
Gansu Baiyin launched the establishment of a health agriculture demonstration zone

author:Homeland News Eye

  From September 25 to 27, Zhou Jian, chief consultant of the China Land Economics Association, vice chairman of the presidium of the Science and Technology Innovation China Rural Revitalization Consortium, former vice minister of environmental protection, and Liu Zhongqin, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the Party Committee of the China Land Economics Society, vice chairman and secretary general of the presidium of the Science and Technology Innovation China Rural Revitalization Consortium, led the steering group for the creation of the "Healthy China Health Agriculture Demonstration Zone" to Baiyin District, Baiyin City, Gansu Province, to investigate and investigate the creation of the demonstration area. Baiyin Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government and Baiyin District Committee and District Government attach great importance to the creation of the work, Baiyin Municipal Party Committee Secretary Su Jun, Mayor Zhang Yanbao, Chairman of the Municipal CPPCC Committee Qi Yonggang and Baiyin District Party Committee Secretary Ma Shibin, District Governor Zhang Li and responsible comrades of relevant departments, warmly received the working group, Chairman Qi Yonggang and Secretary Ma Shibin accompanied the investigation.

Gansu Baiyin launched the establishment of a health agriculture demonstration zone

  Comrade Su Jun, secretary of the Baiyin Municipal Party Committee, said that Baiyin City, as the closest prefecture-level city to the provincial city of Lanzhou, the Yellow River accounts for 52% of the flow through the Gansu section in the territory, rich in agricultural resources and tourism resources, is the back garden of Lanzhou City, Chinese herbal medicine and other high-quality agricultural products are widely available, there are national agricultural science and technology parks and high-tech green agricultural bases, with the location advantages and resource advantages of developing health agriculture, Baiyin City has jurisdiction over two districts and three counties, will actively carry out the creation of "Healthy China Health Agriculture Demonstration Zone", and take this as the starting point. Enhance the level of agricultural intensification and modernization development, and promote rural revitalization with industrial revitalization.

Gansu Baiyin launched the establishment of a health agriculture demonstration zone

  Chairman Qi Yonggang, Secretary Ma Shibin and Mayor Zhang Li, as well as responsible comrades of relevant departments such as the Baiyin City and Baiyin District Agricultural Bureau and the Cultural and Tourism Bureau, accompanied the research team to inspect Zhongchuang Boli Technology Co., Ltd., Wuchuan Township Selenium-rich Sunflower Production Base, Shuichuan Wetland Wellness Town, Yellow River Yunke Town, Silong Water Town, Huacun Gujiashan, Daping Agricultural Park and other leisure vacation and rural tourism projects.

Gansu Baiyin launched the establishment of a health agriculture demonstration zone

  On the morning of the 27th, Chairman Liu Zhongqin presided over the symposium on the creation of the "Healthy China • Health Agriculture Demonstration Zone". Liu Zhongqin first thanked the Baiyin Municipal Party Committee and the Baiyin District Committee and District Government for their strong support for the work of the Society, and then introduced the background, creation method and creation content of the "Healthy China • Health Agriculture Demonstration Zone", and introduced the relevant situation of the Society and the fourteen national agriculture-related societies jointly establishing the "Science and Technology Innovation China Rural Revitalization Consortium", as well as the historical origin of the rural revitalization work.

Gansu Baiyin launched the establishment of a health agriculture demonstration zone

  Ma Shibin, secretary of the Baiyin District Party Committee, made a detailed introduction to the foundation and current situation of health agriculture in Baiyin District from the aspects of production system, market system and management mechanism. At the same time, baiyin district location advantages are obvious, convenient transportation, mild and pleasant climate, good ecological landscape, rich tourism resources, in recent years, baiyin district around the "efficient ecology" and "characteristic boutique", actively adjust and optimize the agricultural industry, products and regional structure, deeply excavate a variety of agricultural functions, vigorously develop rural tourism and leisure industry, cultivate livable and livable characteristic villages and towns, make it a new highlight to drive farmers to increase their income and become rich, become a new place for urban residents to rest, and become a new carrier for inheriting farming civilization. The work of the whole district adheres to the high-standard promotion, which has laid a solid foundation for the creation of the health agriculture demonstration area, and I hope that the delegation will continue to provide help and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions for the creation of our district in the future.

