
Xiang Liang: A generation of famous players who were sent to the sky by the wind of the times, but they lost to success too quickly 123

author:Haiyou tells history

In 208 BC, China was in the midst of a raging chaos.

In this year, Li Si was imprisoned by Zhao Gao and Hu Hai for seizing power together, and then beheaded in the downtown area of Xianyang; in this year, Zhao Tuo, who was sent by the First Emperor to expand the lingnan of Tuling, finally pacified Vietnam after years of bitter fighting; in this year, raising the banner of anti-Qin, the mighty Xiang Liang army fought a decisive battle with Zhang Handan and Dingtao in Shandong, and finally lost the ground and died.

For Xiang Liang, success and failure came too quickly.

Xiang Liang: A generation of famous players who were sent to the sky by the wind of the times, but they lost to success too quickly 123

Xiangliang | Still

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line">1</h1>

When the black battle flag of the Qin army was planted throughout the Six Kingdoms, the First Emperor Yingzheng finally realized the century-old dream of the Qin State - to sweep away the princes and unify China.

In the unification war of Qin, the Chu state, under the leadership of the famous general Xiang Yan, suffered the most tragic casualties, so even if the country was finally destroyed, the Chu people also vowed to take revenge: although Chu had three households, qin would be chu.

Xiang Liang was the son of the Chu general Xiang Yan, and in the terrible disaster of the destruction of the Chu state, he luckily escaped with his life and has been in exile ever since.

Later, Xiang Liang killed people because of his bloody bravery, so he fled with his nephew Xiang Yu to Wu County, Jiangsu (present-day Suzhou, Jiangsu) for a generation of hiding.

Xiang Liang: A generation of famous players who were sent to the sky by the wind of the times, but they lost to success too quickly 123

Here, Xiang Liang relied on his outstanding social and military talents to make friends with a large number of local heroes, laying the foundation for the future anti-Qin cause.

In the last year of the Qin Dynasty, during the reign of Qin II, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, who were harsher than tigers and could not stand the harsh laws of the imperial court, rose up in Daze Township. At this point, the peasant revolt was raging, and the whole world was opposed.

And Xiang Liang also saw the opportunity given by the times, and when he was preparing for the uprising, the opportunity was delivered to the door.

Believing that he had befriended Xiang Liang, he summoned Xiang Liang and confessed his ambition to revolt in the chaotic world.

He also told Xiang Liang that he wanted to appoint Xiang Liang and Huan Chu as generals and take the lead in launching an attack on the Qin army in order to seize the initiative in the war.

However, Xiang Liang was a man who was willing to submit to the people, and he knew that the opportunity for the uprising could not be occupied by Yin Tong, so he began to kill.

So Xiang Liang said to Yin Tong, my nephew Xiang Yu knows Huan Chu's whereabouts, I summoned him, and you asked him yourself.

Yin Tong was very happy, and he hurriedly sent someone to look for Xiang Yu. Soon Xiang Yu entered the sheriff's mansion, but with him came a sword.

Xiang Liang: A generation of famous players who were sent to the sky by the wind of the times, but they lost to success too quickly 123

Xiang Yu | Still

After Xiang Yu saw Yin Tong and Xiang Liang, he didn't say much, only to see that at this time Xiang Liang made a murderous look, and Xiang Yu sheathed his sword and slashed Yin Tong.

Huan Chu was a famous general at that time, and his whereabouts were very important news, if Xiang Yu knew this news, how could Xiang Liang not know?

Therefore, what Xiang Liang said to Yin Tong was obviously that he wanted to find an excuse to transfer Xiang Yu, a murderous "nuclear weapon", to solve Yin Tong.

Therefore, the interaction between people, behind the perfunctory is often a stab, because if the purpose is not pure, why perfunctory!

After killing Yin Tong, Xiang Liang recruited an army of about 8,000 men in the Jiangdong region and appointed local haoqiang as military generals. His anti-Qin cause officially began.

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Later, Chen Sheng, who was the first righteous man in the world, was defeated by the Qin army general Zhang Handan and unfortunately died. Chen Sheng's subordinates hurriedly invited Xiang Liang to lead the army to rescue him, and at this time Xiang Liang also wanted to expand his strength, so he gladly led his army to go.

After Xiang Liang led his army north, he first met Chen Bao, who was also a rebel army. Chen Bao was originally an official of the Qin Dynasty, but was later promoted to the leader of the rebel army because of his high moral standing.

However, he himself was not brave enough, and later, under the persuasion of his mother, Chen Infant ceded the position of leader to Xiang Liang, because he was afraid of taking the risk of killing his head after the failure of the rebellion.

To put it bluntly, when Chen Infant pushed the position of leader, he also pushed the risk of the failure of the rebellion to Xiang Liang.

So when others give you benefits for no reason, sometimes not because they are good, but because he can't take the risks behind the benefits.

But if at this point you only see the benefits and not the risks, then you are not far from failure.

Xiang Liang naturally saw the risk, but he understood better that the premise of success was to take risks. So he accepted the position of leader without hesitation.

