
The method of brine goose was announced, the fragrance is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, the practice of collecting the brine goose is announced, the aroma is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, and the collection is almost [halogen goose]

author:Talk about the kitchen

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the practice of brine goose was announced, the fragrance is rich and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, and it is almost collected</h1>

Brine goose is the traditional dish of Chaoshan Province, the lion's head goose in Chaoshan area, the meat is fat, taken to brine, the aroma is rich and flavorful, it is fat and not greasy, and the aftertaste is long.

The method of brine goose was announced, the fragrance is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, the practice of collecting the brine goose is announced, the aroma is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, and the collection is almost [halogen goose]

The price of brine goose is not cheap, in the Chaoshan area, a high-quality brine goose head, you can sell for 1000 yuan. A brine goose head of thousands of yuan gives us the feeling that it is a sky-high price, but in the eyes of Chaoshan people, this price is very normal, because the goose head of the lion's head goose is the most essence of the whole body. Coupled with this breed of goose, the breeding cost is high, and the production process is complicated, so it is normal that the price is expensive.

To make a brine goose, it is not as simple as putting the whole goose into the brine and boiling, choose a fat lion's head goose, and then after repeated immersion, let the brine completely into the body of the goose, so that it is fully flavored, until the whole goose body becomes a beautiful amber color, the whole process is up to 10 hours.

The method of brine goose was announced, the fragrance is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, the practice of collecting the brine goose is announced, the aroma is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, and the collection is almost [halogen goose]

Delicious taste requires patience and, of course, the right recipe to make an authentic taste. So to make brine goose, brine is the soul. Brine contains a variety of ingredients, but each household has its own unique recipe, so the brine recipe is quite precious.

In addition to the Chaoshan region, in a small town in southern Zhejiang, there is also the traditional practice of brine goose. Just in my hometown of Cangnan, there is a Puping village, where the brine goose is very famous in the local area. Whether it is the brine goose of Chaoshan or the brine goose of Puping, in fact, the brine goose method is similar.

The method of brine goose was announced, the fragrance is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, the practice of collecting the brine goose is announced, the aroma is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, and the collection is almost [halogen goose]

Today, the method of brine goose was announced, the fragrance is rich and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, hurry up and collect it!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [halogen goose].</h1>


1 goose, 80g ginger, 10g peppercorns, 5g cloves, 10g cinnamon, 50g coriander head, 10g star anise, 10g licorice, 50g lemongrass, 50g rock sugar, 50g garlic, 90g cooking wine, 10g cooking oil, 100g salt, 10g monosodium glutamate, 700g soy sauce, 5 liters of water.


In the first step, the goose is treated cleanly, then left to dry, the moisture of the epidermis can be dried, and then the surface is applied with salt, and the application is evenly set aside.

The method of brine goose was announced, the fragrance is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, the practice of collecting the brine goose is announced, the aroma is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, and the collection is almost [halogen goose]

In the second step, add peppercorns to the pot, stir-fry over high heat to create the aroma, then put all the spice ingredients into a gauze bag, then put it into a brine pot, add various spices and 5 liters of water, and then bring to a boil over high heat.

The method of brine goose was announced, the fragrance is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, the practice of collecting the brine goose is announced, the aroma is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, and the collection is almost [halogen goose]

In the third step, put the garlic, coriander head and ginger into the belly of the goose, and then put it into the pot and boil, about 90 minutes of brine, halfway to hang the goose, leave the brine, and then put it down, repeat many times to make it taste.

The method of brine goose was announced, the fragrance is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, the practice of collecting the brine goose is announced, the aroma is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, and the collection is almost [halogen goose]

In the third step, after the brine is cooked, the brine goose is fished out, hung up to cool for later, wait for the temperature to drop, and after it is completely cooled, you can chop the brine goose into small pieces and eat it.

The method of brine goose was announced, the fragrance is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, the practice of collecting the brine goose is announced, the aroma is strong and flavorful, the formula is worth tens of thousands, and the collection is almost [halogen goose]

Northerners like to stew big geese in iron pots, and southerners like to eat brine geese, which have a strong aroma and are particularly flavorful. And it is very chewy to eat, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it is. The flavor is mainly due to the recipe, even if it is made with duck brine, it is also very fragrant.