
There is a way to read, and the ancients were good at reading

author:Tomoyuki Daido
There is a way to read, and the ancients were good at reading

When it comes to reading, people's first reaction may be "it's good to open the book." This idiom comes from the Northern Song Dynasty Wang Pei's historical notes "Discussion of Shuishui Yan" Volume VI "Wen Ru" chapter: "Emperor Taizong read the three volumes of the "Imperial Records" every day, and because of the lack of things, he made up for it in his spare time. Taste: 'It is beneficial to open the book, but it is not necessary to think that it is laborious.' ’”

The Song Dynasty Luo Dajing essay collection "Crane Forest Yulu" Volume V "Reading" can be seen as a debate on "whether to read or not, how to read". The article said that once, the Northern Wei Taizu Tuoba Jue asked Li Xian: "What is the most beneficial thing in the world?" Li Xian blurted out: "Mo Ruoshu." Wang Anshi also agreed with Li Xian's point of view, and wrote a poem to show his attitude: "There are thousands of things that change, and the mind is only a song." Reading is a lot, and I don't know enough about things. That is, you can't cope with everything without reading.

When interpreting the Book of Shang, Lü Zuqian, a master of southern Song Dynasty science, said that the Book of Shang mainly recounts the ideas of Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, King Wen, King Wu, Zhou Gong and other saints to govern the country. Therefore, to learn from the experience of the ancients in ruling the world, we must first understand their thoughts and spirit, which is the method of true reading.

At that time, the Qing official Zhao Yi, who was the same as Bao Gong, also submitted a letter to ask Wang Anshi: "Gao, 夔, 稷, And Qi, what books can I read?" As a result, Wang Anshi counterattacked dumbfounded: "Since the literature was born, there have been books. Before Gao and Kui, the "Three Graves" were also written; the gua drawn by Fu Xi was also written; the "Book of Dan" of the Yellow Emperor and the Emperor Of Zhao, which was also called by Taigong; and the "Fangxun" by Mencius, also known as the Book of Books; how could it be said that there was no book? While lamenting for Zhao, Luo Dajing did not forget the "axe rectification": "At that time, when answering Jing Gong's words, he only knew: 'If the gong is confined to my selfishness, he cannot be humble and reasonable, and if he obeys the people, he cannot read or read.'" ’”

So, how did the ancients "read well"? And what do you think of "good reading"? The Song Dynasty people highly respected Su Dongpo, and almost all the Song people's notes and historical materials can see the traces of Su Dongpo's diligent reading and good reading. Volume IV of Wang Peizhi's "Discussion of Shuishui Yan" calls Su Dongpo "an article discussion, unique in the world, high in style, and true immortals." As for calligraphy and painting, they are also exquisite. Therefore, its simple writing fell into its hands, that is, it was hidden for people. Those who have the true deeds are heavier than the pearls. Although Zi Zhan is a high-ranking person, but when he meets people who are gentle and have a piece of goodness to be desirable, he pours out the city government with him..." It can be seen that Su Dongpo, who is "one person throughout the ages", pays attention to "reading" the "wordless heavenly book" of society and people, of course, the premise is "goodness" and more groundedness.

In fact, Su Dongpo's text reading is also superior. The Southern Song Dynasty Chen Hu's "Old Continued Stories" begins with a discussion of "Su Dongpo Daily Lessons". When Su Dongpo was in Huangzhou, he did not know Sinong Zhu Zaishang, who had been teaching here. Once, after listening to the guest chant "Officials are idle, butterflies fly up the stairs", they were very surprised and asked, who wrote the poem? The guest told him that it was Zhu Si's work, and "Dongpo praised it repeatedly, thinking that it was deeply interesting."

Later, Zhu Sinong visited Su Dongpo, and the two became friends. One day, Zhu Sinong went to visit Su Dongpo, and the person in charge of receiving him informed him, but Dongpo did not come out to meet the guests for a long time. After a long time, Dongpo came out to apologize and said that he had just come out late mainly to complete his daily homework. Zhu Sinong then asked, "Who is Mr. Shilai's so-called 'daily class'?" Dongpo told him to copy the Book of Han. Zhu Sinong smiled: "Mr. Genius, the opening of the scroll can never be forgotten, why copy the evil with your hands?" Dongpo replied that this was not the case, and I had copied the Book of Han three times by hand so far, "At the beginning, i copied three words for a paragraph, two words for the second time, and one word for now." Upon hearing this, Zhu Sinong left the table curiously and asked: "I don't know if the book copied by Mr. Zhu is willing to teach it?" Su Dongpo asked the veteran on duty to bring a book from the desk, and after Zhu Sinong opened it, he didn't understand what it meant. Su Dongpo said: "The foot test is a word." Zhu Sinong then reported a word according to Dongpo's words, and Su Dongpo "recited hundreds of words in response, and none of them were missing." Zhu Sinong picked out several words, and the result was the same. Zhu Sinong was convinced, and after admiring for a long time, he said, "Sir, who is really immortal!" Later, Zhu Sinong used Su Dongpo to read and read stories to educate his son Zhu Xinzhong, and Zhu Xinzhong used this story to educate his son Zhu Rui. Su Dongpo's method of reading is about to become an heirloom of Zhu Sinong's family.

It is indeed undesirable to read and read dead books indiscriminately, and swallowing dates, knowing only half-understanding, or buying and returning pearls, blindly absorbing, or sticking to them and using them improperly, is also prone to very serious consequences and even bad results. Therefore, the "persuasion to read" on the reading day should not forget to advocate more "good reading".

◎ This article was originally published in the "China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News", the source network, the copyright of the picture and text belongs to the original author, if there is infringement, please contact to delete.