
Yanuan Town, Linze County: "Three prominences" boost party building to lead grass-roots social governance

author:Linze County Rong Media Center

This year, Yanuan Town, Linze County, has adhered to the strengthening of party building leadership as the fundamental path to enhance the ability of grass-roots social governance, deepened the construction of the "party building leading +" system by strengthening party building, expanding platforms, building grids, organizing teams, and building mechanisms, paying attention to transforming the party's political and organizational advantages into grass-roots social governance advantages, fully promoting the implementation of grass-roots social governance work, and striving to create a social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

Highlight the leadership of party building and enhance the ability of branches. Strengthen the "axis" role of the town party committee, the "link role" of the village party organization, and the "tentacle" role of the grass-roots grid, organically connect the construction of grass-roots party organizations with grass-roots governance, start from the continuous deepening of grid comprehensive management, strengthen the coordination mechanism of resource integration, linkage support, and coordinated operation, promote the downward shift of the center of gravity, the sinking of forces, and the decentralization of resources, and open up the "nerve endings" of grass-roots governance. Focusing on the standard of "outstanding political functions, strong and powerful leading bodies, prominent vanguard roles, sound work mechanisms, and the satisfaction and recognition of the masses", we have solidly carried out actions to strengthen and improve the governance capabilities of village party organizations, established a system of linking party branches with members of town party committees, started from basic work, basic systems, and basic capabilities, and effectively acted as the "backbone" of grass-roots governance.

Highlight the grassroots foundation and strengthen the grid team. Focus on the key points of grass-roots social governance work, take "grid" management as the basic way of social governance, build 11 village-level "red grids" and 124 social-level "red grids", 873 party members serve as grid chiefs and grid members, form a new model of party building with "branches built in the grid, sinking forces, and party members directly connecting with the masses", and continuously extending the "tentacles" of grass-roots social governance. Focus on the focus of grass-roots governance, innovate the party building work system, refine the grid content, clarify the grid standards, establish a grid work process, promote the precision and normalization of service management, and truly make the grid members become policy preachers, public sentiment liaisons, contradiction resolution personnel and civilization leaders. "Our village grid members are distributed in 10 communities in the village, which has played an irreplaceable role in promoting the whole village to carry out environmental improvement, conflict resolution, policy publicity and other work..." Liu Linquan, secretary of the party branch of Wuquan Village, said. Up to now, a total of 442 problems have been solved such as the selection of rural minimum guarantees, and 76 contradictions and disputes have been resolved.

Highlight the ability to improve efficiency, so that the governance effect is "real". Keeping a close eye on the current key work such as environmental improvement, civilization creation, governance improvement, and rural revitalization demonstration villages, 11 villages have formulated and improved the "Village Rules and Regulations" according to local conditions. Vigorously carry out spiritual civilization appraisal activities such as civilized villages and towns, civilized families, five-star civilized households, and the most beautiful families (members), select and commend 61 typical benchmarks of various types, and cultivate 27 beautiful family demonstration households with "clean courtyard beauty in the room, harmonious beauty in the neighborhood, filial piety and love for the elderly, beauty in life for hard work and prosperity, and beauty of the godson's family style". Dig out, evaluate, and speak out the good deeds of the mortals around them, stimulate the sense of honor of the masses, and correctly guide the masses to self-govern and be good. At the same time, it is necessary to intensify the propaganda and reporting of all kinds of advanced deeds, enhance the enthusiasm of the broad masses for participation, and create a good trend of families vying for honor and everyone stressing civilization. (Zhang Tingwei)