
Why are there so many people in black TCM?

author:The sea of medicine is endless ZY

To say that the person of black Chinese medicine, in modern times, there should be no one whose rank can surpass this person- Wang Jingwei.

Wang Jingwei has been advocating everywhere: one of the important measures of Japan's Meiji Restoration is the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine. At that time, it coincided with the great debate on the existence and abolition of traditional Chinese medicine, and Wang Jingwei advocated that "all traditional Chinese medicine practitioners are not allowed to practice, and chinese medicine stores throughout the country are restricted to close down."

Wang Jingwei had two helpers in abolishing Chinese medicine, one was Chu Minyi, who was then a member of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee, who received a doctorate in medicine when he stayed in The West, and the other was Yu Yunxiu, who had studied Western medicine in Japan and was then a member of the Health Special Committee of the Ministry of the Interior of the Nationalist Government. Yu Yunxiu is a representative of the abolition of the Chinese medicine school, he equates Chinese medicine with witchcraft, and he must eliminate it and then quickly. He put forward the four reasons for "abolishing Chinese medicine" mainly: 1. The theories of Chinese medicine are absurd and grotesque; 2. The Chinese medicine pulse method deceives others out of the study of weft; 3. Chinese medicine cannot prevent epidemics; 4. The pathogen theory of Chinese medicine hinders scientificization.

In February 1929, the Nationalist government held the first meeting of the Central Health Commission, at which, at the behest and presidency of Chu Minyi, adopted the "Case of Abolishing Old Medicine to Remove Obstacles to Medical Hygiene" proposed by Yu Yunxiu and others, proposing to blame the poor and backward old Chinese medicine and health undertakings for the underdevelopment of medical and health undertakings, saying that "the theories used by old doctors (derogatory terms for Chinese medicine) are all structured out of thin air and hinder scientificization." The old doctors are not removed every day, the people's thinking remains unchanged every day, and the health administration cannot progress. Some intellectuals who have returned from studying abroad, such as Fu Sinian and others, have made remarks supporting Wang Jingwei's abolition of traditional Chinese medicine.

After that, something happened that had already surprised Wang Jingwei. This year, Wang Jingwei's mother-in-law fell ill, and Western medicine repeatedly treated it was ineffective, so she had to ask Shi Jinmo, deputy director of the famous Chinese Medicine Museum, to diagnose and treat. At that time, Western medicine thought that it was impossible to cure it with Traditional Chinese medicine, but the result was that the prescription prescribed by Shi Jinmo was "one dose of knowledge, two doses have been", and it was cured in two days. Wang Jingwei could not help but believe in Chinese medicine again, and made and sent a plaque of "Beautiful And Good Doctor" to thank Shi Jinmo. But Mr. Shi did not accept the plaque sent by Wang Jingwei, but made a request: "Since you are sure that Chinese medicine can cure diseases, please retract the decision to 'cancel Chinese medicine'." Wang Jingwei did not immediately express his position, but after that, his attitude of "canceling traditional Chinese medicine" was no longer so resolute, and later with the efforts of all walks of life, this proposal finally failed.