
Lianhu Company's safety inspection and epidemic prevention and control are both grasped

author:Lotus Lake Li Xin

Lianhu Taxi Company set the inspection day in October, recalled the vehicles in batches for safety regular meeting study and epidemic prevention and control education, requiring drivers to operate in rainy and foggy weather, must pay attention to compliance with traffic regulations, do not overtake, do not run lights, do not fatigue driving, implement the vehicle "three inspections" system, safe driving, to ensure that no traffic accidents occur. At the meeting, it was particularly emphasized that the recent epidemic prevention and control situation is grim, and it is necessary to strictly implement prevention and control measures such as wearing masks throughout the operation, daily disinfection, scanning code inspection outside the car, and immediate reporting of red and yellow codes.

On the day of the inspection, the safety hazard inspection and epidemic prevention items of the operating vehicle were also carried out, the safety problems found in the inspection were rectified, the disinfection watering can and the lack of registration books were supplemented, and masks were issued to the drivers.

Lianhu Company's safety inspection and epidemic prevention and control are both grasped