
Who lords the ups and downs of The Suppression of Jiang Fengyun Chapter 173

author:Yingke backwards

In the middle of October 1945, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to send a group of Yan'an cadres to the Northeast Liberated Areas, and at this time there were still some cadres who had not yet clarified the problems in the rectification movement, Mao Zedong said: "Now that the northeast is about to be liberated, a large number of cadres are needed, let them go to the front line to make their own conclusions." If they are Communists, they must remain in the Communist Party. It was the Kuomintang, let him run to the Kuomintang, what are you afraid of! The CPC Central Committee held a farewell party in the auditorium of the Central Party School for cadres working in the Northeast Liberated Areas and other Liberated Areas. Mao Zedong attended the farewell party wearing an old cotton coat from the army.

At the meeting, he said: "Comrades, you are about to leave Yan'an and will go to work in the liberated areas. It's all a place where heroes use force. When you go there, you must work with the local cadres to mobilize the broad masses and defend the fruits of victory that have been obtained through all your hardships, and you must not let Chiang Kai-shek take away the territory and pick up the peaches. Chiang Kai-shek wants to rush to pick peaches, and we must defend the fruits of victory we have achieved with blood and sweat. Then there will be a struggle. Comrades, this is a serious struggle! When you go to the Liberated Areas, you will certainly encounter this struggle, and this will require you to stand with the local cadres and the masses and defend the fruits of the blood and sweat of the people in the Liberated Areas. This burden is very heavy! "In this group of cadres, some of them have been wronged in the rectification of Yan'an. Therefore, Mao Zedong went on to say: "Comrades, some of you have been wronged in the rectification movement, and I am responsible for this, I am sorry to everyone, I would like to pay you a compensation, please forgive me." ”

Who lords the ups and downs of The Suppression of Jiang Fengyun Chapter 173

Mao Zedong said and walked to the front of the podium and bowed deeply. The cadres in the audience were very moved, some of them were in tears, and some of them shouted loudly: "Long live Chairman Mao!" Mao Zedong returned to his original position and continued: "In our revolutionary ranks, in history, under the erroneous line of 'Left' opportunism, there have also been cases of wrong handling of good comrades, and those comrades who have been wrongly handled have not been discouraged, have maintained their revolutionary will, firmly believe that the party will correct their mistakes, and continue to fight for the revolution; some comrades have also sacrificed their lives, and this is our good comrades." ”

The cadres in the audience knew that Mao Zedong was such a person, and he himself was a person who had been dealt with by the wrong line several times. Only to hear Mao Zedong say again: "From today onwards, I have lost money to everyone, the past is already in the past, forget about it!" You should reinvigorate your spirits and work hard for the cause of the Party and the cause of the people, and at that time the Party and the People will thank you. ”

There was a long and endless round of applause in the venue. In this way, many cadres have returned to work. This is exactly what it is: the jade test must be burned for three days, and the breeding must wait for seven years. Thousands of sparks spread all over the world, and flames flew everywhere in Kyushu.

Moreover, in the evening of one day, Cao Ming, a female writer recuperating at the Sanatorium of the Central Party School, was going to the Northeast Liberated Area, and she did not know when she would see Mao Zedong again, so she decided to go to see Deng Yingchao first, and then to visit Mao Zedong. Deng Yingchao warmly received her. Deng Yingchao instructed her: "When we arrive in the Northeast New Area, we must pay attention to women's work, no matter where we are, there are women in any department, if women mobilize, things will be easy to handle." Of course, more attention is paid to working women, rural women. Japan's 14 years of enslavement education have had a deeper impact on the people of Northeast China, and the spiritual burden on women's backs is heavier. To propagate the Communist Party, only the Communist Party can completely liberate women. During the conversation, Deng Yingchao left Caoming to eat. Cao Ming said, "I want to go and see Chairman Mao." Deng Yingchao immediately went to find Jiang Qing, who led Cao Ming to see Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong was reviewing the documents and beckoned Cao Ming to sit down. The food on the table was already laid out, and Mao Zedong put down his pen and asked Cao Ming if he had eaten? Cao Ming said, "I have eaten at Sister Deng's place." Taking advantage of Mao Zedong's meal, Cao Ming first told the story of his own situation in the sanatorium, and then told the story of the convalescents who were worried that Mao Zedong was murdered by Chiang Kai-shek in Chongqing.

Mao Zedong quickly finished his meal, smiled, and said: "The reason why they did not dare to move was not because Mao had anything, but because there was the Communist Party, the New Fourth Army of the Eighth Route Army, the people in the Liberated Areas and the revolutionary people in the rear areas." Cao Ming told Mao Zedong: "I am about to go to the Northeast New Area, and I will definitely do as you say at the literary and art forum." In the past, I did not know how to go to the masses, although I was born in the environment of silk reeling women workers, but I did not consciously understand them, let alone have the level of Marxism to analyze them and study them, so the work was not ideal. Mao Zedong said: "Your past work is meaningful. Now when you go to the Liberated Areas, you will be even happier to see the workers, peasants, and soldiers. Kusaki said: "Unfortunately, I learned too late, I am 33 years old." "33 is nothing. At the age of 66, you can still work for the party for many years. Mao Zedong said and then asked, "Have you been wronged in the rectification?" Cao Ming replied, "I have not been wronged." "It doesn't matter if there is or not, both the reviewer and the reviewee can learn from each other." I heard that you and Ouyang Shan are divorced? Cao Ming did not expect that Mao Zedong would learn such a small thing about himself in his busy schedule, and replied in a panic: "Yes, I have no feelings now." "How can there be no feelings?" Feelings are more refined, and in the future, I will be able to concentrate my energy on my work. Mao Zedong comforted her and asked, "Do you want to go to the front with the child?" When Cao Ming heard this, his eyes immediately overflowed with tears, and he said in his heart, Dear Chairman Mao, you are taking care of every opportunity every day, and you are still thinking about my child! She forced herself to hold back tears and said: "The work ahead may be very tense, and I am not in good health, so I am not ready to bring it." The two eldest daughters were studying, one of them was working, and the younger was still in the nursery. Mao Zedong said, "Well, give the child to the party." Kusaki was so excited that he could no longer speak, so he got up and resigned. Mao Zedong sent her to the door and asked with concern, "Have you come on horseback?" Kusaki didn't want to cause trouble for the leader anymore, so he lied and said, "Yes." Mao Zedong nodded and shook hands with her to say goodbye. Cao Ming stepped on the faint moonlight, rode the cool autumn breeze, and took brisk steps towards the Central Party School.

At this time, Mao Huachu, who was studying in the Second Department of the Central Party School, also responded to the call of the Party Central Committee and applied for work in the Northeast Liberated Areas, which was approved by the organization. He went to the jujube garden to bid farewell to his uncle with great interest, and just entered the jujube garden, just in time to meet Ye Zilong, who told him: "The chairman is very busy, so busy that he has not slept for several days and nights." You must get up late today, so you should go outside and wait. Mao Huachu waited until 4 p.m., when Mao Zedong walked out of the room wearing a yellow woolen uniform produced by himself in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and wearing a tweed hat. Mao Huachu stepped forward and shouted, "Uncle! "Another military salute was given. Mao Zedong smiled and said, "Hua Chu, you are here, sit." Mao Huachu told his uncle: "The organization approved me to go to the northeast and leave in a few days." Specially come to visit your old man today. Mao Zedong said happily: "Ah! You're going to the Northeast. Good! I'm in favor. What difficulties are there? Mao Huachu thought about it for a moment and said, "It's a long way to the northeast, and many cadres have got livestock, and I also want a horse, can you help me solve a horse?" "No!" Mao Zedong said: "You want a horse, this is not a high requirement." But each of our cattle in the jujube garden has a sign, and whoever wants to take one is against discipline. Public cattle cannot be given. Mao Zedong's words made Mao Huachu blush and he was too ashamed to make a sound.

Mao Zedong saw that his nephew was a little embarrassed, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Do you want some pocket money?" Can give you a little money from my contribution fee. Mao Zedong asked the guards to take a few yuan and give it to Mao Huachu. Mao Huachu took the money and was very excited. When he resigned, Mao Zedong clasped his hand tightly and said word by word: "Go, go among the masses, everything must rely on the masses and rely on the party." Wherever there are masses, there must be you. Mao Zedong asked the guards to bring a coat, which was a blue twill coat, long and large. Mao Zedong said: "The weather is getting colder, and the winter is colder morning and evening, so take it on the road to keep out the cold." Mao Huachu took the coat and said, "Uncle Take care!" He gave his uncle another military salute before reluctantly leaving the jujube garden.

Later, when Mao Hua first arrived in Zhangjiakou, he gave his uncle's precious coat to Cui Mou, a North Korean cadre who had set out from Yan'an at the same time and would return to China immediately.

The following day, Mao Xuehua took his fiancée Chen Yongmin to visit Mao Zedong in zaoyuan. Mao Xuehua had just graduated from the Yan'an Academy of Natural Sciences this year and was assigned to the Observation Center of the Central Military Commission as a meteorologist. At this time, he is already a 21-year-old guy and is in love. Mao Zedong was very happy to see his nephew come with his girlfriend. Mao Xuehua introduced his fiancée to Mao Zedong, saying: "Her surname is Chen, she is a Zhejiang girl, and her father is also a martyr. Mao Zedong said: "You are all the descendants of martyrs, you must study hard and work hard." Mao Xuehua said quietly, "Third Uncle, I have one more thing I want to discuss with you and see what you mean." "What?" Mao Zedong saw his mysterious appearance and asked in a whisper. Mao Xuehua had thought that his uncle had already understood what he meant, but seeing that his uncle still asked this, he was a little embarrassed, twisting and pinching and not knowing what to say. Still a bystander Qing, Jiang Qing interjected on the side: "You two want to get married, right?" Mao Xuehua said shyly, "Yes." Mao Zedong smiled and said, "Oh! That's the thing. I don't care. You have to ask your organization about this. If the organization agrees that you will marry, if you do not agree, you cannot get married. Mao Xuehua and Chen Yongmin returned to the unit and submitted a marriage application to the organization, which was approved by the organization. Then they went to Mao Zedong again. Mao Xuehua said happily: "Third uncle, the organization has approved us to get married, and we are ready to get married in the New Year." Mao Zedong said, "Well, I congratulate you!" "Thank you Uncle Three. Would you like to attend our wedding? Mao Zedong smiled and did not make a sound. Jiang Qing knew that Mao Zedong was busy and did not have time to attend their wedding, so he said, "Your uncle is busy, I will go on behalf of the Mao family." ”

Later, Mao Xuehua and Chen Yongmin married at the end of 1945. On the day of the wedding ceremony, Jiang Qing, dressed in her new costumes, attended their wedding and congratulated them on behalf of Mao Zedong and the whole family. In 1946, Mao Xuehua's eldest son, Mao Haishan, was born, because the living conditions were too poor, Chen Yongmin did not have milk for the child to eat, and the child was hungry and crying. Mao Xuehua went to see Mao Zedong and told him about the child's lack of milk.

Mao Zedong anxiously asked Jiang Qing, "Is there any way not?" Solve the milk powder problem for them. Jiang Qing said, "Let me think about it." Soon, she really got two barrels of American milk powder and gave them to Chen Yongmin. In September 1949, Mr. and Mrs. Mao Xuehua entered Tsinghua University to study. Before the start of the school, Mao Xuehua went to Xiangshan to visit Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong excitedly called him "the first college student in Shaoshan." In 1951, Mao Xuehua graduated from Tsinghua University and went to the Soviet Union to study in June. Before leaving, he went to Zhongnanhai to bid farewell to Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong praised happily: "You are the first international student in our countryside." Mao Xuehua studied mechanical and electrical majors and electrochemical majors, and later made important contributions to the construction of new China.

