
Create a number of "global first" and "domestic only", Jida strength hard core!

author:East Asia Economic and Trade News

At the foot of Changbai Mountain, beside the Songhua River, Jilin University, which rises in the northern Xinjiang of the motherland, shoulders the major missions of serving the national strategy, promoting the revitalization of Northeast China, promoting opening up to the outside world, and leading cultural development, and has made important contributions to the prosperity of the country and the revitalization of the nation, and has created a number of "China's unique" and "world first" in the history of China's higher education.

Create a number of "global first" and "domestic only", Jida strength hard core!
Create a number of "global first" and "domestic only", Jida strength hard core!

Earliest calls for education legislation

In March 1984, Zhang Yixia, former Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of Changchun Institute of Geology (now Jilin University), Professor Zeng Xiaozhen and Professor Li Zairou jointly drafted a proposal to formulate the Education Law, and issued more than 150 letters of opinion on education legislation to the leaders of institutions of higher learning and relevant departments in Jilin Province. On May 8, they wrote a proposal entitled "Legislation on Education" to NPC deputies and MEMBERS of the CPPCC National Committee. In 1995, the Education Law of the People's Republic of China was born, which was a new milestone in the education of the Republic.

The first modern university charter officially promulgated and implemented in our country

The Constitution of Jilin University adopted by the 12th Party Congress of Jilin University came into force on January 1, 2006. This charter takes China's Constitution and education laws and regulations as the legislative basis, summarizes and absorbs the institutional achievements of higher education reform and development since the reform and opening up, draws on the beneficial elements of overseas university charters, carries out institutional reform and innovative theoretical practice based on school conditions, and explores the spirit of modern universities. The formulation of the Charter of Jilin University is a scientific exploration of the establishment of a modern university system and a milestone event in the establishment of a modern university system in Jilin University.

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For the first time, the scientific system of the discipline of "modern inorganic synthetic chemistry" was proposed

Xu Ruren, born in 1932, is a native of Shangyu, Zhejiang. Internationally renowned molecular sieve and porous materials scientist. He graduated from the Department of Chemistry of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1952, served as the director of the Department of Chemistry of Jilin University, and was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1991. He is the founder and founder of the discipline of "inorganic synthetic chemistry" in China, the pioneer of hydrothermal synthetic chemistry, and the scientific system of "modern inorganic synthetic chemistry" for the first time in the world.

Create a number of "global first" and "domestic only", Jida strength hard core!

The first to propose the "distortion model theory"

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Chen Bingcong (1921-2008), a native of Huangxian County, Shandong Province, was an expert in agricultural machinery design and manufacturing, an expert in tractors and an educator. Former professor of Jilin University of Technology (now Jilin University), he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1995.

Chen Bingcong is a pioneer in the academic field of ground vehicles and professional education in automobiles and tractors in China. He created a new field of "bionic soft ground walking machinery" in China, laid the theoretical foundation in this field, and made significant contributions to the mechanization of paddy fields and agricultural mechanization in China. He was the first in the world to propose the "distortion model theory", which solved the theoretical and method problems of ground mechanical model testing under distortion conditions, and pioneered the "semi-walking concept and theory", which laid a theoretical foundation for the design of pedestrian vehicles.

Developed China's first development car performance simulator

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In 1989, the State Key Laboratory of Automobile Simulation and Control of Jilin University was approved for construction. In 1996, the laboratory successfully developed China's first development car performance simulator, and in December of that year, it passed the national acceptance with the evaluation of "the world's advanced and Asia's first" and was officially opened to the public.

The only university affiliated to the Ministry of Education that assists "Jade Rabbit Research and Development"

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Jilin University is the only participating unit in the universities affiliated to the Ministry of Education to enter the research and development of the lunar surface inspection detector mobile system. Professor Li Jianqiao of the Key Laboratory of Engineering Bionics of the Ministry of Education of Jilin University led the team members to participate in the mobile system and the overall part of the related program demonstration, technical analysis, infield testing and other work, undertook the "simulated lunar soil development" project of the second phase of the lunar exploration, assisted the China Academy of Space Technology to build the largest lunar surface test infield in Asia, participated in the "Yutu" lunar rover mobile performance infield assessment experiment, and made contributions to the complete success of the "Yutu".

Analyze the three-dimensional structure of the world's first Staphylococcus aureus phage lyase

In 2014, in cooperation with the Institute of Biophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Han Wenyu's research group of the College of Veterinary Medicine of Jilin University finally analyzed the three-dimensional structure of the world's first Staphylococcus aureus phage lyase (LysGH15) and revealed its molecular mechanism for cracking Staphylococcus aureus. This achievement fills the gap in the field of Staphylococcus aureus phage lyase research at home and abroad, and lays a solid theoretical foundation for the further application of LysGH15.

Undertake the scientific research task of radiation protection for the explosion of China's first atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb

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In February 1960, Jilin Medical University (the predecessor of the former Bethune Medical University, now Jilin University) created the Department of Radiological Medicine, with the purpose of cultivating senior professionals in radiation medicine to serve the peaceful use of nuclear energy and national defense construction in China. The school undertook the scientific research task of radiation protection of China's first atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb explosion.

The self-developed "Crust One" has created several firsts

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In June 2018, the "Crust No. 1" 10,000-meter drilling rig independently developed by Jilin University successfully completed a number of tasks in the "Songliao Basin Scientific Drilling No. 2 Well" project, creating a new record for scientific drilling in the Asian continent, and also making the "Songke No. 2 Well" the deepest drilling in the 22 years since the launch of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program and the world's first scientific drilling well through the Cretaceous continental strata, filling the gap in the field of scientific drilling equipment in China's deep continent and accelerating the pace of China's entry into the ranks of international deep exploration powers.

