
Yantai Youth Federation members of the enterprise safety science resumed work and production

author:Jiaodong Online

Jiaodong Online, February 19 (Rong Media Reporter Ding Yanyan Correspondent Zhou Jun) Epidemic prevention and control and economic operation must be grasped with both hands and two hands. In the face of the still severe epidemic situation, while doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, the enterprises of yantai youth federation members have actively resumed work and production safely and scientifically, so as to ensure that epidemic prevention and production are not wrong, and help promote stable and healthy economic and social development.

Xingmin Zhitong (Group) Co., Ltd.: Step up production with full horsepower and vow to win the double victory of epidemic prevention and control and economic development

Xingmin Zhitong (Group) Co., Ltd., a key manufacturer of vehicle wheels in the country and gao Henan, vice chairman of Yantai Youth Federation, actively promoted the resumption of work and production under the premise of strict and meticulous epidemic prevention and control, and launched a double battle of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production. At present, the company actively organizes the scientific and orderly resumption of production of longkou local and holiday employees who have not left long, and the company's various epidemic prevention and emergency work mechanisms and resumption of work and production plans have been fully implemented. All production lines have started to work hard, stepped up production, restored 70% of production capacity, and will gradually resume full production. The wheels produced are supplied to foton automobile and other main engine factories, supporting the production of medical waste transfer vehicles, negative pressure ambulances and other support vehicles needed to fight the epidemic, and supply the frontline of Hubei's anti-epidemic.

On the one hand, there is the urgent order demand of customers, and on the other hand, the severe epidemic prevention and control situation. Xingmin Zhitong insists on grasping epidemic prevention and control on the one hand and resuming work and production on the other. The company set up a leading group for epidemic prevention and control, formulated a scientific and standardized epidemic prevention and control plan and a plan for resuming work and production, clarified the division of labor, implemented responsibilities, implemented a series of measures such as epidemic prevention publicity, grid personnel control, and regular disinfection of various regions, and tried to reserve various epidemic prevention materials such as handheld thermometers, disinfectants, and protective masks, and made solid and meticulous preparations for epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work. After on-site inspection and approval by the Longkou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Management Committee of the Development Zone, the Xingmin Zhitong epidemic prevention and control plan and related measures meet the requirements for resuming work, and become one of the first batch of enterprises to resume work and production that have passed the examination and approval.

At the same time, the company donated 500,000 yuan to the Longkou Red Cross Society to practice corporate social responsibility with practical actions and contribute to helping to win the war "epidemic" without gun smoke at an early date. Gao Henan, chairman of Xingmin Zhitong, said that the company will continue to pay close attention to all work unremittingly, increase pressure and forge ahead to achieve the 2020 annual production and operation goals, and vow to win the double victory of epidemic prevention and control and economic development.

Yantai Youth Federation members of the enterprise safety science resumed work and production

China Everbright Bank Yantai Branch: Both a "people's bank" and a "war bank"

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the Yantai branch of China Everbright Bank, where Xia Wei, vice chairman of the Yantai Youth Federation, is located, has given full play to the duty of financial institutions to serve the real economy and maintain financial order, increased credit support through the opening of green channels, strengthened financial services through online services, strengthened protective measures to implement employee care and other measures, done a good job in internal and external epidemic prevention and control, and contributed to winning the battle against the epidemic and promoting stable economic and social development.

In order to facilitate the financial needs of citizens as much as possible and reduce travel congestion and crowd gathering, Yantai Branch vigorously carries out publicity through various channels such as SMS and WeChat to guide citizens to handle daily business through mobile banking, electronic banking and other off-counter services. In particular, relying on the advantages of cloud payment in the field of living payment in Yantai area, we fully support citizens to complete daily payment without leaving home, from February 1 to February 16, the number of cloud payment business in Yantai area is close to 30,000, with an amount of 2.53 million yuan. In addition, Yantai Branch has formulated a rotation plan for business outlets in the same city, implementing the integration process of service and epidemic prevention in the outlets, so as to achieve comprehensive, full-process and full-staff safety protection, as well as customer service can be queried and traced.

In accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government to support the development of enterprises in response to the epidemic, the Yantai Branch of Everbright Bank immediately took action and took the initiative to strengthen credit delivery to support enterprises to resume production and operation. Relying on the efficiency of approval and the advantages of resource allocation, all green channels have been opened from the aspects of approval, scale in the table and pricing. Earnestly fulfill social responsibilities, treat and communicate with enterprises that have difficulties in starting work due to the epidemic, and do not blindly draw loans and pressure loans. All branches are required to comprehensively sort out the existing customers and new customers related to medicine and epidemic prevention, and give priority to supporting medical and health enterprises and construction enterprise credit projects that are closely related to epidemic prevention and control and undertaking construction enterprise credit projects for designated hospitals for the centralized treatment of patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia. For existing customers, all additional credit will take the green channel and fully support the production and operation of enterprises. On February 7, Yantai Branch used the combination of mobile and on-site office to issue a loan of 20 million yuan for the subsidiaries of Dawn Group to issue a special anti-epidemic loan, and the loan took only two days from approval to lending, and "Everbright Speed" once again flew in the front line of the fight against the "epidemic".

Yantai Youth Federation members of the enterprise safety science resumed work and production

Shandong Lipeng Co., Ltd.: Highlight social responsibility, help prevent and control the epidemic, and resume work in a safe and orderly manner

Shandong Lipeng Co., Ltd., where Sun Kunpeng, a member of the Standing Committee of the Yantai Youth Federation, is involved in the two major industries of anti-counterfeiting packaging and garden ecology, successfully passed the on-site audit on February 9, and resumed work and production on February 10. The company has launched a series of measures to clarify the resumption time, the number and source of returnees, production plans, raw material procurement and product sales places, logistics and transportation, and epidemic prevention and control measures, etc. On the basis of safety, control and safety, standardization and order, epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production "two hands, two mistakes", with practical actions to help the epidemic prevention and control battle.

