
There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

author:Beijing City old

Speaking of the characteristics of Greater Beijing, in addition to the old Beijing hutongs with fireworks, the most typical is the Beijing grandfathers, because they are the most characteristic group of people, each Beijing grandfather has a unique personality, so today I will talk to everyone about the unique distinctive characteristics of the Beijing grandfathers

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

The first thing to say is "poor" As we all know, Beijingers play children humorously, do not understand the friends of Beijing grandfathers, all feel that many times, talk is not slippery, catch who is bored with whom, gossip, even if you meet a person you don't know, you can also talk nonsense

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

In fact, this kind of poverty refers to humor and humor, enthusiasm, not the kind of inconspicuous that some people say, there is no door on the mouth, you know, chat with beijing grandfathers, never have to worry about this word falling on the ground, because no matter what you say, Beijing grandfathers can catch it

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

It can't be said that you know astronomy and geography, but as long as you are within the scope of your own ability, tiannanhaibei, you will not feel annoyed when you talk about it overnight, and you are in a bad mood, looking for Beijing grandfathers to chat for a while, you can immediately make you happy to close your mouth

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

The second major trait is a little lazy, of course, what I call "lazy" is not lazy at work, not paralyzed with the nest every day, but a philosophy of life, or an attitude to life, playing children in Beijing who grew up in the hutongs, are at ease with the encounter

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

Looking at the current pace of life in Beijing City, the pace of life is very fast, but the Beijing grandfathers have their own rhythm, not arrogant and impatient to live their own attitude, for the things they like, there is no room for ambiguity, let alone the people they like, never slack, the reason why they are lazy is that when there is nothing to do, they are alone, slowly and leisurely

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

Enjoy everything around you, other people's lives for beijing grandfathers, there is no threat, their own children, irrelevant, will not cater to anyone, what is outside, what it is like when they return home, never pretend to be a grandpa outside, go home and pretend to be a grandson

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

The third trait is that the Beijing grandfathers have a good heart, will not be the first set, the back set, you have to praise them twice, give affirmation, the Beijing grandfathers are eager to give you the heart, a good point to him, he will return you ten, after all, the Beijing grandfathers never do the fall of the child's business

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

It is no exaggeration to say that in the eyes of the Beijing grandfathers, there are only two kinds of people in this world, one is called brother dei, and the other is stupid, for their own brothers can pay everything, but for the master of the scattered virtues, how far to roll, the Beijing grandfathers have offended, there is no good fruit to eat

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

The fourth trait is that the bureau has a face, the word bureau is the old Beijing dialect, simply put, it is enough friends, talk about love, talk and do things to abide by the rules, do not drag mud and water, in fact, this trait is reflected in every authentic Beijing grandfather

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

If the brother encounters an emergency, whether he needs to borrow money or need help, without saying a word, a phone call will arrive, even if he can't turn around, the help of the brother dei also has to help, but the premise is that the relationship is good, can be called brothers by the Beijing grandfathers, and the character is generally inferior in all aspects

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

This is like the sixth master in the movie "Old Cannon", he is a typical example, the beginning of the paragraph, the city management bullied the lampshade, to confiscate his board, fortunately, the sixth master came out of the alley, helped to break the siege for the lampshade in time

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

But the sixth master is reasonable, unlicensed business, the pancake stall has to be given to others, turn around to help him pick up one, but it doesn't matter whether you are a city manager or which way the immortal, beating people is not right, the lampshade is hit, you have to get it back, and finally give each other a big ear post in public

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

This thing is done in a special way, one yard to one yard, bullying Beijingers at the door of the Beijing people's home, obviously it is not happy to find it by yourself!

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

The fifth trait is generous and not stingy, in the eyes of Beijing grandfathers, money is always the least valuable thing, if you spend money can make everyone happy, can do something meaningful, as long as within his ability, not called a thing, in other words, as long as the Beijing grandfathers recognize you, do whatever they want

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

And The Beijing grandfathers are very good at noodles, no money does not matter, you can slowly earn, the most feared is no face, which has nothing to do with the love of vanity, regardless of what family background, encounter things will not add trouble to others

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

The sixth trait, everyone is warm-hearted, nosy, in the face of unpleasant things, can not pretend that nothing happens, must be the first to stand out, you live in the hutong or the old community, see the sky can look at those warm-hearted neighbors

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

Nowadays, this scene is less and less, because Beijingers have moved outside the fifth ring road, so it is difficult to meet authentic Beijingers in the city, so beijing will become more and more impersonal, and people will become more and more indifferent to each other, looking at money, losing the original taste of life, all immersed in the impetuous rhythm

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

The seventh quality is that the Beijing grandfathers live really, if they like you, they can't hide at all, they won't hide it, they will dig their hearts out to be good to you, they don't like nature and don't get used to you, in an old Beijing saying, where to stay, no one will take care of you

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

What to say, the heart is straight and fast, sometimes also say some big truths, feel unhappy, should say, do not play virtual, invisible, inevitably will offend some villains, do not cause trouble, but there are things to find the door and never be afraid, and it is precisely because of this, many people are particularly afraid of offending the Beijing grandfathers

There is a kind of man called Beijing grandfathers, count the seven characteristics of Beijing grandfathers, how many do you account for?

In fact, this is the most distinctive characteristic of Beijing grandfathers, so there can be a Beijing grandfather around, this life is worth it, just like the lyrics sing, Beijing grandfathers pay attention to face, there is a face in doing things, Beijing grandfathers are righteous in their bones, the only one in the world, because we are Beijing grandfathers!