
Scientists have found strange fish that can live in trees, do you still want to become sperm?

author:Happy little rookie

The origin of the world is mysterious and long, the history of mankind is like a white colt for the earth, whether it is a remote or even deserted place, or between the city, there is always a variety of mysteries and mysteries waiting for us to pay attention to and explore.

Today we are going to talk about a strange fish that can survive without water!

Scientists have found strange fish that can live in trees, do you still want to become sperm?

The Flower Creek Medaka can not only live in the water, but also survive for several months in the trees.

British media news, the law of nature is: birds inhabit trees, fish live in the water, but scientists recently found a strange fish on the Caribbean coast and Florida in the United States: the flower brook medaka, this fish can not only live in the water, but also survive in the tree for several months.

Scientists recently found hundreds of medaka not living in water while traveling through the marshlands of Belize on the Caribbean coast and Florida in the United States, but hidden in decaying branches and trunks near the marshlands.

The medaka is about 2 inches long and lives in swamp puddles on the Caribbean coast, Latin America and Florida, where they struggle to climb into nearby mangroves and hide in cracks in rotten wood when the water in small ponds dries up.

Why does the Flower Creek Medaka survive in the tree? Scientists have found that this medaka can change their habits and adapt to the environment without water, after leaving the water environment, their gills can breathe air to survive, the skin excretes exhaust gases, and the gills can store water and nutrients.

A famous feature previously discovered by medaka is that they are the only vertebrates that can reproduce without the need for males. Medaka has both male and female reproductive organs, and the eggs can hatch when they are still in the body, and then the fish embryos are laid in the water.

The flower medaka is not the only fish in the world that can survive breathing air. The gills of a type of catfish in Southeast Asia can also breathe in water and air. Indian climbing perch suffocates in the water but survives in the air.