
I was a bloodless sword, my name was Kill, but I had never hurt anyone


I was a sword, but I had never been stained with blood, and of course it wasn't that I didn't want to, but that my master had never used me to kill.

I was a bloodless sword, my name was Kill, but I had never hurt anyone

As a sword, I also have my own name, and the master gave me a name called Killing. Ironically enough, I have never killed any life, not even the ants that are most likely to be trampled to death. Yes, as a sword, I don't even have self-esteem.

  But I'm happy, though sometimes I'm despised or even ridiculed by my peers.

My master can be said to be one of the best masters, he often says some very strange words, at first I also feel very strange, and then after slow contact, I found that the words spoken by the master are actually quite profound, maybe those words have no lethality to me, but for the opponent is very provocative and mocking.

I was a bloodless sword, my name was Kill, but I had never hurt anyone

  "How can a man who can't even keep his own sword have the ability to protect his own woman?" "Hey, you want to kill me so badly?" Do you still need a reason to kill me? "But ... Are these really provocative and mocking? At first I didn't understand, until after the master died, I didn't understand that these words were actually just said to protect each other.

  As a sword, I feel that I am still quite happy, at least I have met such a person, although he sometimes talks to himself, sometimes he is taciturn, and sometimes he is particularly lonely.

I was a bloodless sword, my name was Kill, but I had never hurt anyone

I never knew why this man was so lonely, he liked to climb to the roof in the middle of the night in a daze, he liked to lie on the window sill and look forward to the moon on a rainy day, and he would hang out every night. I don't know, really, I don't know if he has some pain in his heart that is difficult to let go, or whether he is nostalgic for the deceased who is scattered in the world? I really don't know.

I was a bloodless sword, my name was Kill, but I had never hurt anyone

  cough... After spending a long time with this man, even I have changed, and my once violent heart has disappeared, replaced by a hint of melancholy, but melancholy is still of no use to a sword. What if my master was another person at the time? maybe... What a waste for me!

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