Gansu Baiyin launched the establishment of a health agriculture demonstration zone

  Zhang Chaowei, the leader of the research group of "Healthy China Health Agriculture Demonstration Zone", vice president of the Institute of Contemporary Urban and Rural Development Planning of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, secretary general of the Tourism Committee of the Society, and president of the Beijing Global Tourism Planning and Design Institute, systematically elaborated on the traditional cultural background of health agriculture, the significance and specific practices of the creation of the demonstration area. He pointed out that China has a long history of traditional culture such as "medicine and food homology" and "treatment of diseases", and there are many fragments of life experience such as "folk remedies", but it has not formed a specific theoretical system of health agriculture, so there is no corresponding production system and market system. It is of great practical significance to comply with the needs of the big health industry and the development of agricultural modernization, carry forward the traditional culture of traditional Chinese medicine, and build an industrial system for the integration and development of agriculture, industry, commerce, tourism, leisure and health services.

Gansu Baiyin launched the establishment of a health agriculture demonstration zone

  President Zhang Chaowei said that in the past practice of leisure agriculture and pastoral complexes, agricultural production and agricultural products have been marginalized, becoming supporting roles in tourism and leisure and even real estate, and losing their due main position. Health agriculture is the revision and improvement of leisure agriculture and pastoral complexes - by highlighting the health care function of agricultural products, the main position of agriculture and agricultural products is strengthened. At the same time, health care has further strengthened the relationship between agriculture and tourism - the catering industry, as an important pillar of tourism, health agriculture must not only eat delicious, but also eat healthy. Zhang Chaowei believes that Yuanjia Village, which is famous for its catering, wins in "good ingredients". Health agriculture not only ensures food safety with "three products and one standard", but also pays attention to the health care function of ingredient formulas, which is higher than the simple "good ingredients" technology. Therefore, the development of health agriculture can make agricultural products more valuable and make global tourism more exciting. The purpose of creating the "Healthy China Health Agriculture Demonstration Zone" is to create a business card of the county economy, and to certify and endorse high-quality agricultural products and health tourism.

Gansu Baiyin launched the establishment of a health agriculture demonstration zone

  For the industrial practice of health agriculture, Zhang Chaowei said: The development of health agriculture must be based on climate, geographical conditions, combined with market demand, the implementation of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing collocation, crop mixing and set cropping, planting and breeding structure optimization and adjustment, compound compatibility in the processing process, in order to produce health agricultural products with unique advantages and specific functions, such as compound medicinal diet, medicinal bath SPA, aromatherapy, food education, traditional Chinese medicine science research expo park, etc., and as tourism products and services. Promote mutual synergy between multiple formats, and realize the system integration and integrated development of the first, second, and third industries.

  Professor Chen Shiwu, Vice Dean of the School of Pharmacy of Lanzhou University, Liu Guodong, Secretary-General of the Beijing Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ecological Culture, Associate Professor Lei Yongdeng, College of Agronomy, China Agricultural University, Dr. Zhu He, Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhang Yunhui, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Society of Land Economics and Director of the Office of Deep Breathing Small Town Co-construction, participated in the field research, and made speeches at the symposium from different levels such as crop variety selection, agricultural tourism integration, and demonstration area creation process.

Gansu Baiyin launched the establishment of a health agriculture demonstration zone

  Minister Zhou Jian pointed out in his concluding speech at the symposium that the baiyin district has superior basic conditions, a complete production system, a sound market system, a profound cultural heritage, and a good management mechanism for creating a health care agriculture demonstration zone. It is hoped that Baiyin District will take the creation of the demonstration area as an opportunity to do a good job in the "four ones": create a platform to strengthen comprehensive cooperation with state-level communities; open a channel to establish communication with higher-level authorities; build a mechanism to promote the interaction between the central government, government and enterprises; and innovate a model to use the industrial integration of health agriculture as a new path for the economic and social development of the "14th Five-Year Plan" county. Problem-oriented, highlight the key points, lead by example, make up for shortcomings, consolidate strengths, balance and coordinate the development trend of the whole region, continuously improve the influence, radiation and agglomeration of Baiyin District and Baiyin City, and create a beautiful scenery in China's great northwest by doing a good job of "four ones", and set a clear model for rural revitalization in Gansu Province.

  Minister Zhou Jian also made suggestions on the economic and social development of Baiyin District from five aspects: reform and innovation, talent echelon construction and soft power improvement, urban-rural integration development, construction of new formats, and global overall planning. Minister Zhou Jian finally stressed that the creation of the Healthy China • Health Agriculture Demonstration Zone should be planned first, do a good job in front of the top-level design, do a good job of functional positioning, optimize the layout, resource integration, project integration, consider the organic integration of agriculture, industry and commerce, health tourism, food and housing, according to local conditions, one village and one product, retain characteristics, pay attention to improving quality and efficiency, work protecting ecology, water quality, soil, ensure the quality of agricultural products, let the people live a solid and rich life, and make the city more confident, which is Healthy China • Health Agriculture Demonstration Zone The ultimate goal of construction. (Text/Zhang Yunhui Photo/Bao Xingpeng)