
Nursing details that must be learned after myopia surgery

author:Dr. Li Chunyan

  Most friends have views on myopia surgery, think that myopia surgery is very troublesome, in fact, the surgical process is very fast, after the operation can go home immediately, surgery treatment of myopia is a very good method, the treatment of myopia before surgery preparation and post-operation care are very important.

Nursing details that must be learned after myopia surgery

  Postoperative care for myopia is as follows:

  1. In the early stage after surgery, some friends may have certain difficulties in farsightedness and nearsight, and may have symptoms such as uneven vision in both eyes or double shadows of vision, in order to prevent fatigue, it may be necessary to wear low-grade lenses to help see close. These are normal conditions that can occur during recovery.

  2. Please wear windshield glasses or sunglasses within 2 days after surgery, and wear an eye mask to protect your eyes when sleeping, so as not to cause the corneal flap to shift by external forces. This is one of the precautions for postoperative care of myopia.

  3. Myopic patients should smoke smoking, alcohol, betel nut, and eat less irritating foods. Watch less TV, computers, books and newspapers to avoid eye strain. To prevent dust or foreign objects from getting into your eyes, you can wear sunglasses, flat glasses, or eye shields.

  4. When washing your hair and face within 2 weeks after surgery, you should not splash water into your eyes and rub your eyes.

  5. Do not swim for 1 month after surgery, and do not use cosmetics in the eyes to avoid foreign bodies entering the eyes.

  6. After the operation, please pay attention to eye hygiene, avoid the fine work of using the eyes at close range for a long time, avoid reading for a long time, watching TV, etc., so as not to cause visual fatigue and affect the effect of surgery.