On the evening of October 17, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the Luyu Bureau of Jinji and Hebei, in which he wrote: Comrades of the Luyu Central Bureau of Jinji and Hebei: Under your leadership, a victorious shangdang campaign has been fought, making it possible for our army to win the next equal or greater victory. All the forces under your leadership, except for The Great Victory of the Pinghan Campaign, with the exception of Theae Yue, must concentrate the full forces of Taihang and Jiluyu in the Battle of Pinghan. The coming new Pinghan Campaign is aimed at opposing the offensive of the main forces of the Kuomintang and for the realization of a peaceful situation. The outcome of this battle has an extremely important bearing on the overall situation. You must be prepared to annihilate about half or more of the 80,000 recalcitrant troops in more than a month and a half, in many consecutive battles, in order to solve the problem. It is hoped that by making use of the experience of the Shangdang campaign, the taihang-Hebei-Luyu districts will be mobilized, and Liu Deng will personally command them to organize various battles in a precise manner and win the second Victory in the Shangdang Campaign. Several of the 80,000 recalcitrant troops have considerable combat effectiveness and should not be taken lightly. However, the recalcitrant army is new, the geography and people are unfamiliar, the system is not the same, it is difficult to replenish, it is eager to win, and it has the psychology of contempt for our army, so that I have a gap to take advantage of. It is hoped that the army and the people will be encouraged to unite and not lose the opportunity to win the victory in the Pinghan Campaign in the spirit of the party's campaign.   Central unitary

On October 18, Chiang Kai-shek appointed Du Yuming as the commander of the Northeast Security Command, asking him to contact the Soviet army and take over the territorial sovereignty of the northeast. It turned out that du Yuming disarmed Long Yun on September 30 and was ordered to fly to Chongqing on October 15. Chiang Kai-shek was very kind to him, and asked with great interest about the settlement of Long Yun, and then said to Du Yuming: "You have made meritorious contributions to the country by solving Long Yun, but you have offended Long Yun. You should have done your best for the country and worked hard to complain. Ostensibly, I will first announce the order to remove you from your post and investigate, and then I will take up other posts later. Du Yuming knew Chiang Kai-shek very well, so he said generously: "As long as it is beneficial to the country, individuals do not care about any fame and status." Chiang Kai-shek was very happy to hear this, and the next day he issued an order saying: "Du Yuming mishandled in Yunnan, and immediately removed him from his post and investigated it." Guan Linzheng was transferred to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Yunnan Garrison. Two days later, on October 18, Chiang Kai-shek issued a new appointment with Du Yuming as the commander of the Northeast Security.

On October 19, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for Zheng Weisan and Li Xiannian for the Central Military Commission, in which he wrote: Zheng Li: 1. Reading the unitary cold telegram, your field army is too small, and there are too many local troops, and it is hoped that at least 10,000 troops will be drawn from each sub-district to replenish the field army, so that each regiment of the 9 regiments can be enriched to more than 2,000 people before they can fight a big battle. This was the first field army, and the total number of them must reach about twenty-four thousand. Second, in the future, it is necessary to form a second batch of field armies, estimating that the areas along the river plains will not survive under the Kuomintang policy of concentrated destruction, and now it is necessary to make mental preparations among senior personnel, first make the necessary preparations, and at that time, turn the local area into a legal struggle (in coordination with the local illegal struggle), and organize the main forces there into the second batch of field armies (one brigade per division), and accompany the first field army to the new areas. This matter must be carefully considered and the steps should not be messed up. (3) Forces in southern Hubei and around the Jiujiang River shall immediately move northward. Fourth, your opinions are awaited.  The Central Military Commission youhao

Then, Mao Zedong drafted for the Central Committee an instruction telegram to Luo Ronghuan, commander and political commissar of the Shandong Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, and Li Zuopeng, chief of staff, who immediately transferred Chen Yi and Li Yu to the Central Bureau of China, and wrote: Luo Li immediately transferred Chen Li and told the Central Bureau of China: In addition to Shandong doing its utmost to organize overseas crossings, Chen Li's organization of the Jinpu Campaign is a major event that has a bearing on the overall situation. Wang Chen Li meticulously planned to organize a field army of at least 35,000 to 40,000 people to occupy a section of the railway in the appropriate area between Xuzhou and Jinan and expand the occupied area to the north and south, and then choose the opportunity to annihilate one or two divisions of Chiang Kai-shek's army and fight a victorious battle that began. Only by breaking through the recalcitrant troops in succession and preparing to annihilate the recalcitrant 40,000 or 50,000 people can solve the problem. In addition, the Bohai Naval Region was then ordered to be responsible for coordinating with Jizhong to occupy a section of the railway between Dezhou and Tianjin and resolutely annihilate Chiang Kai-shek's army in the north, which was an auxiliary direction for the operation.  Central unitary Hao

Mao Zedong then drafted instructions from the Central Committee to the Northeast Bureau, which said: "Our party's policy is to concentrate the main force on the lines of Jinzhou, Yingkou, and Shenyang, and the secondary forces on the lines of Zhuanghe and Andong, resolutely prevent Chiang Kai-shek's army from landing and annihilating all possible attacks, first defend Liaoning and Andong, and then grasp the whole northeast, and change the scattered policy in the past." ”

On October 20, Mao Zedong drafted the Instructions for the Central Committee on the Situation and Tasks in the Transitional Period, in which he wrote: The Central Bureaus and the Heads of the Party Committees and Corps of the Districts were transferred: The period of about 6 months that has begun is the transition period from the anti-Japanese stage to the stage of peaceful construction. The struggle for the next 6 months will be key to determining our political position throughout the coming peace phase. During this period, the tasks of our Party in the areas ruled by the Kuomintang (e.g., Chongqing, Shanghai, and Beiping) were to expand the united front work of national democracy, to cooperate with the broad masses of friendly and possible Chinese and foreign personalities, to organize the broad masses, to launch campaigns demanding democracy, punishing traitors, saving economic panic, to provide relief to the unemployed and to assist the returnees, and to continue negotiations with the government authorities on the outstanding issues. The central task of our Party in the Liberated Areas is to concentrate all forces against the attack of the recalcitrant forces and to expand the Liberated Areas as much as possible. For this purpose, apart from moving a large number of troops and cadres to the northeast and Rehe and other places, where they are organizing the people, expanding the army, and stopping and crushing the incursions of the recalcitrant army, in all the liberated areas it is the organization of a powerful field army to systematically annihilate the recalcitrant army attacking us, and the more annihilated, the cleaner, the more thoroughly the better. This is a war of self-defense, and we have every reason and stand in a reasonable and advantageous position; all work in the Liberated Areas should serve this central task, among which the realization of rent and interest reduction in the new areas, the elimination of traitors, the establishment of a democratic government, the implementation of political work to dismantle the hypocrisy and stubbornness, especially the organization of the production movement of all the people in the Liberated Areas next year, and the guarantee of the supply of grain, clothing, and daily necessities for the military and people of the Liberated Areas are of particular importance to the struggle for victory. As in the past few months, the next 6 months will be a period of particular tension in the work of the whole party, and it is hoped that the leading comrades and central backbone cadres in various localities will be good at mastering their own work. In the past few months, our Party has won great victories, but the final result depends on our efforts in the next 6 months. It is estimated that although the recalcitrant side and I are competing for North China and Northeast China, although there are convenient conditions (the assistance of the Americans and Japanese and the puppet army), there are their inconvenient conditions (the region is too wide, the troops are not enough to be distributed, the geography and people are unfamiliar, the lone army is deep, divorced from the masses, the supplementary difficulties, the system is not the same), etc.), as long as our Party has a clear policy and resolute efforts to defeat and annihilate in large numbers the stubborn troops attacking north China and Northeast China, to win the favorable position of our Party and our army in North China and Northeast China, forcing the stubborn side to admit this position, and then the two parties compromise, It is entirely necessary and possible to move to a new era of peaceful development. Peace, democracy, unity, and reunification are the established policies of our Party and the road that the Kuomintang was forced to take, which was already stipulated in the Double Tenth Chongqing Agreement. However, the Kuomintang has tried to control more places in recent months, to seek their superiority in north-eastern China, and to weaken our Party and our army in order to achieve peaceful compromise under conditions favorable to them. In this inevitable and present situation, our Party must have a clear understanding of this inevitable and present situation, must adhere to the principle of unity and struggle, and achieve the goal of unity by means of struggle, and unswervingly strive for victory in the present struggle in order to turn favourably to a new stage of peaceful development. The greater the victory of the present struggle, the faster the time for peace will be achieved, and the more favorable it will be for the entire Chinese people. Therefore, the Liberated Areas should organize our forces with the strength that has been organized over the years and continue to organize our forces rapidly, and use them all in the struggle for the next 6 months to win a great victory in this struggle, because this is a decisive battle in the new historical stage of China. Central unitary number

On October 22, Mao Zedong, in the name of the central authorities, sent a telegram to Zheng Weisan, acting secretary of the Eyu-Anhui Bureau of the CPC, and Li Xiannian, commander of the 5th Division of the New Fourth Army, in which he wrote: Zheng Li: 1. You must be prepared to operate in Yu'e for at least 6 months. 2. At present, your field army will meet with Wang Dai and the second king, so that it is most appropriate to seize the Tongbai Mountain area, and you should not go to other areas too early, but increase your difficulties and be unfavorable to the overall situation. Southeast Henan (Dabie Mountain) in the east, northeast Henan (New Yellow River), west Henan (Funiu Mountain) in the west, and northwest Hubei can only be used as preparatory maneuver areas in a few months, and should not be mentioned in the current plan. 3. As long as the battle is won, the finance will have a way, and after a few victories, occupy a large area (at least seven or eight counties), and are not afraid of not being able to solve the financial problem. At present, you should have a firm determination to create a battlefield in the Tongbaishan area (west of the railway, east of Nanyang, south of Yexian County, and north of Suiqi), annihilate the recalcitrant army, and solve the financial problem. This was your original plan, which you hope to implement resolutely. Central unitary rearing

Then, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for the Central Military Commission to Zhang Yunyi, Rao Shushi, Lai Chuanzhu, and others, and he wrote: Zhang Raolai, and told Luo Li, Chen Li: 1. Receiving Chen Li's telegram, our Shandong 8th Division occupied Zou County, controlled more than 40 miles of railways, annihilated more than 2,000 stubborn and stubborn, and prepared to annihilate the stubbornness of the continued advance. In addition, our Shandong 3rd and 4th Divisions occupied Dawenkou and controlled the railway for 20 miles. Second, it is hoped that the field army of our New Fourth Army will expand the railway occupation area between Bengbu and Xuzhou and concentrate its main forces on annihilating the recalcitrant army. As long as I control a section of the railway, the stubborn side must attack, and the battle will become bigger and bigger. Therefore, our army must, first, expand the occupied areas to the north and south to create a battlefield conducive to fighting a mobile war; second, it must concentrate a strong field army, shandong and central China must each have a field army of at least 35,000 to 40,000 people, and must calculate the supplement after continuous battles, mobilize the militia to assist in the battle, and the local party and government must take matters into their own hands to assist in the battle; shandong and central China must each annihilate 40,000 to 50,000 recalcitrant troops in continuous battles; third, in order to concentrate on annihilating the recalcitrant army, Shandong and Central China should only have one main operational direction, and the others should be auxiliary combat directions, and should not disperse troops. Iv. In the Battle of Shangdang in Shanxi, I used 31,000 main forces and 50,000 auxiliary militiamen to fight, and held several battles in a row for 40 days, and the result was that 38,000 people in Yan Stubborn, in addition to more than 4,000 people who escaped, were annihilated by more than 33,000 people, and the capture of mountain accumulation can be an example. At present, Liu Deng concentrated 60,000 field troops and prepared to annihilate at least 40,000 of the 80,000 recalcitrant troops advancing north of Xinxiang, and Nie He concentrated 50,000 field troops to annihilate most or all of the 50,000 recalcitrant troops in Suidong. If you can fight a few good wars of annihilation in Shandong and central China, it will have a great impact on the whole situation.   The Central Military Commission is unitary

