
The Fujian Communist Youth League held a new media network training course

author:China Youth Daily

China Youth Daily Client News (Zheng Yanling, China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Chen Qiang) Fujian Communist Youth League new media network training class was recently held online, and more than 170 league cadres and league-affiliated new media staff from all over Fujian Province, Tibet, Xinjiang and Ningxia participated in the three-day training.

The Fujian Communist Youth League held a new media network training course

According to reports, the purpose of this training course is to further enhance the ability of the Propaganda Front of the Fujian Communist Youth League and the backbone propaganda contingent of the Communist Youth League and the Youth Network in the corresponding assistance areas of ethnic minority areas. Focusing on the study of party history and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, as well as the theory and practice of the Communist Youth League's online new media work, short video creation and dissemination, cadres of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, members of the Youth Lecturer Group of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, members of the Fujian Youth Lecturer Group, professors of the Marxist College of Fuzhou University, and relevant responsible persons of new media platforms such as Station B and Douyin gave lectures and explanations to the trainees. The training content includes theoretical learning, business improvement and practical training.

Wu Simin, a cadre of the Xinjiang Mulei County CPC Committee who participated in the training, said that through the training, he realized that the work of the Communist Youth League should use new concepts and new methods, make full use of new media such as Bilibili, Douyin, and Kuaishou to carry out work, and give play to the exemplary vanguard role of Communist Youth League members in the trend of new media.

Source: China Youth Daily client

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