
Let the ancient chinese language help the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine

author:Mi Yue said

With the development of modern Chinese medicine, traditional linguistics and philology have been applied in the field of traditional Chinese medicine for the study of ancient medical classics, the collation of ancient medical books, the specification of traditional Chinese medicine terminology, the training of traditional Chinese medicine thinking and language expression, etc., so special medical ancient language courses and medical ancient literature disciplines came into being. Most of the accomplished scholars of the previous generations in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine came from the traditional literacy of the old times, that is, "primary school" and scriptural training, so they paid special attention to the role of ancient chinese medicine in TCM education. In recent years, the country's great promotion of the development of traditional Chinese medicine has brought another spring to the education of ancient chinese medicine. Many people of insight focus on the ideological position of the long-term development of Traditional Chinese medicine and repeatedly emphasize the important role of ancient Chinese medicine. They likened the ancient chinese medicine to "the key to open the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine" and the ability to ancient chinese medicine as "a kind of inheritance ability of traditional Chinese medicine". National policies and social public opinion are conducive to our re-understanding and vigorous play of the important role of ancient chinese medicine, so that it can help the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine.

Reading the classics begins with literacy

Reading classics is inseparable from the kung fu of literacy, which is the basic learning experience of ancient and modern scholars. Zhang Zhidong of the Qing Dynasty said: "It is advisable to read first to interpret the scriptures." This is not the private words of the remaining ones, but also the words of the teachers of the kingdom. "As early as the Zhou Dynasty, the children of the nobility entered the primary school to read the script first, and in the Han Dynasty, they called philology primary school, and after the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the primary school included the three things of philology, phonology, and exegesis. The "Four Libraries of The Whole Book" that everyone is familiar with can be seen in the scripture department, which has a "primary school class", which is to collect the primary school books as a tool for reading the Bible. Primary school is both a tool for reading the Bible and for reading all ancient books, and it is also a very important tool. Zhang Zhidong said: "Scholars who enter the classics from primary schools have their scriptures credible, and scholars who enter the classics from classics into history have their historiography credible. ”

Why not study Chinese medicine? Traditional primary school is linguistics. As early as forty years ago, at the establishment and first academic symposium of the All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ren Yingqiu, a traditional Chinese medicine scholar and traditional Chinese medicine educator who was the first chairman of the Medical Ancient Literature Research Association, quoted the idiom of "the skin does not exist, Mao will be attached" to the "Left Transmission" to compare the close relationship between medical ancient texts and Chinese medicine. Ren Yingqiu said: "Some comrades say that the 'hair' of the ancient chinese medicine is attached to the 'skin' of the doctor. I said, in essence, it is the 'hair' of medicine attached to the 'skin' of the text, 'the text carries the Tao'! Medicine is a science, can no culture learn it? So I have the opposite view from the above comrades. I think it is beyond reproach that ancient Chinese medicine is the foundation of Chinese medicine. ”

If a worker desires to do a good thing, he must first use it

The ancient chinese medicine is the ladder into the chinese medicine classics and the door of knowledge. Chinese medicine was born in ancient times more than 2,000 years ago, and its ideological achievements and technical knowledge were written in books in the language and writing of the time and passed down. Language is the material shell of thinking, the tool of thinking. Ancient Chinese and ancient medical texts are the carriers of ancient Chinese medicine academic and TCM thinking achievements. The classics of Chinese medicine are the concentrated embodiment and basic paradigm of Chinese medicine thinking and TCM thinking mode. However, the ancient and modern changes in language have brought difficulties to our learning. As the Ming Dynasty scholar Chen Di said in the "Mao Shi Guyin Examination Self-Introduction": "There are ancient and modern in Gaishi, and there are north and south in the land." Words have changed, sounds have shifted, and it is inevitable. "Changes in language, coupled with the constant distortion of ancient texts in circulation, will create a gap between the reading and use of ancient Chinese medicine texts. Medical ancient chinese can not only sweep away the obstacles of difficult word mistakes in reading, but also make our understanding of words more accurate and our understanding of the meaning of the text more appropriate.

For example, the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic is a classic, but the word "jing" in the title does not mean "classic." How does this say? Originally, the original meaning of the word "jing" was the longitudinal line on the loom. The line can also be connected into a bamboo simple wood into a book, so the word "jing" has the meaning of "book". Mr. Zhang Taiyan said that such a book is similar to the shape of the Indian Hundred Leaf Sutra. Unfortunately, dictionaries such as the Hanyu Da Dictionary and the Hanyu Da Zidian do not contain the "book" meaning of the word "jing". Some people will mistakenly think that the "jing" character on the title of the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" and the "Shennong Materia Medica" means "classic", and mistakenly think that the "scriptures" of the "Sui Shu Jing Zhi" only include the books of the jingbu. In fact, the "classical" meaning of the word "jing" is derived from the meaning of "book". These two meanings later coexisted for a long time. Although the books of the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic and the Shennong Materia Medica have become classics today, when they were first named, they were only ordinary books before the classicization, and the word "jing" in the title of the book is the same as the "jing" character of the "Classic" of books such as the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" and the "Zhou Jie Suanjing". The analysis of the meaning of the words here also leads to an interesting topic in the evolution process from the book to the classic.