At 8 p.m. on October 22, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for the Central Military Commission to Nie Rongzhen and others, writing: Nie Xiaoluo Liu and he told Li: First, 21, 22:00 telegram was learned. You are very pleased with your initial victory. 2. The main forces of fu must be annihilated, and Guisui, Baotou, Wuyuan, and Guyang must be occupied, and if possible, Linhe must be occupied. Datong must be occupied, and if it can be quickly occupied, it will be occupied quickly, otherwise it will be occupied again when it returns to the division. Please deploy operations in accordance with this policy. If Fu Bu insisted on returning to Sui, he would first occupy Baotou, Wuyuan, and Guyang, so that Fu Bu would break through without grain, and then annihilate them. If I can move in quickly, I may be able to quickly occupy the appeasement. According to the intelligence of the third and second bureaus, the chaos and panic in Suicheng were returned, and Tao Lin was occupied by Yao. Fourth, the second batch of field armies of the Jijin, Jizhong, and Pingbei groups, each with at least 10,000, a total of 30,000, was ordered to go to Pingbei to fight.   The Central Military Commission at 20:00 on the 22nd

On October 24, Fu Zuoyi publicly issued a telegram accusing the Communists of clashing with Fu Zuoyi's forces for failing to comply with Chiang Kai-shek's order to "be stationed on the spot." The telegram said that the Communist Party should bear the responsibility for the civil war. Mao Zedong's accusations against Fu Zuoyi instructed the responsible person of the Xinhua News Agency to publish an article to refute it, the center of which was: Fu Zuoyi tried to evade responsibility for the war.

On October 24, Li Xiannian and Zheng Weisan of the Eyu Border Region led the 5th Division of the New Fourth Army to occupy the county town of Tongbai in southwest Henan, and then joined the southward detachment led by Wang Zhen and Wang Shoudao, who had returned from Guangdong to the north, and the troops of the Songyue Military Region led by Wang Shusheng from the south of central Henan, a total of 60,000 troops, to meet the division in the Tongbai Mountains.

On October 24, Mao Zedong called Zheng Weisan and Li Xiannian, and he wrote: Zheng Li: Celebrate your occupation of Tongbai. It is hoped that efforts will be made to expand the results of the battle, annihilate the recalcitrant army in large numbers, occupy most of the counties and towns, and create a new situation. Mao Zedong then drafted a telegram of instructions for Chen Yi and Li Yu for the Central Military Commission, in which he wrote: Chen Li: Your occupation of the railway lot is still too short, and you want to capture several cities that are in a state of flux, such as Liu Deng's occupation of gaoyi, neiqiu, Xingtai, Handan, Cixian and other cities, and the fangli field battle. The same is true of Xu Mujian and Jinjijian.   The Central Military Commission is respectful

Mao Zedong sent another telegram to Peng Zhen, writing on the distribution of military strength in the northeast: Peng Zhen: Youqi sent a telegram informing us of the development and distribution of our army. After the arrival of a large number of cadres and troops, in addition to still taking the old Liaoning Province and Rehe as the first to deploy forces, it is very necessary to quickly deploy considerable forces to the old Jihe Province, first of all, the important cities of Jilin Province. Taonan also hopes to pay attention. A telegram reporting the situation in Dalian has been received.   Mao Zedong youjing

On October 25, the Japanese army that occupied the Taiwan region held a surrender ceremony in Taipei, ending 50 years of colonial rule and returning Taiwan to the embrace of the motherland.

On October 25, three units of the Division at Tongbaishan were formed according to the instructions of the Central Military Commission: Li Xiannian as commander, Zheng Wei as the third political commissar, Wang Shusheng as deputy commander, Wang Zhen as deputy commander and chief of staff, and Wang Shoudao as deputy political commissar and director of the political department. The units under the Central Plains Military Region were reorganized into field units and local units. The field troops are: 1st Column: Commander Wang Shusheng, Political Commissar Dai Jiying. It administers Pi Dingjun's 1st Brigade, Zhang Caiqian's 2nd Brigade, and Liu Changyi's 3rd Brigade. 2nd Column: Commander Wen Jianwu, Political Commissar Ren Jianbin. It administers the 13th, 14th, and 15th brigades of Guo Peng and Wang Enmao. The local troops were divided into: Hanjiang Military Subdistrict: Commander Luo Houfu and Political Commissar Wen Minsheng. Edong Military Subdistrict: Commander Zhang Tixue, Political Commissar Nie Hongjun. Henan Military Subdistrict: Commander and Political Commissar Huang Lin.

On the afternoon of October 25, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for the Central Military Commission to Peng Zhen and Cheng Zihua, and he wrote: Peng Zhen and Zihua immediately turned to Li Yunchang: On organizing the Jidong Field Army. 1. Chiang Kai-shek is transporting troops by land, sea and air to the Pingjin, Tangshan, and Qinhuangdao lines, and the number of them has reached 200,000. Of these, 100,000 will be located on the Tangshan and Qinhuangdao lines, which are attacking the northeast, and the transportation and arrival periods have not yet been determined; 100,000 will be located on the Beiping and Tianjin lines, except for one garrison line, the main force will attack Rehe, which is being transported by air and land, and can be reached in mid-November. 2. I have decided to organize the 2nd Field Army of Jichajin, with Xiao Ke as commander and Luo Ruiqing as political commissar, to be formed within 3 weeks, with 5 brigades and 15 large regiments (2,000 people per regiment) located in the Pingbei area, with the task of annihilating the recalcitrant forces attacking from Beiping to Chengde from west to east. Two regiments of Huang Yongsheng and two regiments of Wen Niansheng, a total of about 6,000 (all veterans) to Chengde, as the backbone of the Rehe Field Corps, asked Yunchang to quickly order the Rehe Department to dispatch about 8,000 to 10,000 people with more combat effectiveness, and to merge with The Two Departments of Huang Wen into the Rehe Field Army, commanded by Cheng Zihua, to quickly consolidate the Gubeikou area and cooperate with Xiao Luo in battle. 3. The Jidong troops under our Yunchang department were quickly divided into two parts of the local army of the field army, that is, about 15,000 to 20,000 people with more combat effectiveness were drawn from all the existing ranks, organized into 7 to 10 large regiments, and each 3 regiments was organized into 1 brigade, and a total of two brigades to 3 brigades, collectively called the Jidong Column, which was personally led by Yunchang to be located in the mobile area, and according to the future situation, or cooperated with our Liaoning Field Army to attack the stubborn army attacking from Guannei to Guanwai, or cooperated with Xiao Luo and Cheng Zihua Field Army to attack the stubborn army attacking from Beiping to Chengde. Fourth, the central authorities are unclear about the quantity, quality, and distribution of our troops in the two districts of Eastern Hebei, and after receiving this telegram, Wang Yunchang on the one hand organizes the troops in accordance with the above policy, and on the other hand, informs us of the actual situation of the two districts through Peng Zhen's telegram, and the sooner the better.  The Central Military Commission has

On October 27, the 13th Army and the 52nd Army of the Kuomintang Army landed on Qinhuangdao and entered the northeast.

On October 27, Mao Zedong drafted a directive telegram to the Central Bureau of The Central Committee of the Central China Military Commission, appointing Su Yu as commander of the Suwan Military Region, Deng Zihui as political commissar, Zhang Dingcheng and Zhang Aiping as deputy commanders, and Tan Zhenlin as deputy political commissar and director of the Political Department. On this day, after Su Yu saw the instruction telegram from the Central Military Commission, he immediately telephoned the Central Military Commission and said: "I was terrified to read the telegram from the Central Committee and Comrade Zhang Dingcheng as the chief and deputy commander of the Central China Bureau. With the ability of the post, it is really impossible to shoulder this heavy responsibility. Comrade Dingcheng is far superior to his position in all aspects of talent, morality, and capital. Before the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he was an elder; in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he was the superior of his post; and in recent years, under the direct leadership of the Central Committee, he had made outstanding achievements, and his ability to implement and master the Party's policies was far beyond his ability. To this end, he repeatedly requested the Central China Bureau to appoint Comrade DingCheng as commander and vice-admiral, but was not allowed. In order to be prudent and more conducive to future work, I hereby send a telegram requesting the Central Committee to make Dingcheng commander and to do his best to assist in fulfilling the glorious tasks entrusted by the Central Committee. This was the first time Su Yu had given up the position of commander in his military career.

Who lords the ups and downs of The Suppression of Jiang Fengyun Chapter 173

On October 29, the Central Military Commission sent a telegram to the Central China Bureau and agreed to Su Yu's request, "agreeing to make Zhang Dingcheng the commander of the Central China Military Region (not called the Suwan Military Region – the author's note), and Su Yu as the deputy commander and commander of the Central China Field Army." Central China Military Region: Central Soviet Military Region: Commander Guan Wenwei, Political Commissar Chen Pixian. It administers the 1st and 2nd Military Sub-districts, independent brigades, directly subordinate artillery regiments, and special service regiments. Huainan Military Region: Commander Zhou Junming, Political Commissar Xiao Wangdong. It administers the 3rd and 4th Military Subdistricts. The military sub-districts under the direct jurisdiction of the Central China Military Region also have the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Military Sub-districts. The units directly under the Central China Military Region also include: Coastal Defense Corps: Political Commissar Wang Zhiping. Liberation of the 1st Army (reorganized from the puppet army uprising), commander Zhong Jianling. Liberation of the 2nd Army (reorganized from the puppet army uprising), commander Du Xinmin. Liberate the 4th Army, commander Dai Xinkuan.

On October 30, Gao Shuxun, deputy commander of the 11th Theater of operations of the Kuomintang Army and commander of the New 8th Army, decided to respond to the call of the Communists and led more than 12,000 people from the New 8th Army and a column of the Hebei Nationalist Army to hold an uprising in Matou Town, south of Handan. Gao Shuxun was very satisfied with his simple and close to the masses after the uprising, and he told the American journalist Jack Belden: "Everything here is very different, in the Chiang Kai-shek district, the social classes are clearly hierarchical. ...... It only depends on how much money you have, how big an official you are, and what kind of mansion you live in. ”

On the afternoon of October 30, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping for the Central Military Commission, in which he wrote: Liu Deng: The 94th Division (formerly the 1st Division) and the 109th Division of the 16th Army of the Hubu Army, which used to serve as the shaanxi river defense, had not fought for a long time, and the 22nd Division (formerly the 3nd Division) had not fought for a long time. After this long march, the number of three divisions is estimated to be no more than 5,000 people per division. On the 25th, Hu Zongnan ordered all the 34th group to come to the south, and by the 29th, Li Wenshi ordered the 16th Army to assist one army in the south, which had been 4 days long, and the order was again marched south one after another after reaching Gaoyi, which seemed not to be very positive. One part of the army seems to be able to start within a day, the other seems to have to be handed over to the 3rd Army (two divisions) before it can advance south, and after reaching Gaoyi, it must find out the situation before it can advance. If the local corps and militia in the north can make a strong blockade and trouble, they may confuse the stubborn and dare not venture forward, so give me enough time to concentrate superior forces, let go of the battle, and annihilate the enemy in front of them (annihilating part of it each time), and then fight to help the enemy.  Central Military Commission unitary 30

