
The famous generals in history are proud of their achievements and arrogant. Who is it?

author:Hometown Xuchang
The famous generals in history are proud of their achievements and arrogant. Who is it?

【Gull Bird Storytelling: Wu Qi defeated by talent and virtue (middle)】

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[To enjoy the wonderful content of "Wu Qi defeated by talent and no morality (Part 1)", welcome to click the following link: More than 2400 years ago, a famous general who was called Sun Wu, the original temperament was cruel]

Wu Qi finally showed his fierceness and said fiercely: "To tell you the truth, the Qi army attacked the State of Lu, and Lu Hou wanted me to be a general and lead the army against Qi, but only because I married you, the wife of the State of Qi, so I did not trust me." Today, I want to borrow your head to let the Lu monarchs and subjects eat a reassuring pill, as long as I worship the general, then I will be able to make a name for myself immediately! ”

Tian Shi was shocked to hear this, and just wanted to speak, Wu Qi still allowed her to say more, swung a sword, and cut off Tian Shi's head.

Wu Qi wiped a handful of blood from his face with his sleeve, pulled a sheet of quilts and wrapped his wife's head, and went to find Lu Mugong.

Lu Mugong was horrified when he saw Wu Qi's face covered in blood and a bloody human head in his hand. Wu Qi hurriedly dissected his heart: "Lord, aren't you worried that my wife is a Qi national?" I've already slaughtered her! ”

Lu Mugong's heart was miserable, and he said in his mouth, "General, you are a man! ”

At this time, Xiangguo Gongyi Xiu also arrived, and Lu Mugong pulled him aside and said, "Wu Qi killed his wife in order to ask for a general, this person is extremely cruel, and his heart is unpredictable!" What to do? ”

Gong YiXiu said, "Please think twice, Wu Qi does not love his mother nor his wife, but he loves gongming very much, and if the lord does not use him, he will definitely go to the state of Qi, then we will be in danger!" ”

Lu Mu saw that the matter had reached this point, and had no choice but to worship Wu Qi as a general and lead 20,000 troops to resist the Qi army.

The famous generals in history are proud of their achievements and arrogant. Who is it?

Rise of the Stars

After Wu Qi was in danger, he immediately led his army to go out on a campaign. Like ordinary soldiers, he wore the same clothes and ate the same food; slept at night without a bed, and made bunks with the soldiers; when marching, neither by car nor on horseback, he walked with the soldiers. Not only that, on the way to the march, he found that the soldiers were carrying too much military food, so he snatched the soldier's grain bags and carried them on his back. One soldier had gangrene, and Wu Qi not only personally medicated him, but also used his mouth to suck pus and blood for the soldier.

Wu Qi's style of loving soldiers like sons made the soldiers very moved, and they were willing to kill the enemy heroically under the leadership of General Wu and repay the country with their deaths.

Qi Xiangtian and the general Tian Ji who led the State of Qi drove straight in, and the momentum was like a bamboo, and when they heard that Wu Qi, the general of the State of Lu, said with a sneer: "This Wu Qi is our son-in-law of the Tian clan, a drunkard, where do you know how to march and fight?" Lu Guo used such wine-colored disciples as generals, this is God let us destroy Lu Guo! ”

When the two armies faced each other, only to see that the Lu army was deep in the ditch and high, avoiding fighting, Tian He sent people to reconnoiter, and it turned out that Wu Qi and the lowest soldiers were mixed together, eating and sleeping together.

Tian Hewen couldn't help but laugh again: "There are clouds in the art of war: 'Generals are feared by soldiers, and soldiers are afraid of combat strength.'" Wu Qi led the troops so much that he didn't even have any majesty, so where could he command the three armies? We don't have to worry about it! ”

In order to probe the falsehood of the Lu army, Tian He sent a general named Zhang Ugly, pretending to make peace with the Lu army. Wu Qi made a plan, hid his elite troops, and exposed those old, weak, sick and disabled to Zhang Ugly, with an extremely humble and respectful attitude.

The famous generals in history are proud of their achievements and arrogant. Who is it?

Zhang Qiu deliberately humiliated Wu Qi and asked, "It is said that General Wu killed all his wives in order to worship the general, is there really such a thing?" ”

Wu Qi replied tremblingly, "Although I Wu Qi am not talented, I have also studied under Kong Shengren, where would I do such a ruthless and unjust thing?" My wife died of illness, just in time for me to accept the king's order, so there is such a rumor in the outside world, and what you have heard is not the truth! ”

Zhang Ugly said, "Since the general does not have the intention of completely breaking off from the Tian clan, then, we are willing to make an alliance with the general, what is the general's intention?" ”

Wu Qi promised with a full mouth: "I Wu Qi are just a scholar, where do I dare to meet with xiangguo soldiers?" I can't ask for an alliance with Xiangguo! ”

Zhang Qiu stayed in Wu Qi's hospitality and drank in Wu Qi's army for three days before being reluctantly sent back.

Zhang Ugly walked on the front foot, And Wu Qi dispatched troops on the back foot, and the army was divided into three roads, following Zhang Ugly quietly behind. When Zhang Qiu was reporting to Tian He after returning to the camp that the Lu army was weak and had no fighting spirit, suddenly the drums outside the gate were loud, and the Lu army was slaughtering the general. The Qi army was defeated by the killing, and the corpses were all over the field. Wu Qi was greatly meritorious in this service and was given the title of Shangqing by The Duke of Lumu.

