
Beijing Shengshi Guangming Quantum Technology Co., Ltd. went to the industrial park for exchange and cooperation

author:Xingyang Digital Economy Industrial Park

On May 24, 2021, Yang Lijuan, investment general manager of Beijing Shengshi Guangming Quantum Technology Co., Ltd. ("Shengshi Quantum"), and his party went to Xingyang Digital Economy Industrial Park for exchange and cooperation. Liu Zhan, executive deputy general manager of the company, and Liu Xiaonan, deputy general manager, warmly received Yang Lijuan and her party.

Beijing Shengshi Guangming Quantum Technology Co., Ltd. went to the industrial park for exchange and cooperation

At the symposium, the two sides watched the promotional video and 3D modeling video of Xingyang Digital Economy Industrial Park together, and conducted a comprehensive understanding of the planning and construction of the industrial park, investment promotion and operation.

Liu Zhan extended a warm welcome to Yang Lijuan and his entourage. Liu Zhan pointed out that Xingyang Digital Economy Industrial Park relies on the three advantages of technology, capital and talents, and is committed to building a new highland for the development of the digital economy in the central region. Shengshi Quantum focuses on Internet information security audit of public networks, big data collection analysis and application, software and embedded equipment research and development, big data platform construction and operation, etc., and has the domestic first-class software development technology and project construction technology level. It is hoped that the two sides will further refine the direction of cooperation, broaden the scope of cooperation, promote the formation of an all-round, multi-level and high-efficiency development pattern, and help Xingyang's network security construction and digital economy industry development.

Beijing Shengshi Guangming Quantum Technology Co., Ltd. went to the industrial park for exchange and cooperation

Liu Xiaonan introduced the construction process of the industrial park and the investment operation mode. He said that the industrial park has a good location advantage and a high-quality office environment, which has built a suitable landing platform for digital economy enterprises. As one of the top 100 enterprises in Zhongguancun Science and Technology, Shengshi Quantum is deeply engaged in the field of network security, serving national network information security, focusing on national defense security, public safety, government security, industrial security and other national network security undertakings. It is hoped that the two sides will cooperate sincerely, actively respond to the strategy of building a network security power and developing the digital economy, rely on their respective advantages and resources, digitally empower the upgrading of traditional industries, and promote the construction of Zhengzhou's West-America Gateway.

Yang Lijuan highly agreed with the project positioning, design concept and supporting services of Xingyang Digital Economy Industrial Park. She said that Xingyang Digital Economy Industrial Park has good location advantages and advanced construction concepts, and has built a good platform to help digital industrialization and promote industrial digitalization. In the fields of application security, big data security, cloud security, Internet of Things security, industrial control security and industrial Internet security, Shengshi Quantum provides unconditionally secure quantum security solutions for users in various industries according to the processes of demand analysis, quantum security, and quantum encryption applications. It is hoped that the two sides will continue to communicate and cooperate closely, focus on new digital economy formats such as software colleges, network security, and smart cities, further explore cooperation methods, broaden the scope of cooperation, and jointly build a new model for the development of the digital economy.

Beijing Shengshi Guangming Quantum Technology Co., Ltd. went to the industrial park for exchange and cooperation

At this meeting, the two sides conducted in-depth docking on the next step of cooperation. In the future, the two sides will continue to communicate, build a more flexible cooperation model, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results in in-depth cooperation.