A little later, Mao Zedong drafted a supplementary instruction for Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping for the Central Military Commission, in which he wrote: Liu Deng: In order to concentrate all possible forces to annihilate the enemy in front of him and then annihilate and aid the enemy, in addition to ordering Zhao Erlu to lead 6 main regiments to the south, please consider whether to transfer the main forces of the 78th and 2nd Sub-districts of Taihang to the Cixian area, and prepare to clamp down on Wang Zhonglian's possible northern reinforcements, and Qinyang does not have to fight.   Central Military Commission unitary 30

Then, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for the Central Committee to Chen Yi, Li Yu, and others, he wrote: Chen Li, and told the Central Bureau of China: 1. Chen Li youjian was very well arranged. Second, to annihilate Huo Shouyi in the north and Chen Daqing in the south is to aid the northeast, because these armies are all going to open the northeast. In addition to paying attention to the Battle of Zou Tengjian and losing no time in annihilating Chen Wu, and also having to prepare to deal with more recalcitrant troops in the north, it is extremely important to annihilate Huo Shouyi in the north, and pay attention to the operational guidance in this area, first annihilating the second and third regiments of Huo Bu, suddenly thwarting their actions, and then annihilating them individually. Third, Li Pinxian also had the possibility of opening a pingjin, and the breakthrough of the road between Xu Bengjian and the annihilation of Li Bu's campaign meant that it was to assist North China and Northeast China, and this point was fully paid attention to by Huazhong. Fourth, the emphasis on breaking the road lies in digging the roadbed and taking into account both the military and the people, and the excavation and destruction of the roadbed makes it difficult to repair the stubborn parties that lack manpower, and the balance between public and private interests enables the people to gain benefits before the broken road can be thoroughly implemented.   Central unitary 30

Mao Zedong also drafted a telegram of instructions for nie Rongzhen to turn to Xiao Ke and Luo Ruiqing, writing: Nie Rongzhen turned to Xiao Luo and Lan Tao, and told the Rehe Sub-Committee: On the one hand, you should organize a field army and a transport team, and on the other hand, you should command the ready-made troops of Jicha to quickly eliminate the puppet army on the railway line between Beiping and Gubeikou and control the road (at least to the north), mobilize the masses, organize local armed forces, and prepare for the field battlefield. This task must be completed within November, otherwise it will be in a passive position, unable to consolidate Rehe and unable to consolidate Zhangjiakou. Therefore, Xiao Luo must complete three tasks within a month next month, the first is to form a field army, the second is to organize a transport team to go to Chengde to transport weapons and ammunition, and the third is to occupy the railway line between Beiping and Gubeikou and prepare for the field battlefield. The above three tasks, Lan Tao and other comrades who lead the rear work must do their best to assist in completing them. In the future, the main energies of Lan Tao and other comrades must be shifted to the eastern front, and the western front will be handled by Nie Geng alone. Lantao Radio quickly contacted Yan'an without mistake. With regard to the task of annihilating the enemies and hypocrites in the Shiquan, Miyun, and Huairou areas and mobilizing the people of the region to create a field battlefield, the Rehe Sub-Committee had the task of assisting Xiao Luo from Gubeikou to the south, and the jurisdiction of local work in the area was assigned to Rehe, exempting the past three states.  Central unitary 30

It was at this time that the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region reorganized the army in accordance with Mao Zedong's instructions, with Nie Rongzhen as commander and political commissar, Xiao Ke as deputy commander, Liu Lantao and Luo Ruiqing as deputy political commissars, Tang Yanjie as chief of staff, Zhu Liangcai as director of the political department, Geng Biao and Zeng Yongquan as deputy chiefs of staff, and Pan Zili and Cai Shufan as deputy directors of the political department. The main forces of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region's Ji-Cha- Central, Ji-Jin, and Ji-Re-Liao Military Regions are planned to be reorganized into two mobile field armies and five local military regions, as well as directly subordinate instructors with Li Xiang as the division commander and Zhang Minghe as the acting political commissar. The 1st Field Army was located in the Jin-Cha-Ji region, with Nie Rongzhen as commander and political commissar, and had 4 columns under its jurisdiction: the Ji-Jin Column: Commander Chen Zhengxiang, and Political Commissar Wang Ping. It has jurisdiction over the 3rd and 4th Brigades. Ji (Cha) Column: Commander Guo Tianmin. It administers the 6th, 7th, and 9th Brigades and cavalry brigades. Ji (Cha) Column: Political Commissar Liu Daosheng. It administers the 8th and 10th Brigades. Jizhong Column: Commander Yang Chengwu, Political Commissar Lin Tie (concurrently). It administers the 11th, 12th and 13th brigades and regiments of the column. The five local military regions are: Jizhong Military Region: Commander Sun Yi, Political Commissar Lin Tie. It administers the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Military Subdistricts. Jijin Military Region: Commander Zhao Erlu, Political Commissar Wang Ping. It administers the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Military Subdistricts. Jicha Military Region: Commander Guo Tianmin, Political Commissar Liu Daosheng. It administers the 1st, 11th, 12th, 13th and 19th Military Subdistricts. Jidong Military Region: Commander Chen Bojun, political commissar Li Chuli. It administers the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th Military Divisions and the 11th Brigade. Rehe Military Region: Commander Duan Suquan, political commissar Huang Huoqing. It administers the Rexi, Rezhong, Redong and Rebei military sub-districts. By the beginning of November, the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region had formed the 2nd Field Army in the Jireliao region, with commander Xiao Ke and political commissar Luo Ruiqing (concurrently), with five columns under its jurisdiction: the 1st Column: Commander Yang Dezhi and Political Commissar Su Zhenhua. It has jurisdiction over the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Brigades. Reliao Column: Commander Huang Yongsheng, Political Commissar Zhu Dixin. It administers the 22nd, 27th, 30th Brigades and Mixed Brigades. Jidong Column: Commander Zhan Caifang. It has jurisdiction over the 12th, 13th and 14th Brigades. Jijin Column: Commander Zhao Erlu. It has 3 brigades. Jizhong Column: Deputy Commander Huang Shoufa, Deputy Political Commissar Shuai Rong. It has 2 brigades.

On October 31, Mao Zedong, in the name of the central authorities, issued the "Instructions on the Victory meeting of the 5th Division of Jiamian and the Troops Going South to Zheng, Li, Wang, Dai, Wang, and Wang", which said: "Your recent operations in southern Henan and northern Hubei have achieved major victories, thus attracting the troops of Liu Zhi's five or six divisions against you, which greatly helped Liu Bocheng's operations in the northern part of Pinghan... After meeting the division, the Central Plains troops should unite more and strive to create a new situation in the Central Plains, cooperate with the struggles in North China, East China, and Northeast China, smash the Kuomintang offensive, stop the civil war, and build an independent, free, and prosperous new China. Then, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for Chen Yi and Li Yu for the Central Military Commission, and he wrote: Chen Li: According to the news, the 97th Army of Chen Daqing in Lincheng was tasked with protecting the road, and there seemed to be no strong follow-up force for several days. However, Chiang Kai-shek in the Zouteng area will certainly increase his troops to the north, and it is absolutely necessary for me to prepare for a great war of annihilation in the Zouteng area, which is necessary for us to advance northward. It is of great significance for the Bohai Naval Region to occupy two sections of railways in the north and south of Dezhou, occupy the Yellow River Cliff and Enxian County, and annihilate a part of the enemy and puppets. It was hoped that the military region would expand the area occupied by the railway, mobilize the people to balance public and private interests, dig up the roadbed, and concentrate on annihilating Huo Shouyi's 12th Army. The army seems to be anxious to go to the northeast and should never let it pass. To this end, please consider increasing the strength of this area and strengthening operational guidance.  The Central Military Commission

Mao Zedong also drafted a telegram of instructions for Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping for the Central Military Commission, in which he wrote: Liu Deng: Zhao Erlu has been ordered to lead 6 main regiments to the south to deal with the 16th Army, so that you can annihilate the enemy in front of you with peace of mind, and wangsu instruct Zhao's troops to march the route. Do you still feel that there are not enough troops, except for the main force of Chen Geng's column, all the troops that may be mobilized within the half-month trip can be mobilized in order to concentrate the maximum strength. Yang Zhang (referring to Yang Yong and Zhang Linzhi - the author's note) sent a brigade to the Zouteng area to assist Chen Li in the battle, that is, a brigade can be transferred to the west, and the 4th Army has gradually entered Lu, and there is no need there.  The Central Military Commission

On October 31, in view of the fact that the Soviet army did not approve of the use of the Eighth Route Army by the troops in the northeast, the Central Military Commission decided to unify the troops in the northeast into the Northeast People's Autonomous Army, appoint Lin Biao as the commander-in-chief, Peng Zhen, secretary of the Northeast Bureau, as the first political commissar, Luo Ronghuan as the second political commissar, Lü Zhengcao as the first deputy commander-in-chief, Li Yunchang as the second deputy commander-in-chief, Xiao Jinguang as the third deputy commander-in-chief and chief of staff, and Cheng Zihua as the deputy political commissar.

On the evening of October 31, Mao Zedong sent a reply to Peng Zhen. Peng Zhen said in a telegram to Lin Biao, Xiao Jinguang, and the CPC Central Committee: "(1) The Soviet army allowed Chiang Kai-shek to land at Yingkou on October 30, and Chiang Kai-shek's army would enter Shenyang and Fuxin on November 20, and the Soviet army would all withdraw, and ask Lin and Xiao suo to come to Shenyang to discuss deployment. (2) In order to deal with the landing of Chiang Kai-shek's army, it is planned to send two brigades to operate on the Jinzhou side and 3 brigades to serve as the Yingkou side. If you agree, please order the relevant troops to rush to Shenyang by night, the time is tight, and we must not delay it any longer. ”

Mao Zedong wrote in the telegram of the reply: Peng Zhen: First, 31, 4 o'clock telegram. The time was pressing, and it was too late for the army, and Liu Zhuanlian and Yang Guofu began to arrive, which was proof. 2. Please strictly urge all the departments that have crossed the sea in eastern Hebei and Shandong to pass through the Haicheng and Jinzhou lines before November 12. Huang Kecheng will not be able to reach Yutian until November 10, and will have to take a detour to Taonan in the future. Third, the Chiang kai-shek army that landed at Yingkou and Huludao must resist, which may force the Chiang kai-shek army to slow down, and I can buy time. At present, the planned landing at Huludao seems to be a small unit of Tianjin, and if 100,000 troops can fight, they may be annihilated by field combat, and this policy must be determined and deployed according to this policy. Fifth, Liu Qiren and Wen Niansheng urged them to quickly drive Shenyang and not go to Rehe. Huang Kecheng will soon pass the Pingjin Line.   Mao 31 at 18:00

