
Li Yining: The "leading goose" in the field of urology in Quanzhou

author:Minnan Net

The healer is benevolent.

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Relieve the patient's pain and save the patient's life. During the special period, they carried the weight forward, rushed to the front line of the fight against the epidemic, and became the most beautiful retrograde.

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They are - Quanzhou good doctors!

Minnan Network May 19 news (Minnan Network reporter You Yanzi) did not want to be a doctor, but walked 33 years of medical road, from "young man to old man", 55-year-old Li Yining still has a "challenging" heart, in the field of urology continues to explore, from open to endoscopic, from inheritance to innovation, to inheritance. As the director of the Department of Urology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University (hereinafter referred to as "Fuyi Second Hospital"), he taught complex surgeries to more young doctors, made difficult surgeries into surgeries that everyone would do, and continuously improved the medical level of the department...

Li Yining: The "leading goose" in the field of urology in Quanzhou

Character business card

Yining Li is the director, chief physician, associate professor and master supervisor of the Department of Urology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University. Vice Chairman of the Urology Branch of Fujian Medical Association, President of Urology Branch of Fujian Maritime Medical Association, Vice President of Urology Branch of Fujian Medical Doctor Association, Vice Chairman of Urological And Male Reproductive Tumor Special Committee of Fujian Anti-Cancer Association, Vice Chairman of Fujian Society of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Urology. He has been engaged in urology for 33 years, specializing in minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques for urinary and male reproductive system tumors, pediatric urological malformations, and prostate diseases.

He chose the unpopular small profession to deepen the development

When interviewing Director Li Yining, he had just finished the regular meeting of the hospital management every Monday, more than 6 p.m., and at this normal time, he would give lessons to students, share some clinical practical experience, and go home at 8 o'clock after class.

Recalling why he would embark on the road of practicing medicine, Li Yining joked that his mother was a doctor, and he grew up in the hospital, but studying medicine was not his intention, but after studying medicine, he found that studying medicine should be serious and rigorous, not sloppy. After graduating, he worked in the department of major surgery for several years, and in 1993 he chose the less popular urology department.

At that time, urology was a small specialty, and the patients seen in the early years were elderly urinary disorders caused by prostatic hyperplasia, or urinary system damage caused by birth injuries, and infectious diseases. There were fewer patients in the small specialties, and there were only 27 beds in the department at that time, and now there are 92 beds.

In 2011, Li Yining took over the post of department director, and was also the third director of the Department of Urology of the Second Hospital of Fu medical university, li Yining felt that his burden had become heavier. After all, in recent years, patients with urinary system diseases have gradually increased, "early treatment and early prevention of benign diseases" and "tumor screening and early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment" and other concepts are also deeply rooted in the clinic, especially the number of patients with stones and tumors has gradually increased, minimally invasive endoscopy has also become the mainstream technology of the discipline, in terms of stones, the Second Hospital of Fuyi Medical College from percutaneous nephroscopy, ureteral soft mirror, multi-lens combination, stone component analysis and other technologies, from prevention to treatment has been carried out in an all-round way.

Talking about renal tumor resection, Li Yining said that this minimally invasive surgery should be fast and accurate, both to ensure kidney function, but also to remove the tumor and suture the kidney under the endoscopy, which requires the tumor to be removed within 20 minutes, and then the kidney is sutured, this is because the kidney blood supply is blocked for more than 30 minutes, which will lead to irreversible damage to kidney function, so the operation must pay attention to short time and high skill, which is not something that can be mastered overnight. Many doctors in the audience need years of training to achieve.

Li Yining: The "leading goose" in the field of urology in Quanzhou

Li Yining led the team during the operation

Pioneering the "bladder reconstruction" in the province

However, surgeons often just like to do challenging things, always thinking in experience and challenging in cases. It may be because the surgeon's innate "handless" quality always ignites the will to fight in the mood of "remorse" or "frustration". He often vowed not to do high-risk surgeries again, but in a short time he was involved in another high-risk surgery. Li Yining joked that "surgeons have very cheap hands", in fact, this is also the motivation after thinking, they strive to be perfect in every operation.

