
Have not eaten and seen these, are not counted to Nanjing Jinling famous eat Jinling must travel warm tips:

author:Worry-free travel JegoTrip
Have not eaten and seen these, are not counted to Nanjing Jinling famous eat Jinling must travel warm tips:

Jinling City is extraordinary, and the Qinhuai River is babbling

Since ancient times, Nanjing has been loved by various dynasties

Here are the powerful politicians who witness the shadow of the sword and light, the literati who appear sad and sad, the smoke and rain terrace of the 480 Temples of the Southern Dynasty, and the beautiful and gentle Jiangnan Jiali...

Nanjing has always been an important player in the development of Chinese historical civilization

Therefore, it is called "Ten Dynasties Metropolis"

It is still a bustling place today

The food and beauty are all blended into the most elegant life

Come and see the most unmissable food in Nanjing!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Jinling famous food</h1>

Duck blood vermicelli soup

Eat in Nanjing, duck blood vermicelli soup is definitely the premier famous dish! An important representative of Jinling snacks, salty and refreshing for a long time! Nanjing's duck dishes have a history of more than 1400 years, and there is a saying in the anecdote: no duck can leave Nanjing alive! This is no exaggeration, Nanjing people love ducks and love ducks. Duck blood vermicelli soup is made by adding duck blood, duck intestines, duck liver, etc. to the duck soup and vermicelli. The taste is peaceful, fresh and smooth, suitable for both north and south, and it is popular throughout the country.

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Beef pot stickers

Traditional Jinling cuisine, one of the eight best in Qinhuai. Stuffed beef, wrap in dough to form dumplings, fry in oil until golden brown. Shaped like dumplings, but slightly elongated than dumplings. Although the preparation is simple, the filling and heat must be authentic, sweet and salty, and the upper part is tender and the bottom is crispy, fragrant but not greasy.

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Ruyi back to the brine dry

Put the tofu fruit in the chicken broth, cook it with a small amount of soybean sprouts and spices, and cook until the tofu fruit is soft and spongy out of the pot. Because of the bean sprouts, the shape resembles the ancient jade ruyi, so it is called ruyi back to the dried brine. I found that the romantic petty bourgeoisie in Nanjing is everywhere, and the simple ingredients pursue simple cooking techniques to pursue the original taste, and even the name is so chic!

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One of the eight gems of Qinhuai, a special snack of the Confucius Temple, is generally marinated with spiced eggs. Yuandou beans and spiced beans are very similar, the entrance is fragrant, salty sweet and tender, the color of the taste is generally rosewood, the entrance is elastic and chewy, the aroma is rich, and the fennel beans that restore Lu Xun's hole ethyl henchmen are full of taste!

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Saltwater duck

Nanjing is known as the "duck capital", saltwater duck is a famous specialty of Nanjing, China geographical indication products, "Jinling saltwater duck" has a history of more than 2,000 years. The white meat of brine duck skin is tender, fat but not greasy, fragrant and delicious, and the characteristics of fragrant, crisp and tender are traditional signs. Most scenic spots have specialty stores, vacuum packaging is recommended to buy dozens of to bring to relatives and friends, the store can help mail Oh! And the specialty store will be cheaper than online, see it and feel free to buy it, authentic and affordable!

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Red bean Lantern

Red beans and small lanterns are boiled with brown sugar, the bean paste is sweet and soft, steaming, dotted with osmanthus flowers, and the lips and teeth are fragrant in one bite. There are also lotus seeds to warm up the intestines, and some stores will add wine to brew, and eating in winter will warm the stomach even more. Not too sweet, refreshing feeling, like sweets babies must try!

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<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > a must-visit in Jinling</h1>

Presidential palace

A complex of buildings that has lasted for three dynasties, it can be called a museum of modern and contemporary Chinese history. Here, you can see the work and life of government officials during the Republic of China period, and at that moment you will feel so close to the Republic of China figures in the history books. Tickets 30 yuan, half price on Fridays, there is a limit on the number of people, you need to make an appointment in advance to buy tickets on the official public account, it is recommended to play for 1-2 hours.

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Zhongshan Scenic Area

Nanjing green lung, scenic spot is very large, it is recommended to comfortable sneakers, the route is recommended Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum - Music Station - Meiling Palace - Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, online shopping ticket 100 yuan, scenic spots can take the tourist train, lost can also be called Didi. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum to see the style of the literati; the music station experiences the echo wall; the residence of the First Lady of the Meiling Palace, the Wutong built on the mountain still hides romantic love stories; and finally the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, is buried with Empress Ma. Bring some bread on the day and feed the pigeons at the music station. Zhongshan Scenic Area Autumn Sycamore Mountain Is Super Beautiful!