On November 1, 1945, Mao Zedong drafted a directive for Lin Biao and others on the operational deployment in November for the Central Military Commission: Lin Peng, Nie Xiaoluo, Chen Li, Luo Li, Liu Deng, Zhang Raolai: Operational Deployment in November. I. Situation: In the northeast, I have expanded to 100,000 people on the basis of Li Yunchang's 5,000 troops, but our combat effectiveness is weak. As of now, there are only about 30,000 troops in our various places that have entered the northeast, including Wan Yi, Sha Ke, Yang Guofu, Liu Zhuanlian, Cao Lihuai, Xiao Hua, and Wu Kehua. Advancing on the road were the Shandong Liu Qiren Division, the Shandong 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th Divisions, and the Huang Kecheng Division of the Fourth Army, with about 80,000 troops. Jiang's army had decided to land at Huludao and Yingkou, numbering about 60,000 men in two armies, and according to its plan, it would enter the jinzhou and Haicheng fronts on November 12, Shenyang at the end of November, and the Soviet army would withdraw from the northeast at the end of November. In north China, the main force of Chiang Kai-shek's army was basically broken by us to concentrate on Pingjin from the four roads of Pingsui, Tongpu, Pinghan, and Jinpu, and through the two roads of the Beining Rehe River into the northeast. Our Nie and He armies have broken through more than 50,000 of Jiang's army on the Pingsui Road and surrounded Guisui. Liu Deng's army has begun to break through the 60,000 Jiang army on Pinghan Road (Gao Shuxun's two divisions rebelled against me), and attracted 35,000 Jiang's army from Zhengtai Road into Shijiazhuang. Chen Lijun and Central China have cut off the 3rd section of the Jinpu Road in the north and south of the road, thus isolating the two armies of the Chiang clan of the Airlift Pingjin, and also isolating the two armies of the two armies that have entered the northeast by sea and being attacked by the north and the south. Second, our Party's task is to seize the northeast and consolidate north and central China, and the main direction of operations that began in November has been shifted to the northeast, and the second direction of operations is north and central China. For this purpose, the arrangements were as follows: On the northeast side, Lin Peng immediately arranged for internal operations, first doing his best to block the landing of Chiang Kai-shek's army on the line from Huludao to Jinzhou and from Yingkou to Haicheng, waiting for the formation of the troops that had arrived and the arrival of the troops on the road, and resolutely annihilating Chiang Kai-shek's army at the appropriate time and preventing it from entering Shenyang. B, Chen Li, and Luo Li quickly ordered the first batch of Shandong troops (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th divisions) to march north at the same time, and the second batch of troops and the first part of the fourth army immediately set off to the north. C. Huang Kecheng's division immediately crossed Pingjin Road and went north. The Ding and Xiao Luo field armies were concentrated in Pingbei for the first half of the month, and they were ready to march eastward, flanking Chiang Kai-shek's army on the shanhaiguan, Jinzhou, and Shenyang lines. After the battle was completed, Liu Dengjun prepared to draw out Yang Su's column with 10 regiments to stand and go north, and formed a new column to replace Yang Su. The Fei Column of Ye Fei of Central China set off north after putting on cotton clothes. When the Battle of Suiyuan was completed, geng and Nie He's army moved to the Pingjin side with the main force and planned to fight in the northeast. Xin, Liu Deng, Chen Li, and Central China, with the exception of those in the northeast, remained on their original mission and prepared to annihilate the main force of Chiang Kai-shek's army, which was bound to continue to attack north. 3. The implementation of the ministries shall be telegraphed at any time.   Central Military Commission Shudong

Then, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for the Central Military Commission to nie Rongzhen to transfer to the Central Military Region of Hebei, and he wrote: Nie Rongzhen to the Central Military Region of Hebei: Comrade Huang of Jizhong reported on the 20th. It is very important to mobilize all forces to destroy the railway from Dingxian to Shimen. Our Liu Deng army fought a bloody battle with the recalcitrant army in the Handan area, and the 3 divisions of the Shimen recalcitrant army came to the aid of the south, the situation was urgent, on the 30th Gao Shuxun's new 8th Army held an uprising to stand on our side, the recalcitrant 30th Army and the 40th Army were forced to retreat south of the Zhanghe River, and I was pursuing. Judging that the stubbornness of the stone gate to the south will also return to the north, it is very important to step up the breaking of the road in Jizhong. Huo Shouyi's 12th Army moved north from Jinan, and our Bohai Naval Region occupied two sections of the railway in the north and south of Dezhou to block the stubbornness, and Wangjizhong also occupied the first and second sections of the railway in the northern and southern areas of Cangzhou, mobilizing the people, taking into account both public and private interests, digging up the roadbed, and cooperating with the Bohai Sea operation.  The Central Military Commission is in the east

Mao Zedong wrote in a telegram of instructions drafted for the Central Committee to Li Yunchang and to Peng Zhen: Li Yunchang and Peng Zhen: 1. Yunchang 31 telegrams were learned. Your decision was very correct, that is, under the command of Peng Zhen and Lin Biao, you took charge of the tasks of commanding operations in the Shanhaiguan and Jinzhou areas, reorganizing troops, transporting cadres, and so on, and took the operation as the central task. Resolutely annihilate the enemy advancing north and do not return to the east. The field army formed by Zhan Caifang and all the army and local work in the Shanhaiguan and Jinzhou areas are under your command, and you are under the command of Peng and Lin. Second, According to Zhan Dian, Yang Guofu's division has arrived at Shanhaiguan, and Shandong Liu Qiren's division has ordered him to go to Gubeikou, and now orders him to open Shanhaiguan and Jinzhou instead (please ask Zhan Caifang to inform him quickly). Huang Kecheng 35,000 is now in Jizhong, and can go to Yutian on the 10th, please make Zhan Caifang urge him to advance quickly. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th divisions of Shandong have also started, and the end of the month can be reached.   Central 1st

Mao Zedong also drafted a telegram to Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping for the Central Committee, in which he said: "The Gao Shuxun uprising is of great significance, and you have handled it very correctly. The cable also said that the declaration of Gao Shuxun and the history of the uprising should be published publicly, in the form of a visit by a Xinhua reporter, but gao Shuxun's consent must be obtained, and he should be told that public publication has a great impact.

Later, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram for the Central Committee to Zhou Enlai and Wang Ruofei of the CPC delegation in Chongqing, saying: "Gao Shuxun led two divisions to revolt, and the impact was extremely great. "After this victory, it will give a great shock to the 'suppression of bandits' army, and now Liu Deng has checked the documents, and there will be many of them, and it is planned to be published publicly to break through the Kuomintang's slanderous propaganda."

On November 2, the Central Military Commission appointed Zhou Baozhong as the third deputy commander-in-chief of the Northeast People's Autonomous Army, Xiao Jinguang as the fourth deputy commander-in-chief and chief of staff, Wu Xiuquan as the second chief of staff, and Chen Zhengren as director of the Political Department.

On November 2, the Battle of Handan ended. The battle lasted 10 days, annihilating more than 14,000 enemy soldiers and forcing more than 23,000 people to lay down their weapons. Ma Fawu, deputy commander of the Kuomintang 11th Theater and commander of the 40th Army, Song Kentang, chief of staff of the 11th Theater, Liu Shirong, deputy commander of the 40th Army, Li Xudong, chief of staff, Si Guangkai, commander of the 39th Division, Li Zhenqing, commander of the 106th Division, and Li Xuezheng, commander of the 67th Division, were captured.

On the evening of November 2, Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping telegraphed mao zedong saying: Gao Shuxun is very concerned about Yan'an's reaction to his uprising, and would you please send a congratulatory telegram to Gao Shuxun with Commander-in-Chief Zhu De. Mao Zedong immediately drafted and sent a congratulatory telegram he and Zhu De jointly sent to Gao Shuxun: Jianhou (高树勋, Zi Jianhou - Author's Note) General Wu Brother Xunjian: Brother Wen Led the Army to Revolt, Oppose civil war, and advocate peace. All those who belong to the flesh and blood, do not advocate in different voices, special telegraph Chi Congratulations, that is, Song Rong Sui!  

Then, Mao Zedong sent a telegram of instructions to Peng Zhen, in which he wrote: Peng Zhen: 1. Are you in contact with Luo Ronghuan Radio, Zhuanghe Radio station, and Chengde radio station? If not, contact must be made immediately and the troops must be mobilized. Second, Luo Ronghuan has arrived in Jiaoxian County, going north to the middle. On the 30th, the second phase of Shandong final transfer of 40,000, including 32,000 in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd divisions, and 8,000 others. The success or failure of Shenyang depends on whether the US army assists Chiang Kai-shek's army in attacking, and if it does not assist, relying on your current strength and the strength of the troops that will arrive soon, it is very capable of defeating the Chiang army advancing in isolation; if it assists, it is also necessary to fight resolutely, buy time, and control the east, west, and north Manchuria. Fourth, Huludao shots, Chongqing has already reflected, Wang Shijie asked the Soviet side to order the Chinese Communists to retreat, the Soviet side said, this is China's own business, they do not hear about it. It seems that if I resolutely resisted Hudao, Yingkou, Andong, and other places, it might make Chiang Kai-shek have some concerns and first concentrate his forces in Guannei.    Mao Shudong

On November 3, when Mao Zedong learned of the great victory in the Battle of Handan, he telephoned Liu Deng and other responsible persons of the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Liberation Army, saying: "Shu Dong has not learned of the telegram, and he is very relieved. ”

Late on the night of November 3, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram for the Central Military Commission to Liu Bocheng, Deng Xiaoping, Bo Yibo, Zhang Jichun, and Li Da, writing: Liu Deng Bo Zhang Li: Shu Jiang Dian Xi. First, it is right to give preferential treatment to officers of the Northwest Department, but do not let them go. They should be encouraged to make declarations and statements against civil war and in favour of peace. In principle, all captured officers and men shall be taken in for education in accordance with the instructions of the Central Committee, and the reactionaries shall be monitored and shall not be released, and only when necessary may individuals be considered. 3. Great attention was paid to searching for Chiang Kai-shek's "suppression of bandits" documents (such as the "suppression of bandits" manual, etc.) and publishing them publicly, and particular attention was paid to the collusion with the United States to fight the civil war.            The Central Military Commission(CMC)

On November 4, Mao Zedong telegraphed Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping on the issue of propaganda of the Gao Shuxun Uprising: "Matou Town is very close to Handan, and Handan is a famous historical city, so it can be called the Handan Uprising." On the question of the name of Gao Shuxun's department after the uprising, Mao Zedong instructed: Because Wang Jingwei had used the name of the Peaceful Founding Army, Gao Shuxun's department should use the people's founding army or the Democratic Construction Army or other names, or still use the old name of the new 8th army.

On November 4, in an interview with Xinhua News Agency, Gao Shuxun issued the "Declaration on the Uprising to Stop the Civil War and Unite the Nation", declaring his separation from the Kuomintang camp and exposing Chiang Kai-shek's plot to annex the Liberated Areas in the name of "reunification" and explaining the reasons for the uprising. He said: "The Kuomintang's propaganda to the outside world is to ask us to surrender to the north and restore communications, but the actual order given to us is to go north to suppress the bandits, and when we arrived in Xinxiang, the central authorities also issued a "Handbook for Suppressing Bandits.", and these actions are completely contrary to the will of all our soldiers... If the Kuomintang does not change its current policy, the Kuomintang will ruin its future. ”

On the evening of November 4, Mao Zedong wrote a news report for Xinhua News Agency entitled "Victory and Victory in the Battlefield of Northern Henan and Southern Hebei", focusing on the victory in the Battle of Handan.

