
"Good people around me" Midong District: "Shen Girl" around the lonely and widowed old man

author:Midong imprint

(Midong District Rong Media Center reporter: Wang Ting reports) There is a kind of love called selfless dedication, and there is a kind of giving called respecting the elderly and loving the young. Shen Li, a volunteer of the New Era Civilization Practice Station on Dongrui North Road in the weighbridge area, has long cared for and cared for the elderly in the jurisdiction, given them meticulous care and care, and interpreted the meaning of respecting the elderly and loving relatives in the new era with her own actions.

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Guo Changlin, 62 years old this year, lives in the Kangjuyuan Community of Dongrui North Road, is a widowed elderly man in the jurisdiction, due to physical reasons, he cannot go out to work, he earns living expenses by doing odd jobs, he has never been married in his life, and he has no children under his knees. After Shen Li, a community cadre, learned about the situation of the elderly, she resolutely took up the burden of taking care of him.

  Due to his congenital fourth-degree disability, Guo Changlin is not very good at cooking, and usually relies on doing some small things for others to eat. As he grew older, three meals a day became the biggest difficulty in his life. In order to let the old man eat a hot meal, every noon, the first thing Shen Li did was to run to the canteen to make a meal, carry the lunch box, and rush to Guo Changlin's house. Guo Changlin's family lived on the sixth floor, shen Li was breathless every time she went upstairs, and when she returned to the community to eat, her meals were cold, but she never complained. Since Shen Li took on the heavy responsibility of this messenger of love, it has been two years since she walked on the road to deliver food to the elderly.

  Guo Changlin's dedication to care has made Guo Changlin particularly moved. "Thank you to the community staff, who took special care of me, who came to bring me food every day and treated me like a family member." Guo Changlin said.

  There are many elderly people living alone in the jurisdiction of Dongrui North Road, most of them are older, and their children are not around. These old people are not in good health and no one to take care of, there are many difficulties in life, as long as there is time, Shen Li will take the initiative to visit the elderly, ask them what needs, buy vegetables, clean up hygiene, go to the pharmacy to buy medicine and other matters, as long as the elderly need Shen Li to do it herself.

  Speaking of Shen Li, the residents gave a thumbs up and praised.

  Xu Lanfang, a resident, said that every day she can see Shen Li's figure shuttling through the community, and the number of good things done cannot be counted. When she saw the residents, she greeted her warmly, often came to the door, and infected everyone around her with her practical actions, so that everyone could feel the warmth she brought, and with her, the hearts of these old people were solid.

  Shen Li said: "As a communist party member, I must remember the party oath. Under the leadership of the party, our lives have become prosperous, and I will also do my best to help care for these people in difficulty and let them feel the warmth of the party. Make the volunteer spirit of 'dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress' deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. ”

  Ayijan Umurbek, deputy director of the community, said that in connection with the study and education of party history, the community has carried out volunteer service activities such as "entering the family, knowing the family's feelings, and solving the family's difficulties" in the form of "one help and one more help" to help the difficult groups in pairs, so that they feel warm in their hearts and feel the warmth of the big family.