Meng played bandage training, Sun Yingsha Fan Zhendong had the best health

Chen Meng and Wang Manyu won. Global Times reporter Cui Meng photographed

Yuan Chaoming said that the players also had some injury problems when they were training in closed training before the Olympic Games. For example, in the warm-up match in Xinxiang, Henan, Chen Meng, who has been in good shape, had a recurrence of a low back injury the day before the game, and the pain was unbearable. With the help of the team doctor, Chen Meng himself also overcame the psychological difficulties, played all the matches with bandages and fixed persistence, and finally got the first place.

Yuan Chaoming said that from the perspective of a doctor, if it is an ordinary person with an injury to exercise, it is not advisable, which will not only increase the risk of injury, but also lead to irreversible consequences. But as an athlete of the national team, the interests of the motherland are above all else. "I admire them, for the collective interests of the country, the courage to dedicate, fight, sometimes it hurts to see them go to war with injuries, but what I can do is to support and encourage them to complete their missions and dreams through my best efforts." Yuan Chaoming said.

Liu Shiwen's participation in the competition is already a miracle

"Until April this year, she was in a state of recovery, but she has been training, honing her will, and finally returning to the field smoothly, which we all think is a miracle." Talking about Liu Shiwen's participation in this year's Olympic Games, Yuan Chaoming said that the only feeling is that she is too distressed. Because normal people often find it difficult to persist in such injuries, but the athletes of the table tennis team will insist on finishing the game for the honor of the motherland and not give up lightly, which makes him both admire and feel pain.

Interview with the national table tennis Olympic team doctor: Xu Xin Chen Meng played bandage training, Sun Yingsha Fan Zhendong had the best health

Ma Long and Xu Xin at the Tokyo Olympic Games. Global Times reporter Cui Meng photographed

"Of course, athletes are constantly pushing their limits and surpassing themselves. Injuries and illnesses cannot be avoided, but they must have a strong spiritual pillar in their hearts, such as the honor of the motherland and the hope of the people, supporting them to overcome various difficulties," Yuan Chaoming sighed.

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