
Autumn grabs the "bone turning period"! Doing so makes the child spin over


There is a saying called "turning bones to take advantage of autumn", that autumn is a good time for children to grow up, especially children in adolescence, we must grasp the opportunity to grow tall in autumn, so what are the secrets of children growing tall in autumn

"Bone transformation period" is the second peak period of adolescent growth and development, yes, the golden period, children to grow tall, in addition to relying on congenital factors, acquired nutrition, exercise, etc. are very important, therefore, as a parent should seize the golden period in time to supplement.

The transition period is crucial

Now many children are in the bone rotation period, which is an important period for children to grow tall.

Among them, it is the child's "grow tall"

Although the child's height can be adjusted by supplementing nutrition the day after tomorrow, enhancing the child's exercise, and developing the child's good work and rest habits, the time for the child's height growth is also limited.

Autumn grabs the "bone turning period"! Doing so makes the child spin over

Parents can not ignore the most is the height of the child, if the child has a height lower than the same age or the annual increase rate of less than 5 cm, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible for consultation, find out the problem, to avoid delaying the golden period of growth.

Therefore, many parents will also pay special attention to the growth and development of their children, and hearsay in the "bone transformation period" of the child to use some "bone transfer" prescriptions to take them to the child without authorization.

I do not recommend giving children medicinal diet bone rotation, because some "bone transfer" prescriptions may add growth hormone, eating for a long time or eating early may hurt the child's body, affecting the child's normal growth, more recommended.

In the process of children's growth and development, many parents will choose milk powder to supplement their children's nutrition. Among them, children of different ages are matched with different milk powders while.

Nutridge's High Koala Children's Nutritious Milk Powder

Supports growth and development

Growth Solutions (), fully take into account the nutritional needs of children's growth, development, so that children win at the starting line!

Autumn grabs the "bone turning period"! Doing so makes the child spin over


A rare protein, extracted from bovine colostrum, because the molecular weight is very small, only 30kD, easy for the human body to absorb, promote bone growth, CBP to maintain a dynamic benign balance between bone cells, not only calcium supplementation, effective help "retain calcium", "lock calcium".


Casein phosphopeptide (CPP) is a food nutrition enhancer extracted from the extract, which is widely used in various types of dairy products, foods and nutritional products in CPP energy, and is also known as the "king of mineral carriers".

Chr. Hansen Bb-12

It can change the intestinal flora and improve intestinal function, so it is suitable for intestinal dysfunction, including diarrhea, indigestion, and antibiotic use; It can antagonize harmful bacteria, so it is suitable for gastrointestinal infections caused by various viruses and bacteria; It can stimulate intestinal immune cells, improve intestinal and systemic immunity, and is suitable for immune disorders such as allergies, so that all nutrients are better absorbed.


Promotes efficient absorption of other nutrients and helps improve your child's intestinal resistance.

Autumn grabs the "bone turning period"! Doing so makes the child spin over

A cup in the morning and evening, all-round protection of children's healthy growth, so that children win at the starting line.