
Who is Fan Ju? What kind of person is Fan Ju? A brief introduction to Fan Ju's life and deeds

author:Interesting history

Fan Ju Sima Qian's evaluation of him was: "The virtue of a meal must be paid, and the grievances of The Eyes must be repaid." No matter how you look at it, you feel that Fan Ju must be a very careful person, so later generations judged that Fan Ju must be a small-minded person, such an evaluation is inevitably too unfair to Fan Ju, in fact, Fan Ju is a very remarkable figure, as the prime minister of the Qin State, he plays a role in carrying on the development of the Qin State.

Sima Qian said in the "Records of History": "Fan Juren, Wei Renye, Zi Shu." Lobbying the princes, the King of Wei, the poor family can not be self-funded, but the first thing wei zhong dafu Xu Jia." From the language of Tai Shi Gong, we can know some things about Fan Ju, Who grew up in a poor family, and in his early years he wandered among the various princely states with a mouth, and later became a disciple of Xu Jia, the grand master of the State of Wei, in the process of sending an envoy to the State of Qi, he was suspected of collaborating with the State of Qi, and was almost killed by Wei Qi, the State of Wei, and was able to escape with the help of his good friends, and finally infiltrated the State of Qin, and later became the prime minister of the State of Qin. For this Qin chancellor who inherited the Qin Xiaogong, the Shang Martingale Transformation Law, the Huiwen King, and Zhang Yilian, and laid the foundation for the great cause of Yingzheng and Li Si sweeping through Liuhe and unifying the world, his life was not limited to the word "lobbying."

"A meal must be paid, the eyes will be repaid", the first half of the sentence Tai Shi Gong wrote Han Xin, we all know that Han Xin was not well mixed in the early years, life was extremely sloppy, and even hungry enough to rely on the floating mother's relief, Han Xin, who received the grace of the drifting mother," vowed to repay the drifting mother after developing, and as a result, Han Xin really repaid the unknown drifting mother after becoming a famous general of the Han Dynasty. Jing Ju must repay those who also want revenge with the slightest hatred, this person is Fan Ju in the eyes of Tai Shi Gong, in his eyes Fan Ju is a careful person, but Jing Wei must repay is not necessarily a manifestation of a person's narrow-mindedness, nor does it necessarily show that he does not have the strength of a gentleman.

Who is Fan Ju? What kind of person is Fan Ju? A brief introduction to Fan Ju's life and deeds

Fan Ju was a poor man, although he had the strategy and wisdom of the world, but because his family was poor, there was no room for display and a way to enter the career path, he had to do things under the Wei State's middle doctor Xu Jiamen, thinking that he could have a chance to show his fists, but he did not expect that Fan Ju's misfortune would begin.

In 283 BC, the Yan general Le Yi led the soldiers and horses of the five kingdoms of Yan, Chu, Wei, Zhao, and Han to attack Linzi, the capital of the State of Qi, and took dozens of cities in the State of Qi. However, the rapid rise of the State of Qi then made the State of Wei a little unable to sit still, fearing that King Xiang of Qi would retaliate against the State of Wei, so the King of Wei took advantage of the opportunity to try to win relations with the State of Qi, so he sent Xu Jia to the State of Qi, and Fan Ju went out as an envoy.

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Fan Ju and Xu Jia came to the State of Qi, and the King of the State of Qi rebuked the State of Wei for its capriciousness, and said that the death of the former king had a lot to do with the State of Wei, and that Xu Jia stood aside and did not know how to answer, and in this embarrassing scene, there was a person who stood up to speak for the State of Qi, and that person was Fan Ju. He said sternly, "The King of Qi Tang is arrogant and arrogant; The five kingdoms have the same vendetta, will they be alone in wei?" His words were not long, but he summed up the reasons for the fall of the State of Qi very well, and a statement left King Xiang of Qi speechless, and at the same time, he appreciated Fan Ju in front of him, and gave him ten pounds of gold and cattle wine, but they were all rejected by Fan Ju.

After returning to the State of Wei, Xu Jia consulted Fan Ju to The Xiang State of Wei Qi, saying that Fan Ju had leaked the secrets of the State of Wei to the State of Qi. Wei Qi was furious, sent people to arrest Fan Ju and torture him severely, and finally beat Fan Ju to the point of being scaly, seeing that Fan Ju's life was in danger, he pretended to be dead and fell in a pool of blood, and when he saw that Fan Ju was dead, he ordered his servants to wrap his body in reeds, throw him in the toilet, and let the guests of the family take turns to drown in the seat, deliberately insulting Fan Ju to warn future generations.

Who is Fan Ju? What kind of person is Fan Ju? A brief introduction to Fan Ju's life and deeds

The dying Fan Ju begged the toilet guards to let him have a way to live, and finally escaped. He hid in the home of his good friend Zheng Anping and hid under the pseudonym Zhang Lu. Zheng Anping changed Fan Ju's fate, and he recommended Fan Ju to Wang Ji, the Qin Gurudwara who was on an envoy to the State of Wei, and Wang Ji concluded in three words that Fan Ju was a talent, and the two of them rushed to the Qin State hand in hand.

In this way, Fan Ju was able to escape a disaster, and after two years of dormancy in the Qin Kingdom, he was finally able to emerge and become the prime minister of the Qin State. It may not be accurate to say that Fan Ju "will repay the favor", the humiliation he suffered was not a little, not only the humiliation of reputation but also almost ended his life, although Fan Ju's later revenge on Xu Jia's behavior was also excessive, but he was humiliated and tortured in this way, Fan Ju just let him kneel on the ground in public to eat horse food, which was much lighter than his own suffering. Forcing Wei Qi to commit suicide is purely Wei Qi's own iniquity and inability to live, and this makes Fan Ju bear the name of a villain for no reason.