For the first time, continuous ice core samples and subglacial core samples were obtained

In March 2019, the drilling equipment independently developed by Jilin University for 5 years successfully drilled the bedrock under the Antarctic ice, and the polar drilling equipment successfully drilled through the Nearly 200-meter-thick Antarctic ice sheet, and for the first time obtained continuous ice core samples and sub-ice core samples. The success of this drilling is a major technological breakthrough, which verifies the reliability of drilling equipment and provides strong technical support for China's in-depth polar drilling projects and the acquisition of more core samples under the deep ice of Antarctica. It provides an important scientific basis for the study of the movement and evolution of the Antarctic ice sheet and the study of subglacial geology in the Southeast Antarctic, and lays the foundation for better investigation and research of the Antarctic ice sheet in the future.

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Independent research and development of Jilin University

Movable drill cabins and work cabins

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Near Zhongshan Station

The first subglacial bedrock sample

Research and development of China's first set of pod-type helicopter time domain aviation electromagnetic detection system

On January 6, 2012, the National 863 Major Project "Development and Integration of Time Domain Pod Helicopter Electromagnetic Exploration System Development and Integration" cooperated by the School of Instrument Science and Electrical Engineering of Jilin University and the China Land and Resources Aerial Geophysical Exploration and Remote Sensing Center (Aviation Remote Center) was successfully flown for the first time in Tongbai County, Henan Province, which is the first set of pod-type helicopter time domain aviation electromagnetic detection system in China.

The successful test flight of China's first set of pod-type helicopter time domain aviation electromagnetic detection system marks another step forward in China's aviation electromagnetic detection technology in catching up with foreign advanced technology.

Established the first veterinary school in modern China

The history of veterinary education at Jilin University can be traced back to the Equine Medical Hall established by the Qing government in Baoding, Hebei Province in 1904, which was the first veterinary school in modern China and the origin of modern veterinary education in China. After the founding of New China, after the People's Liberation Army Veterinary University, the Agricultural and Animal Husbandry University and the Quartermaster University, it was transferred to Jilin University in 2004, and the former Military Veterinary Department was transformed into the College of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, and renamed the College of Veterinary Medicine of Jilin University in 2012.

China's first veterinary academician in disguise

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Yin Zhen (1926-2000), a native of Wu County, Jiangsu Province. He is the first veterinary academician in China, the pioneer and founder of Veterinary Virology in China, a teacher at the Veterinary School of the East China Military Region, and a professor at the Faculty of Agriculture of Jilin University (formerly the Chinese The Veterinary University of the People's Liberation Army).

Yin Zhen has trained a large number of outstanding talents, most of whom have become the leaders of China's veterinary community. Such as China's first veterinary doctor Xiong Guangming, China's first female veterinary doctor Zhao Yi and so on. Under his leadership, the discipline of preventive veterinary medicine has always maintained a leading position in China, formed unique characteristics and advantages in the field of transgenic animal research, created a world precedent, and was included in the "863" plan by the state; he realized the first intracellular recombination of different viral genes in the laboratory in the world, and pioneered the autologous planting technology of transgenic rabbits.

For the first time in the world, the whole genome of ancient wheat has been successfully deciphered

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On June 28, 2019, the news channel CCTV13 "News Live Room" column reported that "Jilin Chinese scientists decipher the whole genome of ancient wheat". Focusing on the research team of Professor Cui Yinqiu of the School of Life Sciences of Jilin University and the Frontier Archaeology Research Center of Jilin University, and the research team of Professor Gong Lei of Northeast Normal University, the whole genome sequence of the first wheat case dating back to about 3800 years was successfully determined and analyzed. This is the world's first successful deciphering of the whole genome of ancient wheat, which is of scientific value for the breeding and improvement of wheat in the future. The relevant research results were published in The Plant Journal, an international authoritative academic journal in the field of plants.

Created a number of the country's first faculties and majors

In the process of running schools for a long time, Jilin University has created a number of first departments and majors in China. In 1957, Jilin University founded the earliest computational mathematics major and the country's first automotive application engineering major; in 1959, it founded the country's first semiconductor department; in 1960, it founded the first radiological medicine major in national universities; and in 1988, it founded the country's first industrial modeling design major based on automobile body modeling design. In addition, the first radiation biology teaching and research department of China's universities; China's first institute of atomic and molecular physics; China's first professional laboratory specializing in ancient human DNA research; the only key laboratory of the Ministry of Education engaged in biomimetic research in China; China's only national engineering laboratory in the field of AIDS vaccine research; and the world's first full-time zoonotic research institute were all born in Jilin University.

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Over the years, with its unchanging persistence and tenacity, Jilin University has overcome thorns and thorns and braved the wind and waves, made important contributions to promoting China's education and economic and social development, and written a magnificent chapter. Facing the future, the school will continue to uphold the school motto of "truth-seeking and innovation, inspiration and strength", follow the people-oriented concept of running a school, take the pursuit of truth, cultivate talents, research scholarship, inherit civilization, serve the society, and benefit mankind as its own responsibility, accelerate the construction of high-level research universities, and build the school into an important base for the cultivation of high-quality innovative talents, high-level scientific research and achievement transformation, high-quality social services, and advanced culture, and strive to move towards the goal of a world-class university!