
[As a good cadre who has done good deeds and become good cadres] Chen Wei: Do not forget the original intention and stand at the head of the tide, bravely undertake the mission and make new contributions

author:Qinzhou release
[As a good cadre who has done good deeds and become good cadres] Chen Wei: Do not forget the original intention and stand at the head of the tide, bravely undertake the mission and make new contributions

"I'm a party member, and I'll go wherever the organization needs me." In 2017, the Qinzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Qinzhou Municipal Government entrusted Chen With the task of forming the Qinzhou Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, when he was 54 years old.

As one of the six pilot units in the whole region, the Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau shoulders the important task of exploring the reform of relatively centralized administrative licensing rights in the whole region, and Chen only resolutely picks up this heavy burden. Age is not an obstacle to the entrepreneurship of officials, he with full political enthusiasm, led all cadres and workers to boldly innovate, overcome difficulties, and promote the city's administrative examination and approval reform has achieved remarkable results: the municipal level of "run at most once" matters reached 99.05%, Qinzhou's overall investment satisfaction ranked second in the region.

[As a good cadre who has done good deeds and become good cadres] Chen Wei: Do not forget the original intention and stand at the head of the tide, bravely undertake the mission and make new contributions

Chen Wei (second from left) leads a class to inspect the office hall of the Civic Service Center

In September this year, the Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau won the pilot project of standardization of government services at the autonomous region level, and Chen Only, 56, once again stood at the forefront of reform and development.

Bravely shoulder the burden of reform

Carrying out the reform of relatively centralized administrative licensing rights is a "reconstruction" of administrative approval power, the "reengineering" of the approval process, and a deep-seated change in the concept, system and style of approval services in an all-round way.

"It must be more efficient than the original, the quality must be better and better, and the number of employees must be relatively reduced, so that the establishment of the Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau will be meaningful." Chen, who had just accepted the new task, only repeatedly thought about the significance of establishing the Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau and how to do a good job.

[As a good cadre who has done good deeds and become good cadres] Chen Wei: Do not forget the original intention and stand at the head of the tide, bravely undertake the mission and make new contributions

Chen Wei (first from the left) organized a special meeting on finding gaps in the Party Constitution and Party Rules

"The first step is to smoothly undertake various matters, ensure that there is no chaos, and connect with the department." Chen only said. The Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau is a new thing, there are many challenges and difficulties in the work, and many things are complicated, and you can only feel the stones to cross the river. In order to make the administrative examination and approval bureau operate smoothly, he resolutely provoked this heavy burden with full political enthusiasm with a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, with his multi-post work experience and the spirit of being bold in hard work.

In order to promote the adjustment and implementation of examination and approval matters, Chen only proceeded from the perspective of stressing the overall situation, analyzed the development trend of examination and approval reform, actively strengthened communication with relevant departments, clarified the inevitability and importance of the reform of relatively centralized administrative licensing rights, and smoothly promoted the integration of 206 administrative examination and approval responsibilities undertaken by 28 municipal departments and units into the Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, realizing "one official seal for examination and approval", increasing the approval efficiency by 46% and reducing the number of examination and approval personnel by 55%.

Innovative approval services

"If there are any difficulties, you can say that whatever we can help solve, we will definitely solve them." During a return visit to Guangxi Zhongsen Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., Chen only expressed his position to Xie Xiang, the company's general manager. Previously, the company once encountered difficulties in its business activities due to pharmacist training, meter testing and health certificate problems. With the help of Chen Wei and the staff, through the service model of tolerance acceptance and commitment approval, these problems have now been solved.

Xie Xiang said that the initiative of the Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau has solved problems for enterprises and created a good business environment, so that their enterprises can start a business in Qinzhou with more confidence.

[As a good cadre who has done good deeds and become good cadres] Chen Wei: Do not forget the original intention and stand at the head of the tide, bravely undertake the mission and make new contributions

In 2018, in order to implement the Notice of the Autonomous Region Government on Printing and Distributing Several Measures for Implementing the "354560" Reform to Improve the Efficiency of Service Enterprises, the Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau took the lead in setting up a comprehensive window for enterprise start-up, project investment, real estate registration and park approval in the whole region, and innovatively launched the approval mode of "one-window acceptance, integrated service, parallel approval, and unified delivery", which greatly reduced the materials, approval links and completion time required by enterprises, achieving the "354560" reform goal.

