
A very hardy flower, northeast dew can also survive the winter, high appearance, strong aroma, flowering period of up to half a year

author:Floral sounds


After the frost falls, winter will soon arrive, and now the season to raise flowers, to choose hardy varieties. Today to take you to know a super hardy plant, in the northeast region can also be planted in the open air, and the value is super high, maintenance is not difficult, deeply loved by flower lovers, I hope you also like.

A very hardy flower, northeast dew can also survive the winter, high appearance, strong aroma, flowering period of up to half a year


This flower name is "Ou Heather" (also known as Ou Heather), the evergreen plant of the Rhododendron family Of heather genus, native to northern Europe, the southern hemisphere temperate zone is also distributed, there are trees, shrubs, sub-shrubs and other different varieties, now widely introduced around the world, is an important ornamental flower in the temperate area in winter, the early few years began to "become popular" in the country, was once a red "net red" flower, seedlings can ask for hundreds of dollars, these years began to cheapen down, began to enter the homes of ordinary people.

A very hardy flower, northeast dew can also survive the winter, high appearance, strong aroma, flowering period of up to half a year

The plant type is compact and beautiful

At present, the popular European heather on the market, most of them are horticultural varieties, specially designed for ornamentation, the height of the plant is only 30 to 150 cm, it is a small shrub, the tree shape is upright, the branches are more, the plant type is compact and beautiful, the leaves are needle-shaped, more and dense, the branches are dense, and the winter can also be kept green, very suitable for greening in the north, and now many large cities in China have introduced species. It is also very suitable for pot planting, ordinary size pots can be raised, and the potting effect is very good, which is an excellent potted tree species.

A very hardy flower, northeast dew can also survive the winter, high appearance, strong aroma, flowering period of up to half a year

The flowers are more beautiful

The flowers of Ou Heather are more beautiful, taking the "cute" route, there are axillary, apical, umbel-shaped inflorescence or spike-shaped inflorescence, resembling a small funnel, small bell, opening outward or downward, the flower posture is elegant and beautiful, small and cute, the flower color is also rich, there are gold, light yellow, rose red, silver gray, brown and other colors, with green leaves, more beautiful, the value is quite high. In addition, the leaf color of some varieties will change, the autumn is gray-green, the winter is golden yellow, the flowers and leaves are beautiful, and the ornamental value is extremely high.

A very hardy flower, northeast dew can also survive the winter, high appearance, strong aroma, flowering period of up to half a year

The aroma is overflowing

In addition to the beautiful flowers, heather is also an excellent aromatic plant, the flowers will release a rich floral fragrance during the opening process, a good smell of fruit, and its nectar and leaves are the food source for many Nordic winter and spring critters. If it is raised at home, when it comes to the flowering period, the air will be filled with that fragrance if there is none, not only ornamental, but also play a role in purifying the air, in the winter and spring doors and windows closed season, is a natural air freshener.

A very hardy flower, northeast dew can also survive the winter, high appearance, strong aroma, flowering period of up to half a year

The flowering period is up to half a year

Ou heather is an important ornamental plant in Northern Europe in winter, the flowering period is not like other plants, most of them are concentrated in spring or autumn, its flowering period is every year in October, can be extended to the next year or so in April, the flower viewing time is up to half a year long, when the weather is the coldest, it blooms more and more vigorously, similar to our plum blossoms, occupying an important position in the cultural system of Northern Europe and Central Europe, the famous novel "Wuthering Heights", the lonely protagonist is finally buried in the European heather group, and Shakespe's Mark Pace, It was also in the Heather Mountains that I heard the parable of the witch.

A very hardy flower, northeast dew can also survive the winter, high appearance, strong aroma, flowering period of up to half a year

Maintenance is not difficult

The vitality of Ou Heather is very strong, it can survive tenaciously in the ice and snow of Northern Europe, and its hardiness is first-class, and it is not a problem to plant safely in the open air in the northeast region of our country. Daily maintenance is also relatively simple, especially in temperate areas, can be as extensive management as green plants, many cities in the country have cultivation, such as in Hangzhou can see their figure, usually do not work hard to maintain, can also grow well, so flower friends do not have to worry about the problem of difficult to raise, master a good method, want to raise is not difficult.

A very hardy flower, northeast dew can also survive the winter, high appearance, strong aroma, flowering period of up to half a year

Enclosed balconies can also be raised

Ou Heather in the spring and autumn winter three seasons of care is very easy, can be exposed to the sun all day, watering follows the "no dry watering, dry watering" on the line, like dry and do not like wet, must wait until the pot is dry and then watered. The disadvantage is that it is afraid of heat and moisture, and it needs special care in summer, which should not be exposed to the sun, and should be placed in a ventilated and breathable place, and a little scattered light will be on the line.

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Weiwei Garden Flower Pots Evergreen Flower Seedling Garden Hardy And Sunworthy Plant Heather Current Flower Bud Period ¥38.8 Purchase

Heather can also be planted in an indoor high-rise enclosed balcony, potted, with loose, fertile, and well-drained soil, such as the common perlite and other horticultural soils, so that it can be quickly dried after watering. Perennial woody plants, one planting can enjoy the flowers for many years, excellent potted flowers at a good price, it is worth having.