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Nanjing Museum

The top three museums in the country have a deep heritage. The charm of the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties is all gathered here, one courtyard and six museums, the history museum, the art museum, the intangible cultural heritage museum, the special exhibition hall, the digital hall, and the Republic of China hall. Tickets are free, but need to be booked online in advance and are closed on Mondays. It is recommended to play for 4-5 hours, spend 20 yuan to listen to the explanation, while watching and listening to the most real!

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Confucius Temple - Old East Gate - Qinhuai River

The old East Gate is a group of antique buildings with many shops, and you can eat with the Confucius Temple. Many internet celebrity food shops gathered, recommended: Hey shake pig's trotters, Banhua spicy hot skewer hot pot, Zhu Ji Xiaozheng shortbread, Lu's plum blossom cake, tofu dynasty, Miaodong ribs. After eating and drinking, go straight to the Qinhuai River to paddle on the river, and experience the scenery of Jinling like another world. Wende Bridge is the best photo location for the Qinhuai River, and you can come to a group of Republican style blockbusters. Nearby specialty tea shops can taste exquisite afternoon tea, buy limited tea hand gifts to give away, very Nanjing characteristics.

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Compatriots Memorial

Don't forget the national shame and remember history. Visiting the pavilion is an encouraging journey that belongs to every Chinese. Tickets should be reserved in advance to the official account, free of charge, and closed on Mondays. Remember that photography is forbidden in the tube, I believe that everyone will respect history and engrave memories in their hearts

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Pioneer Bookstore

The most beautiful bookstore in the East, be sure to go to Wutaishan Main Store! Although the door is small, the inner chamber is very large. The collection area and the Wenli product area, there is a long postcard wall in the middle, all of which are handwritten words written by the friends who have come to Nanjing, and it is really touching to take a closer look! The cross corridor around the corner is super good to shoot, and you will meet a lot of beautiful little brothers and sisters!

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Ancient Jiming Temple

"Four hundred and eighty temples in the southern dynasty, how many buildings are in the smoke and rain", Jiming Temple in Nanjing can be said to be a temple with a lot of incense, and the Leifeng Pagoda of "The Legend of the New White Lady" is still filmed here! Ticket 10 yuan, give a handful of incense, all the way up, it is said that the marriage is very smart. Cherry blossoms are more beautiful in spring. There is a Ming city wall on the side, you can punch the clock by the way, the ticket is 30 yuan.

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China's first business district, modern fashion metropolis, shopping and shopping first choice. It contains a lot of Internet celebrity dinner, coffee desserts, literary and art shops, and Nanjing characteristics. Let's go digging for treasure!

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Niushou Mountain Scenic Area

A famous Buddhist mountain, a scenic spot in Jinling. Tickets are 98 yuan, you can walk around all day. Among them, the most magnificent is the Buddha's Roof Palace, with a total of nine floors and six floors underground construction, which is magnificent from a distance and exquisite from a close distance. The underground is where the Buddha's summit is placed and enshrined, and it is an absolute meditation trip. Recommended attractions: Large and small domes, lotus thrones, Zen Temple, Hall of a Thousand Buddhas, Corridor of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Stupa Palace.

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The scenic spot is very large, it is recommended to tour the car (10 yuan) + walk, wear a plain skirt, take pictures to look good, and will not disturb the Buddhist holy places. The architectural details are exquisite, as if going to Europe's sense of déjà vu.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > tips:</h1>

1, the city traffic is very convenient, the subway, bus is very accessible, scenic spots will set up stations. The bus is fast, and the drivers are skilled and arrogant! Remember to bring an umbrella during the rainy season

2. The subway and bus can open the "Jinling Traffic Card" on Alipay, and it is very convenient to swipe the card on the bus

3. The accommodation is recommended around Sanshan Street and Confucius Temple, which is close to various scenic spots and convenient for travel.

Have not eaten and seen these, are not counted to Nanjing Jinling famous eat Jinling must travel warm tips:

Nanjing is a city with a sense of history, and every flower and scene may pull you back to a certain dynasty, making you both moved and happy. Eat well and play well here, especially the delicious scenery recommended above, if you have the opportunity to have a date with this "ancient capital of the Six Dynasties", it must be a very unforgettable life experience! Welcome to dream back to Jinling!