The Shennong Materia Medica was collated by Tao Hongjing and had a formed text, but at this time, the Shennong Materia Medica and the so-called "Zhujing" on which Tao based it "Bao zong" were all referring to the Materia Medica, not the classics. For another example, the opening sentence of Wang Bingxu's "Yellow Emperor's Inner Scriptures" is: "Fu releases the bondage to get rid of the difficulties, the whole truth guides the qi, the salvation of Li Yuan is in Renshou, the one who is inferior to be relieved, and the non-Three Noble Paths cannot be caused." Among them, the sentence "Saving Li Yuan Yu RenShou" is generally understood as "saving the people so that they can all live a long life." Such an understanding does not truly reflect the meaning of the original text. "Salvation" means salvation, relief, which is similar to the meaning of "relief" in the next sentence. This blurs the level of meaning of the two sentences. In fact, the logic of these two sentences is that "Ji Wei is inferior to be safe" refers to curing the disease, and "Saving Li Yuan Yu Renshou" refers to prolonging the life, and the starting point and goal of the two actions are different. The ancient character for "拯" is "丞", and the ancient glyph of "丞" reflects the appearance of lifting up the person who has fallen into the trap with two hands, and the meaning of the word has the meaning of "ascension" and has nothing to do with curing the disease. Unfortunately, although the Hanyu Da Zidian provides the glyphs of the ancient characters, it does not list the meaning of "promotion". The Hanyu Da Dictionary explains that "lifting up, leading from a low place", is correct. Looking at Wang Bingxu again, "Renshou" is the highest realm that people pursue, and the word "zheng" is the act of ascension.

Some people say that the classics now have so many commentaries on the modern translation to read, and they are still studying the ancient texts of medicine to do it. In fact, although the modern translation can generally convey the logical meaning of ancient books, it cannot fully convey the cultural meaning between the words of ancient books and properly understand the subtle intentions expressed by the ancients. The present translation is only a substitute and reading aid for the original ancient books, and it is a helper who has to seek the second place. From this, one can also imagine the situation of foreign language texts that have been translated from the present translation. In addition, the classic books compiled by today's people are inevitably wrong, and they always need readers to correct them with their own medical and ancient chinese ability. Here are two examples of omissions in the compilation of famous artists.

First, look at the example of Liu Hengru, the former second director of the Jinling University Library, in the "Lingshu" collation book "Shou Yao Gang Rou": "The Yellow Emperor knows: Yu Wen Shou Yao, there is no way to live. Bo Gao replied: The wall is low, and those who are not as high as the ground will die under thirty. The correct punctuation should be: "Bo Gao replied: Those who are low on the foundation of the wall are not as high as the ground, and they die under thirty." The word "humble" is antonym concatenated, in this case "height". The I Ching: "Humble and high, noble and lowly." "Anthology" Pan Yue's "Two Poems of Heyang County" One of them: "Humble and tall is also what is often, rising and falling in a dynasty." The use of the word "humble high" is common in ancient books, but unfortunately many dictionaries are not included.

Look again at the example of the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classics Annotations" by the medical historian Guo Xiachun: "The husband can be old and fully formed, and although he is old, he can have children." Most of the books published by famous publishing houses are also so broken. However, there is an error in the sentence under the word "shape". In the two books of "Su Qing" and "Lingshu", it is used to refer to the body or "body", or "shape", or "body shape", and here "shape body" is a meaning. The word "body year" is not a word, which is what critics in the past called "not quitting.". It should be changed to "The husband can be old and fully formed, and although he is old, he can have children." Examples of commentaries on errors, such as the "Su Qing": "Therefore, it is beautiful to eat, let it be served, enjoy its customs, do not admire each other, and its people are simple." Guo Yichun commented: "Park, "Shuwen Jiezi Mubu": 'Park, Mubark also. 'The skin of all wood is thicker than his skin, and by extension has a pure thick meaning. According to the word "park", it is difficult to derive the meaning of "pure thickness" from the meaning of "wood bark", and the commentator does not recognize that the word "park" is actually a common fake word, and only says that the original meaning of the word "park" is strong. In fact, "Park" is a loan word for "樸". "Explanation of The Words": "樸, lignin also." "Lignin, refers to wood that has not been processed into a vessel. By extension, it is simple and pure. There are many examples in ancient books of borrowing the "simplicity" of wood veneer instead of the "tree" of lignans.

There are typos in ancient books that sometimes the proofreaders don't see. Liu Hengru proofread the book "Lingshu Nine Needles Theory": "The Yellow Emperor knows: Yu Wen Nine Needles yu Fuzi, many broad, Yu Yu can not be embarrassed, dare to ask the Nine Needles Yansheng? Why is it famous? Qi Bo Yue: The Nine Needles, the great number of heaven and earth, begins with one and ends with nine. Therefore, it is known that one is the law of heaven, two is the law of the earth, three is the legal person, four is the law, five is the sound of the law, six is the law, seven is the law star, eight is the law wind, and nine is the law. The Yellow Emperor: The number of nine should be answered with a needle, why not? It is not difficult to see from the context that "the nine needles, the great number of heaven and earth are also clouds" is only a "nine" word, and has nothing to do with the "needle" word of "nine needles". The following "needle to nine clouds" is said to be "needle". It can be seen that the "needle" of the "nine needles" is a derivative text, which should be deleted.

