
Eating raw garlic twice a week reduces the risk of lung cancer by 44%? Listen to what oncologists say first, garlic: the "anti-cancer food" in the eyes of scientists Second, often eat garlic, the benefits are many Three, garlic is eaten raw or cooked? Extension – can these foods even fight cancer? Really fake?

author:39 HealthNet

Garlic has a fascinating flavor and is an indispensable condiment on the Chinese table, which can be used to make garlic ribs, garlic eggplant, garlic lettuce...

In addition to being an indispensable condiment, garlic is also the "king of anti-cancer" in the eyes of many people, in the eyes of many people, garlic can not only fight cancer, but also kill bacteria, which is beneficial to the human body. In the eyes of many scientists, it is also an excellent "anti-cancer food".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > Garlic: the "anti-cancer food" in the eyes of scientists</h1>

Previously, several studies have shown that garlic has an effect on cancer prevention.

In 2006, data from a study showed that the more frequently garlic consumption, the lower the risk of developing cancers such as oral, esophageal, ovarian, prostate and other cancers;

A study published in the American journal Clinical Nutrition also pointed out that garlic and onions have the effect of protecting the stomach and colon, which can reduce the risk of some cancers;

The School of Clinical Oncology of Peking University and the Beijing Institute of Cancer Prevention and Control have also published studies saying that garlic has a good preventive effect on stomach cancer.

A study published in the American journal Cancer Prevention Research showed that eating raw garlic more than twice a week reduced the risk of lung cancer by 44%.

Eating raw garlic twice a week reduces the risk of lung cancer by 44%? Listen to what oncologists say first, garlic: the "anti-cancer food" in the eyes of scientists Second, often eat garlic, the benefits are many Three, garlic is eaten raw or cooked? Extension – can these foods even fight cancer? Really fake?

So, can the above research really confirm that garlic can fight cancer? Looking closely, we can find that the above studies have found that garlic has protective and preventive effects, not to confirm that garlic has anti-cancer effects.

In this regard, Bi Xiaofeng, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cancer Prevention of the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, said: "Some studies have found that garlic and onions can reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer. However, from the evidence currently available, it is not certain that garlic and onions can prevent cancer, but may play a role in reducing the risk of cancer. As for whether garlic and onions can really fight cancer, more in-depth research is needed. After all, there are many factors that affect the occurrence of cancer, such as genetics, environment, dietary factors, etc."

In addition, Qu Xiujuan, deputy director of the Department of Oncology and Internal Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, also expressed her opinion, "Data analysis found that people who often eat garlic and rarely eat red meat and barbecue foods do have a lower risk of breast cancer. However, this discovery does not prove that garlic can fight cancer, only that the risk of cancer is reduced, thanks to a healthy diet. Moreover, garlic is only a food, not a medicine, and cannot be used as an anti-cancer drug. At the end of the day, if you want to prevent cancer, you still need to develop a healthy lifestyle. If you want to treat cancer, you should actively use anti-cancer drugs."

Eating raw garlic twice a week reduces the risk of lung cancer by 44%? Listen to what oncologists say first, garlic: the "anti-cancer food" in the eyes of scientists Second, often eat garlic, the benefits are many Three, garlic is eaten raw or cooked? Extension – can these foods even fight cancer? Really fake?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" > second, often eat garlic, there are many benefits</h1>

Although there is no clear evidence to confirm that garlic has anti-cancer effects, eating garlic often every day has many benefits for the body. Like what:

1. Sterilization

Garlic contains allinase, when garlic is chopped and crushed, allinase will be decomposed into sulfur-containing compounds such as allicin, which can be sterilized.

2. Anti-virus

Garlic contains polysaccharides that inhibit the replication of respiratory syncytial virus and hepatitis B virus, while reducing the antigen secretion on the surface of hepatitis B virus. In addition, the extract of garlic can also destroy cmV.

3. Antioxidant

Garlic extract can scavenge lipid peroxidation and free radicals, act as antioxidants, and help slow down the rate of aging.

Eating raw garlic twice a week reduces the risk of lung cancer by 44%? Listen to what oncologists say first, garlic: the "anti-cancer food" in the eyes of scientists Second, often eat garlic, the benefits are many Three, garlic is eaten raw or cooked? Extension – can these foods even fight cancer? Really fake?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" >3. Is garlic better eaten raw or cooked? </h1>

The thermal stability of allicin is relatively poor, and in the case of heating, it is easy to lose antibacterial activity. Therefore, in order to achieve the effect of sterilization, it is best to eat raw garlic.

It should be noted that garlic can not be eaten more, especially in the elderly and frail people and stomach disease patients, can not eat raw, because raw garlic has a certain stimulating effect on the gastric mucosa, eating too much is also easy to cause bad breath.

Therefore, the relevant professional committees of WHO recommend that healthy people can eat 2-3 cloves of garlic per day, and there is no need to eat garlic in large quantities in order to achieve health care, after all, the health care effect of garlic is very limited.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" > extended – can these foods even fight cancer? Really fake? </h1>

In addition to garlic, foods that can fight cancer are often heard in daily life, such as onions and green tea. Can they really fight cancer?


The selenium contained in onions does have antioxidant activity, and in animal experiments, it also has a significant inhibitory effect on some cancer cells. In addition, quercetin extracts contained in onions, in animal experiments, can also kill cancer cells.

Eating raw garlic twice a week reduces the risk of lung cancer by 44%? Listen to what oncologists say first, garlic: the "anti-cancer food" in the eyes of scientists Second, often eat garlic, the benefits are many Three, garlic is eaten raw or cooked? Extension – can these foods even fight cancer? Really fake?

However, these ingredients contained in onions are not unusual, because in many common foods, anti-cancer active ingredients are common. What's more, the fact that an ingredient contained in a food can fight cancer does not mean that eating this food can fight cancer.

green tea

The content of tea polyphenols in green tea is relatively high, and in cell and animal experiments, the antioxidant capacity of green tea is indeed very strong, and it can even inhibit cancer cells. However, the above evidence does not prove that green tea has anti-cancer effects.

In some investigations and studies, the relationship between green tea and cancer is relatively weak, and it can even be said that it is okay. After the US FDA analyzed the relevant literature on green tea anti-cancer, it also came to the same conclusion: green tea does not have anti-cancer effects. And to this day, this conclusion has not changed.

Eating raw garlic twice a week reduces the risk of lung cancer by 44%? Listen to what oncologists say first, garlic: the "anti-cancer food" in the eyes of scientists Second, often eat garlic, the benefits are many Three, garlic is eaten raw or cooked? Extension – can these foods even fight cancer? Really fake?

So far, scientists have not found any one factor that can necessarily lead to the occurrence of cancer, nor have they found any factor that can prevent cancer. The real way to prevent cancer is not to eat a certain food, but to eat a balanced diet, a healthy diet, while exercising properly, maintaining a reasonable weight, and regular physical examinations.

#健康明星计划 #


[1] "[Health] There are 6 major benefits to eating garlic often! Teach you how to eat by hand". People's Daily.2017-11-06

[2] "Garlic You're Fierce" is making a comeback! The study found that eating garlic twice a week reduces the risk of cancer" Life Times.2019-11-13

[3] "[Cancer Prevention Science] Is the legendary anti-cancer star vegetable, garlic and onion, really so magical? 》. Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.2019-11-05

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