Chen Bao's abdication allowed Xian to play a good leading role, coupled with the prestige that the Xiang family had accumulated as officials for generations in the Chu state. Many rebel armies of different sizes came to Xiangliang, and Xiangliang's army suddenly expanded to 60,000 or 70,000 people, and the momentum was quite huge.

Xiang Liang: A generation of famous players who were sent to the sky by the wind of the times, but they lost to success too quickly 123

After Xiang Liang moved north, he fought successive battles and finally clashed with the forces of the Qin general Zhang Handan, but unfortunately suffered a small defeat. At this time, Xiang Liang also received the accurate news of Chen Sheng's murder, and after the other rebels learned of this news, they were terrified of the Qin army in their hearts, and the various rebels were in danger of falling apart.

However, Xiang Liang saw an opportunity in it, and Chen Shengju was the head of the world and the nominal leader of the rebel army under the world. Now that he is killed, whoever can come forward to unite the rebels in the world will be the next leader of the rebels under the world.

Therefore, Xiang Liang relied on his military merits in successive battles and victories, as well as the descendants of the Xiang clan of the Chu state, to convene a military conference alliance between the rebels in the world. Discuss how to jointly fight against the Qin army.

Xiang Liang held a meeting of the military alliance, and not only the princes who rebelled in the world at that time, but also an old man with unparalleled wisdom, Fan Zeng.

Fan Zeng was 70 years old when he defected to Xiang Liang, but he was old and strong, and he knew the situation in the world at that time.

Fan Zeng told Xiang Liang that Chen Sheng's defeat was inevitable, because he was born into a commoner with little influence himself, so he could not call on the people of the world to rebel with him.

And the general, although you are the queen of the Chu state, but after all, your influence is limited, you should find a descendant of the king of Chu and make him the new king of Chu. Use his appeal to the Chu people to attract more people to join our army.

Xiang Liang: A generation of famous players who were sent to the sky by the wind of the times, but they lost to success too quickly 123

Xiang Yan greatly agreed with Fan Zeng's words, and he immediately sent people to the people to find the descendants of the King of Chu, and later found a child named Xiong Xin and made him the new King of Chu.

After many ordinary people in the people learned of this news, they all thought that the restoration of the Chu state was promising, and everyone rejoiced, so many people joined Xiang Yan's army.

Since ancient times, Chinese achieve great things, the most important thing is to take advantage of the situation. Xiang Liang borrowed the prestige of the Chu royal family to rapidly expand the army, and this was the case.

So why is the sign of the Chu royal family so easy to use? Because in the chaotic world, there are many grass kings, so it is a question of who the people should choose to succeed.

At this time, everyone instinctively thinks that people who once had fame and power have a greater probability of success.

Therefore, the essence of borrowing in the chaotic world is to use the momentum of others to make a façade for themselves, so that others can have a little more sense of security when choosing themselves.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line">3</h1>

After Xiang Liang's military strength was expanded, he continued to lead his army to fight hard against the Qin army, and defeated the Qin army many times. At this point, Xiang Liang's achievements against the Qin Army have moved the world, and in the hearts of the people of the world, Xiang Liang has become a generation of famous generals in the world.

But at this time, Xiang Liang's mentality had changed, and he had already jumped from a fallen nobleman to the status of a famous general in the world in just a few short years, and he was proud.

Not only him, but also the soldiers under his command also had a sluggish heart for the Qin army.

At this time, Xiang Liang's series of victories successfully attracted the great attention of the Qin Empire. The Imperial army was constantly mobilized from the northwest to the Central Plains, and a life-and-death war was inevitable.

Xiang Liang: A generation of famous players who were sent to the sky by the wind of the times, but they lost to success too quickly 123

In the end, hundreds of thousands of Qin troops, led by the famous general Zhang Handan, fought a decisive battle with Xiang Liang at the place of Dingtao (present-day Heze, Shandong), and although Xiang Liang fought to the death, he was still killed because he was outnumbered, and a generation of famous generals returned to heaven.

Xiang Liang's success, in addition to his own outstanding ability, is also because he caught up with the last years of the Qin Dynasty and the dividends and outlets of the era when the world was anti-Qin.

And his failure, in addition to the fact that the strength of the Qin army was still very strong at this time, was also inseparable from its rapid success.

Because he succeeded too quickly, his self-confidence also produced conceit, so he would eventually lose to the Qin army in Dingtao.

So this tells us that the moment the wind of the times throws you into the sky, you also have the risk of being thrown to the ground.

Therefore, no matter how the situation changes, the first thing to control is your own mentality, the mentality will change the way of behavior, once the way of behavior changes, it may be abandoned by the times.

Of course, even if he is not conceited, there will still be many other difficulties and obstacles on the way to pacifying the world, but he is conceited, and in this game of level pacifying the world, he is destined to fall on the previous level.

Although Xiang Liang died, the anti-Qin cause he founded did not dissipate with it, and his nephew Xiang Yu carried this cause forward to the extreme, and finally ended this huge empire.

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