In order to effectively strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic in industrial enterprises and effectively block the spread of the epidemic, the company adheres to the principle of "strict words" and strictly implements the epidemic prevention and control measures for resuming work. The company set up a leading group for epidemic prevention and control, and the returning employees were registered as "one person and one table", and the whole process grasped the way and time of each employee's return to the factory. Strengthen the traffic management of employees commuting to and from work, disinfect the shuttle bus every day, arrange special personnel to manage inspections to prevent cross-infection, and employees who commute to work by means of transportation are required to wear protective masks. Strictly implement the access control system, strictly implement health monitoring, and conduct temperature measurement and inquiries about the health status of employees at least twice a day. Strictly implement disinfection prevention, disinfect all places twice a day, and increase the frequency of disinfection in key areas. Strictly reduce the gathering of personnel, implement flexible methods such as network office, home office, and rotation to avoid personnel gathering.

Fighting the epidemic is the responsibility of every enterprise. Shandong Lipeng Co., Ltd. donated 1 million yuan through the Red Cross Society of Muping District, demonstrating the responsibility and responsibility of the enterprise with practical actions and contributing to supporting the fight against the epidemic. The relevant person in charge of Shandong Lipeng Co., Ltd. said that over the years, Zhongrui Group and Lipeng Co., Ltd. have regarded public welfare and charity as the core component of corporate culture. This donation is the embodiment of fulfilling social responsibility, and Zhongrui Group and Lipeng shares are willing to fight the epidemic with the people of the whole country and win the battle of epidemic prevention and control.

Yantai Youth Federation members of the enterprise safety science resumed work and production

Yantai Maoyuan Food Machinery Co., Ltd.: make a good plan, production and epidemic prevention are not wrong

Yantai Maoyuan Food Machinery Co., Ltd., where Jiang Nianbo, a member of the Yantai Youth Federation, is a manufacturer focusing on food machinery, with more than 60 kinds of stand-alone equipment and more than 20 kinds of automatic production lines have been successfully put into the market, and the enterprises have effectively grasped the resumption of work and production on the basis of strictly implementing the epidemic prevention and control, and strive to minimize the impact of the epidemic and ensure the smooth operation of enterprises.

In order to strive for the early resumption of work, Maoyuan Machinery set up an epidemic prevention working group to check the inventory reserves of protective and epidemic prevention supplies such as masks and disinfection supplies in a timely manner, and made full preparations for missing materials and disinfection supplies. Maoyuan Machinery's early resumption of work personnel are mainly qixia local employees, according to the development of the epidemic situation, the company will again assign and screen employees. For non-local employees to return to work, the company in accordance with the relevant provisions of the government to do a good job of personnel return information registration, and provide corresponding protection, so that employees before returning to work to live worry-free. At present, the company is fully engaged in the production of some orders in China and neighboring countries such as Thailand and Vietnam to ensure that these orders are completed on time to ensure that the credibility and efficiency of the enterprise are not lost.

In terms of epidemic prevention and control, Yantai Maoyuan Food Machinery Co., Ltd. scientifically formulated an epidemic prevention plan, and according to the relevant requirements, posted slogans and banners in a timely manner at the entrance of the factory, important positions in the factory, and publicity columns, purchased disinfection supplies, protective masks, set up a special isolation observation room and disinfection room, and arranged special personnel to conduct body temperature detection and factory registration for workers entering the factory area, effectively preventing cross-infection caused by personnel flow and agglomeration, and effectively doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control after the enterprise resumed work. At the same time, through the company's WeChat group uninterrupted release of some dynamic information, mandatory regulations, all personnel entering and leaving the company, must be at the gate to measure body temperature, hand disinfection, shoe disinfection, so that access is strict, information full, daily inspection, daily disinfection, no gathering, strict isolation.

Yantai Youth Federation members of the enterprise safety science resumed work and production

Longkou Yu Machinery Co., Ltd.: The epidemic is ruthless, there is love in the world, and we fight the "epidemic" together.

Longkouyu Machinery Co., Ltd., where Wang Zhaoyu, a member of yantai youth federation, is located, zhongyu people raised 120,300 yuan to donate to the special fund for fighting the new coronavirus pneumonia of the "Jiusan Wangxuan Care Foundation" to send longkouyu's love to the frontline medical workers in the struggle and the people of Wuhan.

In the process of this love donation, the party members and cadres of the Longkou Yu Party Branch have played a pioneering and exemplary role, and the Zhongyu people of the democratic parties have also played a role in light and heat, and actively practiced "treating each other with liver and gallbladder, sharing honor and disgrace". Dr. Li Xiaoxia, a member of Jiusan Society who is an executive in Zhongyu, took the initiative to publicize the fight against the epidemic, she mobilized employees to donate enthusiastically through the form of WeChat group solitaire, in less than two days, more than 500 Zhongyu employees from the development zone and the Beima Town factory contributed love, and the total amount of the first batch of donations exceeded 120,000 yuan, and the Zhongyu people contributed a small contribution to the fight against the epidemic.

Longkou Yu always adheres to energy conservation and environmental protection to give back to the society, and its energy-saving product electromagnetic fan clutch is matched on Weichai's many high-efficiency clean engines, accompanied by various types of construction machinery and engineering vehicles, rushing to the construction site of Wuhan Vulcan Mountain and Leishenshan Hospital, rushing to Wuhan to aid Wuhan and jointly participate in winning the epidemic prevention and control battle!

Yantai Youth Federation members of the enterprise safety science resumed work and production