On November 4, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for chen yi and Li Yu for the Central Military Commission, in which he wrote: Chen Li, Zhang Raolai, and the Central China Bureau: 1. After the Battle of Handan ended on the 2nd, in addition to the 3,000 people who fled, Gao Shuxun led two divisions anyway, 3 divisions of the 30th Army and 3 divisions of the 40th Army were all annihilated, ma Fawu, deputy commander of the 11th Theater and commander of the 40th Army, Song Kentang, chief of staff of the 11th Theater, and four division commanders of the 39th Division, the 106th Division, the 30th Division, and the 67th Division. In addition to the 3 divisions of the 8th Army (US weapons) waiting to be transported to Qingdao in Guangzhou, there are 10 divisions in total, 3 divisions of Ji Huo Shouyi's 12th Army (the 111th And 112th Divisions have arrived in Jinan, and the 117th Division is still in Xuzhou), two divisions of he Zhuguo's 2nd Army (He himself is blind in Chongqing, and the commander of the army is to be investigated) has arrived in Jinan, two divisions of Wang Yuwen's 97th Army (33rd Division and Provisional 30th Division) are in Lincheng, the 8th Cavalry Division is in Xuzhou, and the 51st Army has two divisions in Xuzhou. A total of 6 divisions (all under the command of Chen Daqing of the 19th Group Army) on the Lincheng and Xuzhou lines will all go north, but their combat effectiveness is weak. Third, liu ruming's 55th army cao fulin 3 divisions (29th division, 74th division, 81st division) and 68th army Liu Ruzhen's two divisions (119th division, 143rd division) are now between Weishi, Fugou, Taikang, and Lanfeng, and are concentrating on Lanfeng, judging that they will open Xuzhou to the north. These two armies are of the Northwest Department and have strong combat effectiveness. Hoping to take advantage of Sun Lianzhong's failure, the influence of Gao Shuxun's uprising was vigorously won. According to Liu Ruming's telegram, the 30th Regiment and more than 2,000 of the 120th Regiment had defected in Taikang territory, and the 29th Division had been ordered to attack. Please find out if it is dragging on to our side. Fourth, it is extremely important to carry out military movement work in all the northwest departments (55th Army, 68th Army, 38th Army) and northeast departments (12th Army, 2nd Cavalry Army, and 51st Army). The same is true for the puppet armies of the Northwest.     The Central Military Commission branch

On November 5, Mao Zedong also delivered an important speech in the name of the spokesman of the Chinese Communist Party: "The Truth of the Kuomintang's Attack" (see Selected Works of Mao Zedong). He said in the conversation: "The United Press Chongqing 3 reported that Wu Guozhen, the propaganda minister of the Kuomintang, declared that 'the government is on the defensive in this war' and proposed a so-called way to restore transportation. "Wu's words about 'defensiveness' are all lies. With the exception of the five liberated areas of eastern Zhejiang, southern Jiangsu, central Anhui, southern Anhui, and Hunan, which our army has retreated, all of which have been occupied by the Kuomintang troops and wantonly ravaging the people, most of the other liberated areas, such as Guangdong, Hubei, Henan, northern Jiangsu, northern Anhui, Shandong, Hebei, and other provinces, have more than 70 divisions of the Kuomintang regular army driven to our liberated areas and their vicinity to oppress the people, attack our army, or prepare to attack. There are still dozens of divisions that are marching into our liberated areas. Is this a defensive position? Among them, 8 divisions from Zhangde to the north and attacked 8 divisions in the Handan area, two divisions opposed the civil war and advocated peace, and 6 divisions (including 3 American mechanic divisions) were forced to lay down their weapons after the military and civilians in our liberated areas held a counterattack in self-defense. Many officers of the Kuomintang army along this road, including deputy commanders, military commanders, and deputy commanders, are now in the Liberated Areas, and they can prove the full truth of where they came from and how they were ordered to attack. Is this also a defensive position? The troops of the Liberated Areas of Our Two Provinces are now surrounded on all sides by more than 20 divisions of the Kuomintang's 1st, 5th, and 6th Theaters, and Liu Zhi is the commander-in-chief of the 'suppression of the Communists' in these areas. The liberated areas in western Henan, central Henan, southern Hubei, eastern Hubei, and hubei were all invaded and occupied by the Kuomintang troops, and they were burned and killed on a large scale, forcing li xiannian, Wang Shusheng, and other troops to have nowhere to stay, and had to find a garrison in the junction area of Henan and Hubei in order to survive, but they were closely pursued by the Kuomintang troops. Is this also a defensive position? General Fu Zuoyi was ordered to attack the liberated areas of Suiyuan, Chahar, and Rehe provinces, and for more than two months, he reached the gate of Zhangjiakou and occupied the entire Suiyuan Liberated Area and the western part of Chahar. Is this also taking the defensive position and not firing the 'first shot'? The soldiers and civilians of our two provinces rose up in self-defense, and in the counter-offensive battle they also captured a large number of officers and men, and they can prove where they came from, how they attacked, and so on. In response to Wu Guozhen's "proposal of the so-called method of restoring transportation," Mao Zedong revealed: "This is just a strategy to slow down the army." "In order to put a swift end to the anti-people and anti-democratic civil war that has spread throughout the country," he made 3 propositions; finally, he added: "Chinese people have been deceived enough, and now they can no longer be deceived." The central problem now is the mobilization of the people of the whole country to stop the civil war by all means. ”

On November 5, Luo Ronghuan and his party arrived at Longkou on their way to the northeast. The docks were littered with troops preparing to cross the sea to the northeast. Xu Shiyou came to see Luo Ronghuan off, and Luo Ronghuan looked at his beloved war horse and said to Xu Shiyou, "This horse has accompanied me for many years, give it to you." Xu Shiyou knew that Luo Ronghuan was not only attached to the war horse, but more importantly, he was reluctant to create the Shandong base area with his own hands, so he took off the pistol around his waist, held it with both hands, and gave it back to Luo Ronghuan. After Luo Ronghuan and Xu Shiyou shook goodbye, the group crossed the sea by boat and traveled to Lushun, where they were intercepted by Soviet warships. Luo Ronghuan explained his identity, and the Soviet captain said suspiciously: "Are you the commander of the Shandong Military Region of the Eighth Route Army?" Luo Ronghuan took a photo from his purse and handed it to him, and the captain took a look at the photo, recognized Mao Zedong in the photo, and also recognized Luo Ronghuan, immediately saluted a military salute, and said: "Comrade Commander, please forgive me." You can land at any port other than Lushun and Dalian. ”

On November 6, Luo Ronghuan and his party landed at Maungziwo and set foot on the land of the northeast.

On November 7, Mao Zedong drafted an intra-party directive for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: "Rent reduction and production are two major events in the defense of the Liberated Areas" (see Selected Works of Mao Zedong). In his instructions, he wrote: "The present task of our Party is to mobilize all forces, to stand on the stand of self-defense, to crush the Kuomintang offensive, to defend the Liberated Areas, and to strive for the emergence of a peaceful situation. In order to achieve this aim, it will be very urgent task to enable the peasants in the Liberated Areas to generally reap the benefits of rent reduction, to enable the workers and other working people to gain the benefits of increasing wages and improving their treatment as a discretionary measure, and at the same time to enable the landlords to live and to make the industrial and commercial capitalists profitable; and to develop a large-scale production movement next year, to increase the production of grain and daily necessities, to improve the people's livelihood, to provide relief to the hungry and refugees, and to supply the needs of the army. Only when the two major tasks of rent reduction and production are done well can we overcome difficulties, aid the war, and win victory. "Within 1946, the production of agriculture and industry throughout the Liberated Areas was ensured to have a new development. Do not neglect rent reduction and production because of the new large-scale war; on the contrary, it is precisely to overcome the Kuomintang offensive that it is necessary to intensify rent reduction and production. Then, Mao Zedong sent a telegram of instructions to Li Fuchun and Huang Kecheng, in which he wrote: Fuchun, Kecheng: There is a war at Shanhaiguan, where Li Yunchang and Yang Guofu should delay the advance of the recalcitrant army and cover the two departments of Huangliang to Jinzhou. Huang Liang's task is to quickly go to Jinzhou to serve as the main force to annihilate the recalcitrant army, and immediately after you arrive in Yutian, you will investigate the route from Yutian to Jinzhou, do not take Shanhaiguan, take the west of Shanhaiguan, and advance in shade, so as not to be exposed, and it seems appropriate to take the Xifeng Pass on the map. Please investigate whether there is a straight road in the middle area of Xifengkou and Shanhaiguan. After the route is determined, Huang Liangjun should send a small number of cover troops to Jinzhou to fight the front station or set up an office in Shenyang, and connect with Peng and Lin of the Northeast Bureau to solve the problems of the two departments.       Mao Zedong Shu Yu

On November 8, 10 groups from all walks of life in Chongqing held a "Celebration Of Mr. Chen Jiageng's Safe Escape from Danger" to celebrate Chen Jiageng's safe return from exile to Singapore. Mao Zedong presented a banner to the congress with the following words: "Overseas Chinese Banner National Glory." At this time, Chen Jiageng also had great admiration for Mao Zedong, and hung a portrait of Mao Zedong in the parlor of his residence, Jardine Xuan.

On November 9, in a conversation with Xiao Jun, Mao Zedong mentioned the issue of Xiao Jun's joining the party. He said: "Listen to Peng Zhen, you want to join the party, we welcome it, as long as you make up your mind whenever you want." A Party member does not mean to abolish all his characteristics and creativity. Xiao Jun said: "I am mainly afraid of losing my temper. Mao Zedong said: "It doesn't matter, it's okay to lose a little temper, this is called a small friction in great unity." That night, Xiao Jun commented on Mao Zedong in his diary: "Their attitude toward people is thoughtful and cordial, which is also a kind of 'political literacy'. Since then, although Xiao Jun and Mao Zedong still have contacts, the atmosphere of unrestrainedness in the past has ceased to exist. As he wrote in his diary: "We all seem to be deliberately avoiding one thing—the unpleasant history of the past." ”

Later, in 1948, Xiao Jun was severely criticized in the northeast for the "Culture Newspaper Incident", and the sympathy for Wang Shiwei was also re-turned, and since then he has been expelled from the mainstream literary circle. In 1958, the literary and art newspaper, an organ of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, launched a "re-criticism", accusing Xiao Jun and Ding Ling of "colluding together to engage in anti-party activities" in Yan'an and "writing counter-revolutionary articles as revolutionaries". Xiao Jun was forced to completely withdraw from the literary world and abandon literature to pursue medical practice.

On November 10, Mao Zedong drafted an instruction telegram for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Ziu) to the Northeast Bureau (寅卯), in which he wrote: 寅卯: 1. 戌鱼電佳日 (戌鱼電, referring to the telegram sent to the Central Committee by the Northeast Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on November 6. A good day, that is, the 9th - the author's note) received, and it is very gratifying to have this result. Second, at present, only half a month, within half a month Huang Yongsheng and Wen Niansheng two parts of five thousand, Liang Xingchu, Huang Kecheng two parts of more than 40,000 will be able to go to Shenyang, Jinzhou line. It is hoped that our army at Shanhaiguan will persist for half a month, that is, there is a way. The Shandong sea-crossing troops must be deployed in accordance with Lin Biao's methods between the main concentration camp mouth and Shenyang. The Kuomintang Mechanic Division is not strong in combat, and I Liu Deng have captured 3 complete Mechanic Divisions, hoping to expand propaganda to boost morale. Third, Shenyang rifles are not many, you must keep one equipment and then go to the troops, can you send a gun shell to Rehe? Fourth, Shijiazhuang Li Zhengxian (Kuomintang Army, the same below - the author's note) 16th Army and 3 divisions have begun to transport to the north, within half a month may be concentrated near Shanhaiguan, Shi Jue 13th Army from Shanghai, it is estimated that it can reach the vicinity of Shanhaiguan in the middle of this month, the 52nd Army from Annam, it is estimated that they can reach Shanhaiguan by the end of this month, the enemy in front of you is only about 80,000 people in these 3 armies, the lone army is deep, the geography and the people are unfamiliar, they are separated from the masses, the southerners are afraid of the cold, and there are many new recruits, and there are many weaknesses. Fifth, great attention must be paid to controlling the airfields in Changchun and other places, and it is necessary to ensure the annihilation of the airlift troops. Sixth, quickly mobilize the masses to create a battlefield, publicize to the people that Chiang Kai-shek has no success in recovering the northeast, abandon the guilt of the northeast, and cause a wave of anti-Chiang Kai-shek in the people. Send a large number of party affairs cadres of the democratic movement to Shenyang, Shanhaiguan, Shenyang, Yingkou, and Andong lines, and regard mobilizing the masses to create battlefields as an urgent strategic task at present.                Sub-ugly ash

On November 10, the Central China Field Army was formally formed according to Mao Zedong's instructions: Commander Su Yu, Political Commissar Tan Zhenlin, Chief of Staff Liu Xiansheng, and Political Department Director Zhong Zhiguang. Under the jurisdiction of the field army: the 6th Column: Commander Wang Bicheng, Political Commissar Jiang Weiqing. 7th Column: Commander Ji Pengfei and political commissar. 8th Column: Commander Tao Yong and Political Commissar. 9th Column: Commander Zhang Zhen and Political Commissar.

