
Beating heart film investment enterprise product review Su Fei

author:Small Zhang's sunflowers

[28] Eight Dukes Su Fei, Li Shang, and eight others were all disciples of the King of Huainan, known as the "Eight Dukes."

The deeds of Zuo Wu, Lei Yu, and Wu are described in the "Biography of the King of Huainan in History". Lei and Wu were also mentioned in the "Book of Han and the Biography of the King of Huainan", and Wu was also passed on by the "Book of Han".

[29] "Big Mountain", "Little Mountain" Wang Yi's "Chu Ci Zhang Sentence And The Preface to Recruiting Hermits": "The king of The former Huainan, An Boya, is good and ancient, and he beckons the world's handsome and great people. Since the disciples of the Eight Dukes, Xian Mu Qide and returned to his benevolence, each of them has exhausted his talents, written chapters, divided into words, and followed them by analogy, so it is called "Little Mountain", or "Big Mountain", and its righteous "Poems" have "Xiao Ya" and "Daya". Here,"Dashan" and "Xiaoshan" refer to the chapters; Gao Lu's "Huainan ZiXu" Yun: "The disciples of the Great Mountains and The Little Mountains" of Zhu Confucians think that they are personal names.

[30] "Recruiting The Hermit" The explanations of this text are mixed: Wang Yi's "Chu Ci Zhang sentences and the preface to the Hermit" is considered to be the work of "Min Wound Qu Yuan"; The Qing WangFu's "Chu Ci TongShi • Zhao Hermit" is yun:

"Now according to this article, the righteousness is exhausted, and the people who lurk in the valley are summoned for Huainan, and there is absolutely no intention of Min Quzi and Zhang."

[31] Hejian Dedicated Wang De, i.e. Liu De (?) –130 BC), Emperor Jing of Liu Qizi. He collected ancient books, established doctors, and promoted Confucianism. For the deeds, see The Book of Han and the Biography of the Thirteen Kings of Jing.  

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