Later, Tian He sent Zhang Ugly to give Wu Qi two beautiful women, gold and thousands of taels, to seek peace between the two countries. Wu Qi was greedy for money and lustful, gladly smiled and agreed that the two countries would not invade each other. However, the real purpose of Zhang Qiu's visit was to carry out anti-plots, and he publicized Wu Qi's bribery and adultery with the State of Qi. Lu Muzheng wanted to find Wu Qi's stubble, and when he saw that the opportunity had come, he was ready to cut Wu Qi to his post and ask for guilt. For the sake of Wu, he fled to the State of Wei alone and threw himself under Zhai Huang's door.

The famous generals in history are proud of their achievements and arrogant. Who is it?

Be proud of yourself

After Hearing Zhai Huang tell Wu Qi's story, Wei Wenhou immediately expressed his willingness to reuse Wu Qi as the defender of The West River and ask zhai Huang to quickly summon Wu Qi to meet him.

Wu Qi surrendered himself to Zhai Huang's door, doing nothing all day, and the hero was useless. Do you think, where did such a person with a very heavy heart of merit live such a life under the fence? The degree of depression could be imagined, so as soon as he heard that Wei Wenhou was going to summon him, he was immediately overjoyed and could not wait to come to see him.

When Wei Wenhou saw Wu Qi, he immediately showed a look of seeing each other and hating the night, and began to complain for Wu Qi: "General Wu, you are a person who has done great service for the state of Lu, you should enjoy the glory and wealth in the country of Lu, how can you fall into our country of Wei, it is really incredible!" ”

Wu Qi defended himself unashamedly: "The prince did not know, although Wu had a small merit in the State of Lu, he did not expect that The Marquis of Lu was a faint lord, he listened to rumors, and could not trust Wu all the time, and even had to do harm for no reason, so Wei Chen fled to the State of Wei." I heard that the lord you have great ambitions, corporal Li Xian, reuse the four square Haojie, the world returns to the heart, although I Wu Qi is not talented, if the lord can see it, Wei Chen is willing to follow the work of the dog and the horse, the liver and brain, and then do not quit! ”

Wu Qi said while kowtowing, Wei Wenhou was overjoyed, and immediately appointed Wu Qi as the Taishou of Xihe.

After Wu reached the West River, he immediately set about building a city and training the purge troops. What he did when he was guarding the West River was the same as when he was a general in the state of Lu, he loved the soldiers, rewarded and punished them strictly, and was quite a famous general.

Wu Qi knew that his primary task was to prevent the eastern invasion of the Qin state, the Qin army was extremely strong in combat, and if there was a field battle, the Wei army was not an opponent at all, so Wu Qi led the soldiers and the people to build a city high to resist the Qin army. Under wu qi's management, the West River became a barrier to block the invasion of the Qin army, and people called the West River City built by Wu Qi "Wu Cheng".

The famous generals in history are proud of their achievements and arrogant. Who is it?

Wu Qi guarded the West River for a long time, making the Western Province of Wei impregnable and unbreakable, and Wu Qi's prestige grew day by day, and he himself also believed that his hard work was high, no one could compare, and gradually he developed a proud heart. At this time, Wei Wenhou died of illness, and the crown prince Wei Shu took the throne, and was known as The Marquis of Wei.

After Marquis Wu of Wei ascended the throne, he worshipped the chancellor Tian Wen as Xiangguo. Wu Qi returned from Xihe to the capital city of Anyi to report for duty, and he thought that his merits were unmatched, and he was full of hopes to worship him. Unexpectedly, Wei Wuhou gave tian wen the throne of Xiangguo, and Wu Qi was indignant in his heart, always looking for opportunities to theorize with Tian Wen.

One day, after retreating from the dynasty, the road was narrow, and Wu Qi happened to meet Tian Wen at the palace gate. As soon as Wu Qi saw that the opportunity had come, he greeted Tian Wen with great anger and angrily greeted Tian Wen, splitting his head and asking, "Does Tian Xiangguo know my wu qi's merits?" Today we can score high and low! ”

Tian Wen did not move, bowed his hand to give a salute, and politely replied: "Tian Wen does not know, please ask General Wu for advice!" ”

Wu Qi was also not polite, and said unashamedly: "Well, I will tell you this Xiangguo Lord, so that you also know who should sit on this Xiangguo cross-chair!" ”

Wu Qi first asked: "Lead the three armies, make the soldiers and soldiers fight regardless of their bodies, and the enemy country does not dare to act rashly, can you compare with me in this regard?" ”

Tian Wen honestly replied, "I'm not as good as you." ”

[To be continued.] To enjoy the wonderful content of "Wu Qi defeated by talent and no morality (Part 2)", please continue to enjoy it next Thursday in the "Old Hometown Xuchang" today's headline "Gull Bird Telling Story" column.

The famous generals in history are proud of their achievements and arrogant. Who is it?

【About the Author】Gull Bird, whose real name is Peng Chunling, is a member of the Henan Writers Association, vice chairman of the Xuchang Writers Association, and director of the Committee for Studying Literature and History of the CPPCC In Weidu District, Xuchang City.

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