On November 10, Gao Shuxun's rebel troops were renamed the Democratic Construction Army according to Mao Zedong's instructions, with Gao Shuxun as the commander-in-chief of the Democratic Construction Army and Wang Dingnan as the director of the General Political Department; Fan Longzhang as the commander of the 1st Army, and Qiao Mingli as the commander of the 2nd Army.

On November 11, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for the Central Committee to Chen Yi and Li Yu, in which he wrote: Chen Li: First, celebrate your victory in annihilating Wu Huawen. Second, in order to prepare for the victory over the inevitable large-scale offensive, in addition to concentrating and reorganizing the troops, it is necessary to create a broader battlefield, expand the occupied areas of the railway line to the north and south, uproot the strongholds in the Lin, Teng, Zou, and Yan areas, and extensively mobilize the people to give economic benefits to the people. The Kuomintang is holding a meeting of generals in Chongqing to implement anti-communistism throughout the country, but it will take time to mobilize a large army in the Zouteng area, and you should take advantage of this gap to create a battlefield and regard the task of creating a battlefield as a strategic task.      Central Shu zhen

On the afternoon of November 11, Mao Zedong drafted a telegram of instructions for the Central Military Commission to Huang Kecheng and others, in which he wrote: Kecheng immediately turned liang Xingchu and sued Li Sha, Lin Peng: 1. Jia Wei was informed. You should not take the Xifengkou and Pingquan lines, the road is too long, and there is no train, you should take the Lengkou and Jielingkou shortcuts to Jinzhou, only 800 miles. Second, shanhaiguan operation has been a week, the stubborn army firepower is strong, morale is low, fish night yang guofu division a regiment attack, 50 prisoners, 1 cannon, heavy aircraft 1, light aircraft 18. The recalcitrant army is most afraid of charging, and it will collapse as soon as it is charged. Li Yunchang and Sha Ke had been ordered to command Yang Shi to insist on Shanhaiguan and cover all of Kecheng's rapid arrival in Jinzhou. However, after Liang Shi crossed the border lingkou, he hoped to prepare to transfer to Suizhong (east of Shanhaiguan) at any time, and yang Guofu insisted on the Shanhaiguan, Suizhong, Xingcheng, and Jinzhou lines, and if he could insist on one to two months, it would be extremely beneficial to the overall situation. Third, from Jidong to Jinzhou Road via Lengkou and Jielingkou, it is all up to you to run grain and grass, and the Northeast Bureau cannot take care of it, so you immediately organize the front station personnel to prepare for supplies for several days in advance, and do not hope to take the train, everything is a hard plan. 4. Daily telegraphs of the march.         The Central Military Commission (CMC) is sincere

Who lords the ups and downs of The Suppression of Jiang Fengyun Chapter 173

On November 12, peng Zhen made a plan to capture the three cities of Shenyang, Changchun, and Harbin after the Soviet army retreated, in accordance with the operational policy determined by the central government, and reported to Mao Zedong. On the afternoon of November 12, Mao Zedong presided over an enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, at which he delivered a speech entitled "The Situation in the Three Months of the Victory of the War of Resistance and The Principles for Several Future Work," in which he said: "The situation has developed rapidly recently, and since the Soviet Union sent troops and Japan surrendered, there has been a bit of a rush in the past three months, as has been the case with both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the United States. Now, our situation is that the train is on track. Former guerrilla forces are forming a formidable field army. Then there was another long march of several thousand miles, and the cadres sent to the northeast were already on the road more than 30,000, and Peng Zhen called to say that 3,000 people had been received, not including those from Shandong. The field army we have formed, counting those that have already gone and some of which are in the process of going, are: Nie Rongzhen's 1st Field Army, which was originally scheduled to have 70,000 people, is now less than 70,000; He Long's 30,000 people are now less than 30,000; Liu Bocheng's 70,000; Chen Yi's 70,000; Li Xiannian's 30,000; and Su Yu's 50,000. These 6 major military regions in Kannai, plus a military region in the northeast (Lin Biao 200,000), a total of 7 major military regions. There are 320,000 field armies in the 6 major military regions, 200,000 in the northeast, a total of 520,000, and in a few weeks, the formation work can be generally completed. 190,000 troops were sent to the northeast, the first large-scale military mobilization since the Communists. It has reached 90,000, and it is walking 100,000. It has reached 10,000 li yunchang's department, 2000 shake's department, cao lihuai's department 2000, Huang Yongsheng's department 4000, Liu Zhuanlian's 5000, Yang Guofu's 7000, Liang Xingchu's 7000, Xiao Hua's 20,000, and Wan Yi's 15,000. Huang Kecheng's department is 35,000, and it will be out of customs a few days later. Li Yunchang arrived early, and the army had been expanded to 100,000. Now Shanhaiguan is fighting, and it has been fighting for a week. In terms of time, we can still fight for the last 18 days of this month, because the Soviet troops will withdraw at the end of this month. If Huang Kecheng's department goes to Jinzhou, the veterans of this line are more than 60,000. In Huludao and Yingkou, the Kuomintang troops have not yet landed today, and may not have landed. The battle is only fought at Shanhaiguan, and the time is completely available. Chiang Kai-shek prepared to airlift troops, but the United States did not produce pilots, and the Soviet army could not be airlifted without leaving. If we can hold out at Shanhaiguan within two weeks, and if the Kuomintang troops at Huludao and Yingkou do not land, and win these two points, we will have a way. Shaq, in the name of the Manchurian People's Self-Defense Forces, did not allow American Lieutenant General Babe to land, and they did not land. The last two weeks have been a key. The possibility of us controlling the Northeast is growing. The Kuomintang troops did not land at Huludao and Yingkou, and according to the Soviet army, they were allowed to land. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Nationalist Government demanded that the Communists retreat, and the Soviets said it was a Matter for China. In the future, they may not be able to climb, and only Shanhaiguan can still insist on fighting. The Kuomintang's forces had not yet been concentrated, Ping and Tianjin had to be garrisoned, and the 5 divisions in Shijiazhuang were in a hurry. They took advantage of the gap to enter the 5 divisions in Shijiazhuang and the two divisions in Jinan, but they could not move now. Now they planned to transport a division from Beiping to Changchun, but the Tianjin command said that the communist army had 100,000 troops in that area and could not be transported. Now they could probably transport 3 armies at most. Northeast things, we can only do can not say. Now we have a part of the regime that we have received, 120,000 guns, some guns, and some factories. In another week or two, the Soviets had to be taken in before they could withdraw. There are not many people who need to receive people and soldiers, and now there are not many people who are really receiving near Shenyang, and it is very tense in that regard, and there is a scramble. Now the difference is Changchun and Harbin, and there must be a regiment, and we will receive it as soon as the Soviet army leaves. We are mobilizing 100,000 troops, 40,000 troops from Luo Ronghuan, 22,000 from Ye Fei, 5,000 from Tan Zhengdai, 22,000 from Yang Dezhi, and 12,000 from Chen Geng's troops, with a total of 100,000,000 troops, ready to attack the Kuomintang troops. Now by sea, 6,000 people at a time, once every 3 days, have not encountered any danger so far. There are more than 30 million people in the northeast, and we have gone to so many cadres and soldiers, which is almost the same. In Guannei, it can be said that the 3-way offensive of the Kuomintang army has been broken by us. In August this year, Fu Zuoyi led more than 60,000 troops to the east along the Pingsui Line and occupied the towns that had been liberated by us. After about a month of assembling and reorganizing the troops of the Jin-Cha-Ji and Jin-Sui military regions, the first counterattack hit Fu Bu to Pingdiquan and continued until Guisui. Yesterday we generally attacked Sui, and we planned to fight until Wuyuan and Linhe. Now that Fu's original plan has been broken, even if we can't get Guisui and Baotou, it will be difficult for him to attack again. In the Shangdang Campaign, Yan Xishan's main force was eliminated, and 27 generals were captured. This battle is of great significance, and we have no worries. The Shangdang district is a place where troops are sent out for food. The Battle of Pinghan (Handan Campaign – The Author's Note) lasted 10 days, the main of these battles, and hindered the northward advance of hundreds of thousands of Kuomintang troops. Now there were 30 divisions of the Kuomintang army from Tongguan to Xuzhou, because of this battle, they could not advance, and Li Xiannian's troops and the New Fourth Army in northern Jiangsu also played a role in pincer production. The New Fourth Army transferred only two brigades to Shandong, and cooperated with the troops of the Shandong Military Region to eliminate wuhua's cultural department, and in a few days, it would go to 4 brigades, a total of 18 regiments, and the strength would be even greater. At Tongpu Road, Chen Geng's column captured Hongdong and Zhaocheng. Chen Geng's troops were transferred away from Taiyue, so Taiyue also organized several regiments to pay attention to guarding against Hu Zongnan. Chiang Kai-shek's meeting in Chongqing was actually to study how to deal with us. At present, the Kuomintang has a maximum of 127 divisions (49 corps) against us, in fact, the new 1st Division in Guangzhou can only send out one regiment, and the New 6th Army in Nanjing can only glance at Pukou, so at best it is only 50 corps. Now we have eliminated 9 of their armies, and only 40 are left. At present, it is difficult for them to increase their strength, and no more than half of them will be able to carry out field battles except for the main points of garrison, and our field army is generally formed. During this period, we seized 200,000 guns. Our policy is not only to determine negotiations with Chiang Kai-shek, but also to prepare Chiang Kai-shek to fight. Jiang adopted a two-sided strategy, so we learned from him and practiced two hands. We did not affect military operations because of the negotiations, concentrated the army, fought 3 major battles, and sent cadres to the northeast. In general, Jiang must attack, and I will resolutely fight. It cannot be said at this time that we have controlled the northeast and have an advantage in the north. Only when it is really played down can it be said to be ours. Only then will we be able to raise the issue of autonomy in the Northeast. Controlling the northeast, is the Kuomintang not allowed to intervene? Can be allowed. But they will never allow us to step in, and now Mei Jiang must put us down and put a lot of pressure on us, and there is no other way but to fight. Negotiations are about to be negotiated. We do not establish a central government, Chiang Kai-shek issued a crusade order, and we only want him to take back his life. The People's Congress of the Liberated Areas may also be held. If he cancels the Eighteenth Army, we Zhu Peng will join the People's Liberation Army, and we can also send a telegram asking him to take back his life and cancel the wrong policy. There is also a possibility that he did not issue a crusade order. The United States is actually interfering in China's internal affairs, but it also has weaknesses and must declare that it will not interfere. There is news that it will send 200,000 U.S. troops, but it has not been confirmed that it may not be able to do so. Even if it comes to 200,000, the distribution in China is also quite thin and weak. The American proletariat stands in solidarity with us, it is a fact that a demonstration was held in New York, and Comrade Zhou Enlai sent a telegram. There are two basic weaknesses of Chiang Kai-shek's army: The soldiers' hearts are not solid, and the people's hearts are not returning. There is also ammunition shortage, lack of food, the battle depends on firepower, we charge it will collapse, a grenade can pay it 5 machine guns. There were also unfavorable days, and there were many people in the south in Chiang Kai-shek's army, and it was very cold to go to the north to fight. The most important of these is the military and the people's hearts. In addition, there is also the possibility of rebellion of the miscellaneous army, such as Sun Liangcheng may come over, and Zhang Lanfeng may also be possible. In addition, there were Liu Ruming, Cao Fulin, Shang Zhen, Feng Zhi'an, plus the 38th Army. The impact of Gao Shuxun was great, the electricity was widespread, and now it has been celebrated everywhere. The road break has also become a propaganda war, they say that we sabotage the demobilization, we say that this is one of the means to stop the civil war. We organized the Road Breaking Command, which took into account both public and private interests, and the masses got rails and sleepers, which was very active. Jiang Jun's coming force was very fierce, and there was a lot of pressure on us, and there was no way but to resist. If we don't fight, we will definitely be wiped out, and if we fight, we will be wiped out, so why not fight? There is a good chance that we will win the fight. Will fighting cause a world war? I don't think so. The Soviet Union had to recuperate after the war, it did not want a new world war, it wanted to cause a big war, unless anyone attacked the Soviet Union. As long as there are current conditions, the Soviet Union will not help us, and we will not be afraid. The United States is actually interfering in China, but as long as we keep winning battles, he has to consider it. In World War II, many people did not believe that the Soviet Union could achieve victory. Now we can win, and we don't believe in it. Bai Chongxi's secretary said that Bai did not believe that they could not win any way. If we can hold out for half a year, both Chiang Kai-shek and the United States may reconsider the problem. The Liberated Areas must now engage in production and rent reduction, and the new areas must carry out a large-scale rent reduction campaign and carry out it thoroughly and universally. If this is done, the vitality of the masses of the people will be restored. Is the landlord's land to be confiscated? The policy of the Seventh National Congress is still to reduce rents and interest rates, to completely reduce them, and to suppress the prestige of the landlords. In terms of production, next year we must organize the development of grain and daily necessities. Now large corps are fighting, and the consumption is very large. For industrial production, we do not have large cities, only medium-sized cities. Without a complete reduction in rents, the mood of the masses cannot be raised and there will be no interest in production. Now it is necessary to divide the front and rear, and do not leave the rear work unattended. I'm afraid it will take another two months to get on track. In the northeast, economic work is a big problem. What Benxi Lake, what Fushun, who will do? Comrade Shaoqi said earlier that whoever will do it will do it. Now the trains on the Pingsui Line are not the old people. Northeast industry accounts for 80 percent of the country's total, and it is okay to use Japanese technicians to get these 80 percent of industries up. The meeting adopted the "Instruction of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Expanding the Propaganda of the Handan Uprising" drafted by Mao Zedong, which stated: "Expand the propaganda of the Handan Uprising throughout the country, attack the Kuomintang army from the heel of the Kuomintang in the civil war, and promote the outbreak of the second and third Handan uprisings." ”

