
Spicy and delicious liver tip, made into a large basin, a meal will be eaten

author:Line no more

Slip liver tip, this is a dish that I have loved since I was a child, this dish has a purposeful effect. If you often sit in front of your computer or look at your phone often, it is recommended that you eat this dish. The pork liver and carrots in this dish are good for the eyes. The taste of this dish is salty, fresh and slightly spicy, and the carrot taste is very crisp, and the pork liver tastes soft and noodles, a bit like the texture of eating egg yolk.

Spicy and delicious liver tip, made into a large basin, a meal will be eaten

The main ingredient of this dish is. Not very spicy green peppers, we call this pepper here called horn pepper. The pepper that is a little hotter than this chili pepper is called a croissant pepper.

And carrots. Carrots are crisp to eat. Because carrots can be eaten raw, they don't have to be fried for too long, just stir-fry a little.

The onions used in this dish are two types of shallots: green onions and shallots, which are used to cut green onions into stew pots, and shallots are used as side dishes.

Here's how:

First, put the purchased pork liver in water for an hour, and you need to change the water at least three times during the soaking process.

Spicy and delicious liver tip, made into a large basin, a meal will be eaten

Boil some water in the pot and cook the soaked pork liver in it. Take it out and cut it into slices, then stir-fry in a pan. Wait until the liver is completely discolored before taking it out and setting aside.

Spicy and delicious liver tip, made into a large basin, a meal will be eaten

Cut the peppers and carrots into slices. Stir-fry in oil and green onions in a pan to bring out the aroma, add carrots and chili peppers and cook.

Spicy and delicious liver tip, made into a large basin, a meal will be eaten

Add the shallots and sautéed pork liver. Add some soy sauce, this soy sauce is still better with soy sauce. Thirteen spices, salt, MSG flavoring. Once cooked, it is ready to be plated. Such a delicious liver tip is ready.

Spicy and delicious liver tip, made into a large basin, a meal will be eaten

This dish tastes delicious but not greasy. It is very good to use for cooking. If you don't like to eat spicy, you can put some cucumbers without peppers.

I also stuffed a pot of rice, and it was very delicious to eat with rice with this dish, and everyone rushed to eat it. This 500 grams of pork liver was eaten by individuals, and two peppers, two very large carrots, and a scallion were put in, anyway, this dish is quite a lot of dishes. The three of them ate the dish in one meal, which was enough to see that the dish was delicious.