
"Sunny Days" with high opening and low walking

author:Liu Shao loves to nag
"Sunny Days" with high opening and low walking

The author accidentally discovered the anime "Tenchi-Chan" while searching for Tomiko Origami, and the beginning of the anime was attracted by the background of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the setting of The Empty Tenharu painting female and hard-talking men.

This accident tells the story of the accident that drifted from Japan to the United States due to an accident, and in order to return to Japan, the penniless two chose the method to participate in the "Continental Crossing Race".

"Sunny Days" with high opening and low walking

After seeing the anime op and the first three episodes, in the face of the wonderful fight and drag racing elements in the op and the various strange racing cars in the animation, the author subconsciously thought that this would be an American road movie that integrates adventure, fighting, road chase, and wilderness survival, but I thought that the later plot would make a boring angle develop.

"Sunny Days" with high opening and low walking

From the beginning of the anime, the two protagonists accidentally came to the United States to the bad guy brothers revealed the real rhythm is still good, especially because there are still a lot of jokes during the continuous whole goods of a light rain.

"Sunny Days" with high opening and low walking
"Sunny Days" with high opening and low walking

However, when the real Sieg appears, this anime is a complete crotch pull, and the first crotch pull is the protagonist Tianqing, who feels that he has always been a very intelligent genius inventor and very confident, and sometimes very dragged (such as when he was prevented from going in at a dinner party, he strongly said that he wanted to go in, and when others were afraid of TG, he was the first to stand up. There are also some external cold and internal heat (waiting for the missing Hototo to return) but sieg appeared and surrounded the racing group with absolute force This guy could not see the situation clearly and ordered the armed enemy to get out of the car, and after Sieg said "don't order me" again, he almost died in the rain that shouted again without thinking.

Genius low emotional intelligence is common, but this kind of blindness looks down on the form of genius is really speechless.

"Sunny Days" with high opening and low walking

This second crotch is the plot, from the plot synopsis to the op to the first few episodes of the story direction this is a fierce car rally, and in the Tianqing light rain force setting, Hototo familiar with the terrain will be able to easily get food from nature and who and Tianqing's mechanical talent also makes people look forward to seeing the protagonist group achieve good results after the customer service difficulties overcome the opponent, but in fact, the main line of the story is completely about Hototo's revenge for his father.

Hototo's revenge is not impossible, and it is tempting to focus the animation narrative on racing here as the second.

And finally go home, sunny days, light rain even chose to stay and not return to Japan, can have but turn too blunt.

"Sunny Days" with high opening and low walking

The big villain Siege is also a big slot point in this anime, and Sieg obviously has a great chance to destroy the racing opportunity in the process from the domineering appearance to the final defeat, but he let them fight back.

This kind of big counterattack is a normal routine, but as a big villain, it is a bit excessive to kill his own subordinates without a word. In order to show the villain's evil, let him kill his own subordinates, who will follow the boss after that.

In addition to killing his own men to make people complain, Seeger's vain attempt to blow up the train station is also very fascinating. He wants to show his strength, but he can show his strength without a brain?

Blowing up the train station is not difficult, but the result is to poke the sky, Seeger in this anime is the identity of the killer is also a big gang leader, but there have been several gang leaders in the past who have problems with their brains to directly fight against the state apparatus, really when the US army and police are air?

"Sunny Days" with high opening and low walking

In addition to Seeger's lack of strength, Dylan and TJ settings are also unsatisfactory.

These two are notorious and intimidating characters when they appear in the end of a few days, one from a cold and lonely gunman to an arrogant uncle, and a non-mainstream partner who stares at the explosive head to a righteous partner who is cold and hot inside? The personality changes of the two are very blunt, and the plot without contradictions and conflicts is not addictive.

In short, the anime "Sunny Days" is really high and low, if you have high expectations for this work, it is recommended to lower it.