
Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Ghost Talent - Introduction of President Ni Haixia

author:Zhe said TCM

President Ni Haixia

Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Ghost Talent - Introduction of President Ni Haixia

Born in 1954 in Taipei, his ancestral home is Ruian, Zhejiang Province, and his family has seven brothers and sisters, ranking fifth, graduated from the Department of Political Science of Soochow University. He was the Dean of Hantang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a Doctoral Supervisor Professor at the California University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dean Ni Haixia liked to study medical books and ancient books in high school, and by chance, according to the "Medical Sect Golden Book", he cured his sister's gynecological diseases and became acquainted with traditional Chinese medicine. His mother saw that he liked to study medical books, so she asked him to learn Chinese medicine from the teacher, and the foundation of Dean Ni's Chinese medicine was enlightened by Teacher Zhou Zuoyu and Xu Jimin, who led Dean Ni into the door of Chinese medicine. In college, he loved to play guitar and play music, and was the leader of the "Hot Music Choir". However, after graduating from college, I felt that playing music could only be an interest and could not be a profession, so I chose a doctor as a lifelong profession.

Dean Ni Haixia immigrated to Florida in the United States in 1989 (at the age of 35) began to practice medicine and opened the Hantang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, in order to cultivate chinese medicine talents and inherit jingfang medicine, he founded the Hantang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1995.

From 2000 to 2003, President Ni Haixia was elected as a member of the Supreme Committee of the Chinese Medicine Committee of the Florida Department of Health, in charge of all physician accreditation, renewal of licenses and physician re-education programs, and later had to resign due to the busy affairs of medical school and clinic. He was also appointed by the Governor of Florida, served as a member and vice chairman of the Florida Acupuncture Committee, and vigorously assisted Nebraska in passing the Acupuncture Act, and won the Overseas Chinese Outstanding Chinese Award presented by Chairman Zhang Fumei of the Overseas Chinese Committee of the Taiwan Government.

Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Ghost Talent - Introduction of President Ni Haixia

President Ni Haixia has been practicing medicine in the United States for more than 20 years, making good use of the Jing Prescription to treat miscellaneous diseases and malignant tumors, and has cured many diseases that Western medicine considers incurable, which has been deeply affirmed by the American people and state governments, and is often called "The last hope" by patients.

In order to inherit and carry forward Chinese medicine, so that more people around the world can understand and learn the Jingfang, in addition to using the web diagnosis and treatment logs and articles to share clinical treatment cases, and in the second half of 2004, we accepted fax registration, interviewed and selected Renji students, and in 2005, we opened a Renji class to teach acupuncture, Huangdi Neijing, Shennong Materia Medica, Typhoid fever, and Jinkui five courses, and wrote a series of books and published teaching DVDs.

Dean Ni Haixia endorsed the "mentor-apprentice" training method. Let students follow the strong master in the clinic to directly guide students to see a doctor, so that students can contact patients from the beginning until they are cured, the whole process is experienced by students, so that they can teach high-quality doctors, train to become excellent Jingfang family, so after the end of the renji class spent about two and a half years of teaching, in 2008 began to accept registration to the United States Florida Hantang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine clinical follow-up, in addition to the renji class students, but also encourage the purchase of renji DVD has been opened around the world, traditional Chinese medicine, Western medical practitioners also participate in follow-up consultations, hoping to pass on the medicine of Jingfang more widely and quickly.

Dean Ni Haixia also used his free time to hold on-the-job education seminars for current doctors and gave lectures in various places. In September 2010, at the invitation of Stanford University professors and scholars Meng Huai-hwan and Lee Chung-eun to give a lecture in Silicon Valley, and co-organized by the National Taiwan University Alumni Association and the Chinese Society of Engineers, it attracted more than 1,200 listeners to participate, and received great attention from the Chinese media. In October 2009, he served as the main speaker at the Nanning Institute of Classical Chinese Medicine and the Fuyang Forum of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which caused many echoes from the mainland Chinese medicine community, and in November 2009, he was interviewed by Guoxuetang and Beijing Central Radio). In order to enhance the classical theories of Chinese medicine and promote the exchange between different schools of traditional Chinese medicine, on December 6, 2009, he was invited to give a lecture at Guangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which was presided over by Dr. Tang Nong, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice dean of Guangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and more than 800 people attended the lecture, including teachers, students, and medical staff of the college.

President Ni Haixia has been studying Chinese medicine for 30 years, and in addition to being proficient in Chinese medicine, he is also good at numerology, divination, feng shui and so on. "Tianji" is a set of works on the astronomical geography circulating in China for thousands of years, using the principles of the I Ching to explain the physical properties of all things in the universe, including heaven and earth, including eight characters, purple micro bucket numbers, Yang house feng shui, geography, facial appearance, character measurement, etc. President Ni Haixia had already filmed and produced "Tianji" around 1994, but it was not released due to the many celestial machines involved in it and considering the current situation at that time.

Dean Ni Haixia has devoted his life to carrying forward the Chinese medicine scriptures, although there are often many people who do not agree with or criticize and insult, just like The lyrics of Master Ni's self-created song - "My Dream" say: These criticisms and insults like wind and rain cannot extinguish the heat of inheritance and development of the Jingfang in his heart, President Ni Haixia has always firmly believed that the millennium jingfang is the best medicine, and he has never given up this persistence and this fire in his heart. I hope that all the students who studied TCM with Dean Ni Haixia will be able to burn this fire of TCM mission and continue to inherit and carry it forward.