In 2019, in the "100-day offensive" action to optimize the key indicators of optimizing the business environment, Chen only organized and held implementation coordination meetings many times, clarified the division of labor responsibilities, strengthened communication and cooperation, and hung up the chart. He took the lead in going deep into the front line to grasp supervision, grasping reform in line with the advanced standards, taking the lead in breaking through the key indicators of enterprise start-up, and promoting the establishment of five comprehensive windows such as investment projects, enterprise start-up, real estate registration, water and electricity installation, and access to credit at the municipal level and county (district) government service centers. Launched "a form, a set of materials, a window" acceptance, the implementation of "information sharing, integrated handling, commitment to approval", approval efficiency has been greatly improved, in the autonomous region to optimize the business environment "100 days to attack" summary meeting, the city's seven key indicators comprehensively ranked second in the region, of which the credit indicators ranked first in the region.

[As a good cadre who has done good deeds and become good cadres] Chen Wei: Do not forget the original intention and stand at the head of the tide, bravely undertake the mission and make new contributions

In view of the difficult problems of the masses and enterprises such as "repeated running" and "multi-headed running", Chen only took the initiative to promote the publication of the list of "running at most once"; in view of the traditional government service model of "complete materials and then acceptance", he was not afraid to take responsibility and promoted the publication of the list of "tolerant and tolerant acceptance"; in view of the problems reported by the masses such as excessive fees, high fees, and chaotic charges, he directly faced the problems, organized the publication of the list of government service fees, and comprehensively cleaned up the government service charges of the citizen service center. Item-by-item inventory and standardized management measures allow administrative approval to run under the sun.

Create an atmosphere of officers

In order to allow cadres and workers to work with peace of mind and pleasure, Chen only talked with almost every business section chief and window personnel. He said that only by understanding their ideas and expectations can we provide a platform for exerting our wisdom and talents and give better play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of cadres and workers.

How to make the approval staff obey the organizational arrangements, stabilize the mentality, and do a good job in a down-to-earth manner has always been Chen's concern.

After the establishment and operation of the Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, some departments need one person to handle the approval matters of multiple industries. In order to quickly enhance the comprehensive professional ability of the staff, Chen only planned to open a "government affairs lecture hall," requiring every cadre and worker to go to the podium to talk about work and training experience, talk about the existence of problems and deficiencies, and put forward solutions to problems and suggestions for work innovation. At the same time, Chen Only also put forward the concept of points management, formulated the "Qinzhou Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau Cadres and Workers Points Management Measures", the cadres and workers of morality, ability, diligence, performance, honesty through the form of points embodiment, encourage advanced, spur backward, promote the administrative examination and approval work continuous reform and innovation, the Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau's points management method has been affirmed by the municipal party committee and municipal government and promoted throughout the city.

[As a good cadre who has done good deeds and become good cadres] Chen Wei: Do not forget the original intention and stand at the head of the tide, bravely undertake the mission and make new contributions

Chen Only (center) gave a party lesson to all party members of the organ

"I have lectured in the 'government affairs lecture hall' and won more points for the department." Huang Yong, head of the Food, Drug, and Health Section of the Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, said that the implementation of these systems has created a strong learning atmosphere in the overall situation and improved the initiative and enthusiasm for performing duties.

As secretary of the party group and director of the bureau, Chen Has always set an example in grasping the building of the work style of the leading body and enhancing the cohesion, appeal, and combat effectiveness of the party group. Make overall plans to promote the resonance of party building and business at the same frequency, implement the "party building + government service" work model, combine party building work and business work with research, deployment, inspection, and assessment, give full play to the role of party branches as fighting bastions and party members as vanguard models, so that party building work and business work can promote each other and prevent the phenomenon of "two skins".

[As a good cadre who has done good deeds and become good cadres] Chen Wei: Do not forget the original intention and stand at the head of the tide, bravely undertake the mission and make new contributions

The source of the picture and text 丨 Rong media reporter Xiao Xin

Finishing editor 丨 Ye Huiting

Proofreader 丨 Huang Yukun

Audit 丨 Luo Libin

(Qinzhou released and produced, please indicate)

[As a good cadre who has done good deeds and become good cadres] Chen Wei: Do not forget the original intention and stand at the head of the tide, bravely undertake the mission and make new contributions
[As a good cadre who has done good deeds and become good cadres] Chen Wei: Do not forget the original intention and stand at the head of the tide, bravely undertake the mission and make new contributions