In mid-November, Liu Yazi's "Yongxue Words of Mr. He Mao Runzhi" was first published in Xinhua Daily, followed by newspapers in Chongqing, which attracted widespread attention from all walks of life, and people wanted to appreciate the original work of "Mao Runzhi's Yongxue". Therefore, Wu Zuguang, the editor of the supplement of Xinmin Bao, "Western Night Tan", asked Pu Xixiu, a well-known reporter of Xinmin Bao, to inquire about Mao Zedong's original works through her connections. This Pu Xi Xiuyuan was a journalist in the Kuomintang-Republican peace talks and established close ties with the Communist Party during the peace talks. She had already seen Mao Zedong's "Qinyuan Spring and Snow", and had shown it to Zhang Hexhui, hoping that Zhang Hexhui and one poem would be published in the "Xinmin Bao". Zhang Hexhui felt that this word was majestic and extraordinary, so he did not dare to take the risk of responding to peace. Now that she saw that Wu Zuguang had made this request, she gave the poem "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" to Wu Zuguang.

On November 14, Wu Zuguang published Mao Zedong's original work and his "Editor's Note" in a prominent position in the newspaper's supplement under the title of "Mao Ci Qinyuan Chun". Editor's note: Mao Runzhi's poetry seems to be little known. There are people who copied the word "Qinyuan Spring and Snow", and the wind tone is unique and the literary sentiment is rich. And the boldness is unattainable. According to Mao's self-proclaimed, the game is not enough for the youth law, especially for humanity.

Qinyuan Spring Snow

The scenery of the northern country, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow. Looking at the inside and outside of the Great Wall, only the rest is vast; the great river is up and down, and it is suddenly lost. Mountain dancing silver snake, the original chi wax elephant, wants to be higher than the Tiangong test. On a sunny day, look at the red dress, especially charming. There are so many delicate rivers and mountains, causing countless heroes to bend their waists. Emperor Han Wu of Qin lost his literary style slightly; Emperor Songzu of Tang was slightly inferior. A generation of heavenly pride, Genghis Khan, only knows how to bend the bow to shoot large eagles. Count the popular characters, and look at the present dynasty.

As soon as this newspaper came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the mountain city. Strong, an American journalist who was in Chongqing, commented: "Mao Zedong's poem shocked the Chongqing literary scene, and those cultural people thought that he was a local propagandist from the northwest, but they saw a person who far surpassed them in philosophy and literature." The kuomintang side reacted particularly strongly, and the head of the Information Bureau of the Nationalist Government immediately summoned Chen Mingde, the host of the Xinmin Bao, and scolded the Xinmin Bao supplement for showing its eyes for the Communist Party and surrendering to the Communist Party. Chen Mingde defended: "Chairman Jiang treats him as a guest of honor, and the newspaper publishes a poem. A day later, Mao Zedong's magnificent poem appeared in chongqing daily again. Two weeks later, Chongqing's Ta Kung Pao also brought together Liu Yazi's words and Mao Zedong's original words and published them in a prominent position.

On October 22, Liu Yazi wanted to "attach the tail of the ji" and wrote a poem, which he wrote: Twenty loads of reunion, a new word, meaning the clouds floating. Sighing green plum wine stagnation, Yu Huai was confused. The Yellow River is turbid and the whole world is gushing. Neighbor Di Shan Yang, Bo Ren by me, drawing the sword is difficult to flat block high. Sad, painless, peerless, absolutely charming. Talented and beautiful, many delicate, look at the ancient words people bent waist. Count Huangzhou too defensive, jude arrogance; Jiaxuan resident, only to solve the complaint. Ridiculous Hu'er, Nalan Rongruo, Yan wants to be affectionate with the carving. The king and I will go up to heaven and earth and grasp this dynasty.

From this point on, Guo Moruo and Nie Cyanobow in Chongqing also published their words and articles; Chen Yi in the Jinji-Hebei Lu Liberated Area, Wang Ruofei's uncle Huang Qisheng in Yan'an, and others also competed to sing harmony; many poets also wrote "Qinyuan Spring"; more than 10 kinds of newspapers and periodicals successively published rhymes, singing and commentaries, and public opinion boiled over, which can be described as a flourishing moment.

At the behest of Chiang Kai-shek, the Kuomintang side also secretly organized experts in filling in the words, and in newspapers and periodicals such as "Central Daily," "Yimin Bao," and "Cultural Pioneers," they filled out "Qinyuan Spring" one after another under the name of singing peace; some mixed-up people also took the opportunity to buzz and scream, or compose lyrics or write articles, praise Chiang Kai-shek, slander and attack Mao Zedong, call Mao Zedong an anti-thief, say that Mao Zedong had imperial thoughts, and also put forward in nonsense that Genghis Khan was singing praises of the Yellow Peril.

In a short period of time, the newspapers and periodicals controlled by the Kuomintang published nearly 30 so-called "harmony words" and more than 10 articles in a row, but both their ideas and their words, arts, and literary style were despised.

Chiang Kai-shek said angrily, "How can anyone with ability run to the Communist Party?" How can our people be so angry! ”

There is also a small story about "Qinyuan Spring snow", which I have to make up here. As early as October 21, Yin Shoushi, who had painted a portrait of Mao Zedong, when asking Liu Yazi for the handwriting of Mao Zedong's words and Liu Yazi's words, Liu Yazi specially wrote a passage for Mao Zedong's "Qinyuan Spring and Snow", which he wrote: "Yu Zhirunzhi, at the second plenary session of the Second Plenary Session of the Second Central Committee of the Kuomintang in Guangzhou in May 1926, Shi Runzhifang was also the director of the Propaganda Department of the Kuomintang Central Committee, and in 1945, he met yuzhou again, shaking hands and shaking hands, feeling overwhelmed by the vicissitudes of the Linggu Valley, Yu Suorunzhi wrote the Long March poem to see hui, but he first went to northern Shaanxi to see the heavy snow. Qinyuan Spring". Mao Runzhi's "Qinyuan Spring" is a song, Yu Tui is a song for thousands of years, although Dongpo and You'an are still stunned, not to mention the Southern Tang Xiaoling and the Southern Song Dynasty. The sons of the CCP, forbidden to spread the remnants, secret as deep, with words similar to the tone of the emperor, worried about the capital of the attacker, in fact, small sections in and out, how to hurt the sun and the moon of the light, Gu Za Gao Shuo, leisure day and run of the details of the discussion. Yu Yirun's open-mindedness and generosity will never apologize for this, otherwise why write with Yu Zhao. Love and the Way of Heaven, unattainable and unheard, Grace is still unavoidable self-pity below the ridicule? Yu Ci tan is stubborn, not to hide his madness, the technique is itchy, to see the run, and finally inferior, he is ashamed of himself. ”

This handwritten work by Mao Zedong and inscribed by Liu Yazi was later brought to the Liberated Areas by Yin Shoushi and preserved. It is said that later Mao Zedong wrote a poem called "Remembering the Chongqing Negotiations", a poem cloud: There are fields and lands, and I am the main one, and the lawless are the people. Chongqing has officials and officials, and Yan'an has no land and no gold. Blowing up bridges and digging roads is unity, and fighting for land and fighting for the city is a struggle. The city was full of blood, and there was nothing more than a thought to save the lives of the people. When people saw this poem, they did not know whether it was a genuine or a famous work, so they copied it from each other, and it quickly spread.

If you want to know what other masterpieces Mao Zedong has in poetry, please look down slowly.

Mao Zedong's concern for the Battle of Handan and the Uprising of Gao Shuxun all highlighted the extraordinary agility and foresight of a great military commander: he first proposed that Gao Shuxun issue a declaration to expand his influence; then, in his speech "The Truth Of the Kuomintang's Offensive" on November 5, he used the results of the Battle of Handan to expose the Kuomintang; and in his instructions to the Northeast Bureau on November 10, he said: "The Kuomintang mechanic division is not strong in combat strength, and I Liu Deng has captured 3 complete mechanic divisions, hoping to expand propaganda to boost morale." He also said in the "Instruction of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Expanding the Propaganda of the Handan Uprising" on November 12 that "the propaganda of the Handan Uprising should be expanded nationwide, and the Kuomintang should be attacked by the Heels in the civil war, and the outbreak of the second and third Handan uprisings was promoted."; soon after, he further proposed the launching of the "Gao Shuxun Movement," calling on the officers and men of the Kuomintang army to follow the example of Gao Shuxun's troops, refuse to attack the Liberated Areas, hold an uprising, and stand on the side of the people. The impact of this series of measures could not be underestimated in subsequent wars. According to some relevant historical statistics, during the Liberation War, a total of 1.88 million Kuomintang troops revolted, surrendered, and accepted peaceful reorganization, including more than 1,500 generals, involving 240 divisions of the army, 97 large and small ships of the navy, and 128 aircraft of the air force. As the saying goes, "soldiers who go up to the army and plot" and "soldiers who yield without fighting, and those who are good and good are also". Such brilliant achievements are not only a special case in the history of Chinese wars, but also a unique phenomenon in the history of world wars.