
Zouping Rural Commercial Bank scarf handed warm, love shines in the sun

author:Qilu one point

Golden autumn is refreshing, dangui is fragrant, and it is another year of Chongyang Festival. In order to carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of respecting the elderly, respecting the elderly, loving the elderly, and helping the elderly, practicing social responsibility with practical actions, and allowing the elderly to share the warmth of a harmonious social family, the Yuancheng Branch of Zouping Rural Commercial Bank carried out a series of public welfare activities of "Volunteer Respect for the Elderly, Care for Fax", sending warmth to the Chen Du Happiness Compound and handing scarves to the elderly.

Zouping Rural Commercial Bank scarf handed warm, love shines in the sun

The Yuancheng sub-branch brought scarves, rain gear and other condolences to Chen Du Respect for the Elderly Home - Happiness Compound to visit the elderly. The old people smiled and chose their favorite scarf colors, and the volunteers put warm scarves on the thirty elderly people in the compound one by one, hoping that the elderly would have a warm winter. The Yuancheng sub-branch learned in detail about the current operation of the nursing home and the living conditions of the elderly. Volunteers and the elderly pull home, boo cold greetings, listen to the voices and needs of the elderly, the nursing home President Liu said happily: "The comrades of the Rural Commercial Bank come to see us every year, our hearts are warm, and now we are catching up with the good society, thank you for the care of the Rural Commercial Bank and society." ”

Zouping Rural Commercial Bank scarf handed warm, love shines in the sun

In the next step, Zouping Rural Commercial Bank will continue to maintain its original intention, actively carry out public welfare activities, practice social responsibility, and do a good job of "I do practical things for the masses" with practical actions.

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Zouping Rural Commercial Bank scarf handed warm, love shines in the sun

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