For example, prostate cancer, in recent years in China, the incidence of malignant tumors in men ranked 6th. This high incidence of cases, in the past is a rare disease, young doctors want to get experience from the old predecessors is very difficult, to rely on their own challenge, learning, thinking, practice, and then learn, think again, practice again... To achieve spiral improvement, Li Yining from 1998 to do open prostate cancer radical resection, to 2010 after the laparoscopic radical prostate cancer resection, is also interpreted in this way.

Another example is the advanced bladder cancer patients, is to remove the patient's bladder completely, which means that the rest of the patient's life, must rely on the abdominal wall stoma, hanging urine bag to urinate, for the patient, the quality of life is very poor.

Li Yining: The "leading goose" in the field of urology in Quanzhou

Li Yining rounded the room to visit the patient

In 2002, Li Yining received a 42-year-old patient with advanced bladder cancer, the patient was very reluctant to hang urine bags, he was deeply sympathetic to this, so he found the relevant surgical video in the United States, and consulted Professor Huang Guohua, who was the first in China to carry out "in situ bladder reconstruction", and specially ran to Shanghai to find a professor to learn for half a month, for the knowledge he did not understand, he repeatedly asked and consulted, and came back to do many discussions and drills. When the time was ripe, he moved the knife of the first "new bladder technology" in the province, successfully installed a "new bladder" for the patient, using the patient's small intestine, sewing it into a ball to make a "new bladder", natural to the point of being like the real thing, the function is not worse than the original.

While pursuing the improvement of medical skills, Li Yining also pays attention to humanistic care, surgery is to cure patients, help them recover quickly, and improve the quality of life for patients.

During the interview, Li Yining said a lot of words are very grounded, personality is also very straightforward, he said that this is a professional development of character, on the operating table, you must be serious and rigorous, if the assistants do not do well, he will be anxious to scold, but off the operating table on the "amiable", Li Yining once again made a joke, "If the roar can rule the world, then the king of this world is a donkey." As a doctor, if you are fierce to a patient, you must also be a murderer of your family. ”

Buy a pork loin for experimentation

Teach students to do surgery

A surgeon's training cycle takes 8 years, from the beginning of learning to do surgery, to observe the changes in the condition and postoperative changes during surgery, it takes a long time to be at ease, and these 8 years are actually the foundation. For the young doctors in the department, Li Yining does not advocate that they watch the film and read the checklist in front of the computer, but must go down to the ward, get close to the patient, and observe the patient's situation in order to do a good job.

When teaching students, Li Yining is a down-to-earth "actual battle", he specially bought a pig loin, in the laboratory, hands-on dissection and explanation, vivid demonstration, so that students are down-to-earth, step by step, solid foundation.

Li Yining: The "leading goose" in the field of urology in Quanzhou

Li Yining conducts "practical" teaching for students

In Li Yining's view, the development of a department is not only a few more powerful doctors, who will do several complex operations, but to train all the doctors in the department to become doctors who can do complex surgery. Li Yining has his own set of management methods for the department, so that more young doctors have the opportunity to operate on stage, and the difficult operations can be made into surgeries that everyone will do, so as to reflect the level of a team, the level of a hospital or a region.

In addition, in the past few years, Li Yining noticed that the level of urology in Quanzhou primary hospitals was different, since 2013, he has provided fixed-point assistance to grass-roots hospitals according to the deployment of the hospital, within the medical federation; since 2016, he has united 9 hospitals such as Quanzhou First Hospital, 910Th Hospital, Jinjiang City Hospital, etc., launched the Quanzhou Urology Learning Alliance activity, every 2 months to the grass-roots level to hold an academic activity, currently held more than 20 sessions; at the same time, through the establishment of quanzhou Urology Society of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Held national-level, provincial-level and municipal-level continuing education study classes, established the Fujian-Gannan Southern Extramutrial Forum and the Pan-Fujian-Nandi-Nandi-Extrapolar Forum, etc., and conducted in-depth exchanges with domestic urology colleagues and colleagues in the region.

Li Yining also led the urology team of the Second Hospital of Fuyi Hospital to travel all over Fujian, participated in more than 20 free clinics, completed more than 40 free clinics, and won the silver medal of the Chinese Urology Society.

(Courtesy of the interviewee)

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