
Imprint the times with Chinese stories

author:Bright Net
Imprint the times with Chinese stories

"Breaking the Waves", by Liu Guoqiang, Dang Yimin, etc., published by Beijing United Publishing Co., Ltd. in September 2020.

■ Reason for recommendation: This book includes 6 reportage works by Liu Guoqiang, Dang Yimin and other writers. These 6 works focus on the Chinese dream, Chinese stories, Chinese objects that have attracted worldwide attention, present the characteristics of the times and the national spirit of hard work, selfless dedication, striving to be the first, pioneering and innovative, and highlight the patriotic feelings that move the world. The spirit of those characters in the book who strive for the ideal and always maintain their original intentions is worth carrying forward and remembering. The representative stories in the book are the best embodiment of the pulse of the times and reflect the great achievements of the all-round development of our society.

In everyone's mind, there are different marks of the times, or a landmark, or an object, or a slogan with the characteristics of the times, which is enough to evoke everyone's memory of an era. For a country, a representative character and story can engrave its deep imprint on the trajectory of the times.

"Breaking the Waves" is such a book that tells the story of Chinese and China. The book includes a total of 6 reportage works by Liu Guoqiang, Dang Yimin, Chen Tingyi, Li Zhongxiao, Chen Xin, Ye Duoduo and other writers. These works focus on the Contemporary World's Eye-catching Chinese Dreams, Chinese Stories, Chinese Objects, present the characteristics of the times and national spirit of hard struggle, selfless dedication, striving to be the first, pioneering and innovative, and highlight the patriotic feelings that move the world. The spirit of those characters in the book who strive for the ideal and always maintain their original intentions is worth carrying forward and remembering. The representative stories in the book are the best embodiment of the pulse of the times and reflect the great achievements of the all-round development of our society.

The original intention of the change of the times remains unchanged

As the old saying goes: "Don't forget your original intention, you have to be consistent." However, what is the "original intention"?

The word "chu xin", which was included in the twelfth edition of the Xinhua Dictionary, means the original wish and belief, and was elected as the annual domestic word of the "Chinese Inventory 2017" campaign on December 21, 2017. As far as everyone is concerned, the word "initial heart" may have its own definition, it may be the indifference that persists in the flashy world, or it may be the clean and hot-blooded youthfulness that has always been retained in the heart. For Huang Danian, a famous geophysicist in China, the original intention is to never forget patriotism.

The Russian philosopher Chernyshevsky said: "How great is the power of patriotism!" In front of it, man's love for life, fear of suffering, what is gained! In front of it, man himself is also counted as something! The opening chapter of the book "Breaking the Waves" is the story of Huang Danian using his life to practice his patriotic original intention.

In December 1996, Huang Danian received his PhD in Geophysics from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom with the first place, becoming the only overseas student among the outstanding students in the department. Since then, Huang Danian has served as a senior researcher and director of the R&D department, doctoral supervisor and training officer of Aeronautical Geophysics Company of ARKeX under the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. He stood out from the "high-ended" team of more than 300 people, including foreign academicians, and firmly sat in the chair of chief scientist, which was the first yellow person in the history of Cambridge University to reach the peak. However, when he heard the call of the motherland, he resolutely and resolutely gave up his generous work treatment and excellent living conditions overseas and returned to the embrace of the motherland with his wife.

Many people are puzzled by this, but he said: "Science has no borders, but scientists have a motherland." After returning to China, Huang Danian became a "desperate Huang Lang". He always felt that he had been abroad for so long, and when he came back, he would have to replenish this time to the country. Because Huang Danian worked in a race against the clock, China's aviation mobile platform detection technology and equipment project took only 5 years to complete the journey of more than 20 years in Western developed countries. But it is precisely because of his high-intensity work that he has led to a load that the body cannot bear. The Slovaks are gone, but his contribution to the motherland will not be forgotten. And his sincere patriotic heart will also be burned in the memory of the times.

The ideal of ordinary people casts the theme of the era

How far a man can go, do not ask his feet, but ask him about his ideals. The more a person's ideal is in line with the times, the more profoundly he understands the mission of the times, the stronger his sense of social responsibility, and the more he can concentrate his strength and wisdom to strive for the goal of social development.

In the book "Breaking the Waves", there is such an ordinary person doing a very extraordinary thing. The name of this ordinary man is Zhang Zhengxiang, and he is an ordinary farmer from the shores of Dianchi Lake in Kunming. With more than 30 years of touching deeds of protecting the ecological environment of his hometown as always, he landed on the podium of "Moving China" in 2019.

Behind the honor and aura, few people know that in order to protect Dianchi Lake, since the early 1980s, Zhang Zhengxiang has walked more than 2,000 laps around Dianchi Lake, traveled more than 300,000 kilometers, conducted difficult investigations and evidence collection, and forcefully sued more than 160 Huandian sewage enterprises, more than 100 officials at all levels and more than 240 bosses, and drove away more than 70 large quarries and multiple real estate projects. And the price he paid for this was: his wife and children were separated, and he was poor and disabled.

This ordinary farmer from the shore of Dianchi Lake, with Xishan as his father and Dianchi lake as his mother, takes the protection of Dianchi Lake as his life's career and ideal, although he has been intimidated and threatened by those lawbreakers on the road to environmental protection, his heart is still firm.

As we all know, with the excessive use and destruction of forests and wetlands by human beings, a series of serious ecological crises such as global warming, land desertification, wetland shrinkage, soil erosion, drought and water shortage, flood disasters, and species extinction have become increasingly aggravated, becoming the biggest threat facing mankind so far. Environmental protection is already the most urgent thing in the world today.

If everyone can do their part for the cause of environmental protection like Zhang Zhengxiang, then the earth on which we live will become a better place. If everyone can work firmly in the direction of their ideals like Zhang Zhengxiang, then in the theme of the big era, it will also be destined to leave the mark that each of us has struggled.

In the book "Breaking the Waves", in addition to the deeds of the above two characters, it also records the vivid stories of Nobel Prize winner Tu Youyou, Tang Jialing, a national treasure-level submariner, Shao Chun, the founder of China's aircraft carriers, and Chen Jungui, a veteran who guarded the Tianshan Mountains. Each story carries the glory and dream of the nation. Each story, from its own perspective, is a portrait and biography of the times, completing a faithful record of the times.

In the new era, everyone is a witness and witness to China's development, and through these vivid, vivid and diverse works, we can clearly see the footprints of the times moving forward and the special memories that belong to this era. At the same time, we can also let the world see a China in which the people are forging ahead and the nation is rejuvenated.

Source: Tianjin Daily

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