
Come and punch! The cyber security theme park was officially opened to the public

author:Modern Express

Modern Express News (Reporter Wang Yi/Wen Guwen/Photo) On October 11, the 2021 Jiangsu Provincial Cyber Security Publicity Week will be launched. On the eve of the opening, the cyber security theme park located in Suqian Jiudu Park was also officially opened, and in the following week, the public can come to visit the punch card, pass the test of several network security games, and get mysterious rewards.

Come and punch! The cyber security theme park was officially opened to the public
Come and punch! The cyber security theme park was officially opened to the public

On the evening of October 10, the cyber security theme park welcomed the first audience. At the entrance, a neon-lit "cyber security tunnel" attracted a group of citizens to stop, and dozens of children's paintings hung on both sides of the tunnel. The Modern Express reporter learned that these collected children's paintings are all created by children, from preventing Internet fraud to protecting personal privacy, children use their own paintbrushes to depict network security from their perspective.

Come and punch! The cyber security theme park was officially opened to the public

The "Internet Security Flip Music" mini game has also attracted many citizens to come, the front is related to network security common sense questions, the back is the answer, and you can get lollipops by answering 3 questions correctly in a row. "Can your birthday be used as a password for bank cards, websites, apps, etc.", "How should I deal with the express box I received", "Is it necessary to cancel various accounts registered with the old number when changing mobile phone numbers"... These issues are relevant to every aspect of our daily lives.

Come and punch! The cyber security theme park was officially opened to the public

That night, a performance with the theme of network security was also held in the park, and the program of network security cross-talk combined Internet security precautions with traditional cross-talk music and art, through the experience of surfing the Internet by an old master, telling the story of his personal privacy and even important personal information such as ID card number because he clicked on websites of unknown origin, "click on links to view pictures" and other operations.

Come and punch! The cyber security theme park was officially opened to the public

The Modern Express reporter learned that this network security theme park will continue to open to the public for a week in Jiudu Park.