
Teach you to buy funds like an insider

author:High fade away from N

Classic tips

The basics are not as practical as the tricks of the operation, but it is important to realize that buildings built on sand piles will collapse sooner or later.

Financial confusion

In 2007, Ms. Li had just given birth to a son at home on maternity leave, and she also knew nothing about the fund, during which her cousin would tell her how she earned fifteen or six thousand with the fund she bought for 10,000 yuan every time she met. Listening to her cousin's words, Ms. Li couldn't hold back, but her money was fixed and she wanted to renovate the house, so she didn't move. In July 2008, the house was installed, the husband handed in the first month's salary of 2,000 yuan, under the advice of her cousin, she went to buy the fund, did not expect that the 2,000 yuan earned more than a hundred yuan in less than a month, she regretted that if she bought the fund at the beginning, maybe the decoration fee was there. So she slowly bought the family's savings into the fund, bought more than 100,000 yuan at the highest time, and slowly made some money by following her cousin, about 40,000. Even then, she didn't know much about the fund. Later, after several big falls, when there were only 20,000, she still wanted to earn 40,000 back, and then fell and fell, she also added her own money little by little to make up for the position, the result can be imagined, four years have passed, these tens of thousands of yuan have lost 30%! She didn't know how to operate in the back...

The fund must also be properly mobilized, can not only rely on luck to buy and sell, not to mention always stick to the half-dead fund, but also to understand some fund knowledge, from the fund pile to find a good fund for themselves, there is money to make.

Financial wisdom

How do newbies buy funds?

(1) Prepare a bank card to open online banking.

(2) Open a fund account.

Find "Online Trading" on the fund company's website and find "Open a New Account" after entering the page. Then follow the prompts (pay attention to filling in the real information). When it comes to confirming the means of payment, it will automatically jump to the web page of the bank you filled in, generally prompted to use the "customer certificate" or "electronic payment card" payment, there is online banking, choose the "customer certificate" payment; none can choose the electronic payment card, enter the payment password, confirm the success of the payment, generally automatically jump to the fund company website, if there is no jump, you can click "notify the customer of successful payment", will also be turned back.

Teach you to buy funds like an insider

(3) Purchase of funds to start trading.

Find "Online Trading" on the fund company's website, select the login method: account opening certificate, fill in your ID card (or other account opening certificate), and the password is the transaction password left when you open an account. After logging in, you will be on the personal trading interface set for you by the fund company, which is your world. Find the transaction items, which contain subscriptions, subscriptions, redemptions, conversions, and so on. The following takes the subscription as an example, click subscription, find the fund you want to buy, and then directly fill in the subscription amount, and the fee payment method is generally "first pay". After filling in, submit the payment, the payment will automatically jump to the bank card you bind, and confirm the payment means, choose the appropriate payment method to pay. After the payment is completed, pay attention to keep the transaction flow number, in case of an accident, this is the evidence of your negotiation with the fund company. Only a successful payment transaction is a valid transaction, and only an application is made without payment or an accident occurs during payment, which is regarded as a transaction failure.

How to choose a fund

Choosing a fund that has potential and is suitable for you is a very difficult task and requires a lot of effort. The selection of funds can be examined from the following three aspects:


(4) Query shares.

After the subscription is successful, you can generally inquire about the fund shares you subscribe for on the second trading day. Fund companies and exchanges work together on weekdays. Closed on Saturdays and Sundays, Mondays and Fridays are weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. On normal trading days, the day is counted before 15:00 and the next day is calculated after 15:00. From 15:00 on Friday until before 15:00 on Sunday, it is counted as a trading day. When inquiring, you first need to log in to your fund company account, and then you can see the fund shares you have subscribed, the daily net value of the unit, the daily book assets and other information inside.

(5) Redemption, conversion.

Log in to your fund account to complete the operation. In the "Trading" column, it should be noted that newly subscribed funds can only be redeemed or converted after T+3 days (including the 3rd day) (except for subscribed funds). General stock funds are T+2~7 days to the account, that is, your money will arrive in your pre-bound bank card in the 2nd to 7th trading days of your redemption, while the same company's monetary fund is generally T+1~2 days to the account. First of all, the stock base into currency, you need to wait for two days to operate (for example, you can transfer today, the next trading day can be redeemed from the monetary fund), from the stock base to the currency to the redemption is generally 3 to 4 days, save time not to say, in the two days of the monetary fund, you can also enjoy the income of the monetary fund. There is no charge for the trading of general monetary funds, and the conversion of stock funds into monetary funds is calculated at the redemption rate, and the currency conversion base is calculated at the subscription rate. Some companies have other offers.

(6) Fund dividends.

Fund dividends are not the biggest standard for measuring the performance of the fund, dividends are only the cash of the growth of the net value of the fund, and the growth of the net value of the fund is the highest standard for measuring the performance of the fund.

(7) Reinvestment of fund dividends.

Cash dividends and dividend reinvestment are two ways for a fund to pay dividends. Dividend reinvestment means that when the fund makes cash dividends, the fund holders directly use the cash from the dividends to purchase the fund, and convert the dividends into holding fund units. Dividend reinvestment is usually free of subscription fees.

In short, before buying a fund as a novice, you must pay attention to strengthening your learning, after all, it is not too late to take a moment to figure it out before making an investment. In addition, with the development of technology, now Alipay and some other apps can also buy funds (pay attention to identifying authenticity so as not to be deceived), which has a detailed introduction and will not be described here.

Banking links

Buy funds, do not "like the new and tired of the old".

Try to combine your own conditions as much as possible to select the best fund for yourself.

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