The work of proofreading ancient books is so important, it is no wonder that Mr. Hu Shi said that reading books should be through the three links of proofreading, reprimanding, and penetration, and putting proofreading in the first place. The ability of ancient medicine is the comprehensive ability to read ancient medical texts, and its professional knowledge structure involves linguistics, philology, culture, and of course, it is inseparable from traditional Chinese medicine. The ability to practice ancient Chinese medicine is a practical ability, and it is impossible to lay a solid foundation without a certain period of special training. Therefore, in the early years, the number of hours of undergraduate medical and ancient Literature courses was more than 200 hours, which was many times that of today's thirty or fifty hours, which is indeed full of truth. Chinese medicine classics carry valuable knowledge of Chinese medicine, but also carry excellent Chinese medicine culture. People who do not have medical knowledge cannot become doctors, and doctors without traditional culture cannot become ming doctors and doctors. All this is inseparable from the cultivation of the ability of ancient medicine.

The mission of the times of the ancient text of medicine

At present, the policy orientation and public opinion atmosphere of vigorously developing traditional Chinese medicine have created very favorable conditions for the construction of medical ancient literature disciplines and curriculum construction, and the stage for medical ancient literature to show its skills is getting bigger and bigger. For example, in recent years, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine has made medical ancient Chinese a subject in the entrance examination for doctoral students with amazing boldness, alongside the English test for candidates to choose. The relevant departments of the state have taken specific and effective measures to strengthen the assessment of medical and ancient Chinese subjects. This is undoubtedly of important and far-reaching significance for guiding Chinese medicine practitioners and medical students to take the ancient texts of medicine as the doorway, take the classic original works as the foundation, and adhere to the principle of integrity in the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

Judging from the construction of the national medical and ancient literature discipline, after more than 40 years of unremitting efforts of several generations, traditional Chinese medicine colleges and universities in various places have cultivated a team of medical and ancient chinese teachers with good professional quality, able to teach, scientific research, sort out ancient books, and disseminate culture. The construction of undergraduate medical ancient chinese textbooks has undergone an exploration process from taking into account both literature and medicine, to abandoning literature and practicing medicine, and now from entering medicine from literature to medicine, and has formed a textbook system with stable content, reasonable structure and high consensus.

The first of the main problems that need to be solved in medical and ancient Chinese education today is a common problem that exists in many disciplines, that is, there are only a few middle-aged backbones with excellent scientific research ability and teaching level in the team of medical and ancient Chinese teachers. Young teachers from liberal arts majors have a strong foundation in ancient Chinese, but face the task of learning the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, young teachers from traditional Chinese medicine majors understand medicine and face the task of learning linguistic knowledge, young teachers from medical history and literature majors in traditional Chinese medicine colleges have a certain foundation in both literature and medicine, but they have the task of learning the business knowledge of their posts, and they are currently facing the urgent problem of adapting to teaching positions and choosing scientific research directions. In the past six years, the Medical Ancient Literature Research Branch of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine has carried out the "Academic Inheritance and Talent Training Program for Experts in traditional Chinese Medicine Classics and Language and Culture Research" for two consecutive periods, and the experts have voluntarily completed two three-year guidance work, which is beneficial to the training of young medical and ancient Chinese teachers in some colleges and universities. It is worth reminding that if the problem of the personal development direction of young teachers is not solved within the first five years of participation in the work, then the talent is likely to be abandoned.

The second problem that needs to be solved in medical and ancient Chinese education is that the training of postgraduate students majoring in medical ancient literature has not yet formed a mature and perfect program. There is still room for improvement in the overall academic level of the tutor team of related majors: the professional level of linguistics, bibliography, ancient book collation and history of science and technology is not high enough. This affects the quality of students' training and limits their intellectual horizons. It is recommended that qualified colleges and universities establish a more specialized postgraduate course group under the discipline of medical and ancient literature, refine the subjects of the discipline of traditional Chinese medicine medical history and literature, and open courses by teachers with expertise in philology, phonology, exegesis, bibliography, history of science and technology, etc., to open up the boundaries of the tutor portal, so that students can gain a broader vision and the opportunity to learn specialized knowledge. At the same time, medical and ancient writers should also have the attitude of learning new knowledge and actively accepting new knowledge, adapt to the changes in research methods and the progress of educational means brought about by the Internet, and actively participate in the important work of the construction of the discourse system of traditional Chinese medicine.

In the face of the glorious mission entrusted by the times to the discipline of ancient chinese arts, we need to study hard, contribute our own strength, and better serve Chinese medicine, so as to help inherit the knowledge of Chinese medicine and cultivate the great cause of sincere doctors.