
Is your balcony still in place? Raise a "beautiful tree", there are flowers in all seasons, and the fragrance of flowers fills the home

author:Floral sounds


It's autumn, the cool season, and it's perfect for raising flowers. And winter will soon come, winter people do not like to go out, doors and windows are closed, at this time you need to put some flowers and green plants at home, both to watch, but also to fresh air, in one fell swoop. Today to take you to know, a beautiful and fragrant flower, closed balcony can also be raised, I hope you like.

Is your balcony still in place? Raise a "beautiful tree", there are flowers in all seasons, and the fragrance of flowers fills the home


This flower name is "Misaki", friends who like the moon flower will not be unfamiliar, is a very famous variety in the moon flower family, with the title of "little fairy", cultivated by the famous Asian breeder Kunie Keiji, is a direct descendant of the Chinese moon flower "Pink Makeup Building", with a typical Chinese ancient moon season bloodline, looks very much in line with the aesthetics of the Orientals, initially mainly used for cutting flowers, and later extended to courtyard cultivation, balcony pot ornamentation, etc., loved by flower lovers around the world.

Is your balcony still in place? Raise a "beautiful tree", there are flowers in all seasons, and the fragrance of flowers fills the home

Excellent branching

Mei Sa belongs to the shrub monthly season, very malleable, can also be raised when the vine, the stem is upright, the branches are many, and the branches are fine and soft, and the cultivation needs to be equipped with a flower stand or support, otherwise it is easy to grow into an "octopus" form, or with hanging flower pots, so that the branches naturally hang down, the plant type will become like a waterfall, its plant growth is medium, only 60 to 80 cm high, the potted plant can be controlled within 60 cm, almost no thorns on the body, very suitable for family planting, outdoor planting or balcony, terrace potted can be.

Is your balcony still in place? Raise a "beautiful tree", there are flowers in all seasons, and the fragrance of flowers fills the home

The flower type is beautiful

Mei Yu, the original meaning is "flowering is very beautiful" meaning, the flower as its name, its flowers can be described by a "fairy" word - the flower is medium size, diameter 6 ~ 10cm, the first opening is round and full of round ball shape, like a cute little bread, fully open like a dahlia flower type, there is a layer of beauty tip outside, a bit like "dragonfly" this monthly varieties, the flower color is pink and white, white in the powder, or white in the powder, the petals with a sense of clarity of transparency, the closer to the flower center, the more pink the color, Especially under the sun, it looks more gorgeous, full of fairy spirits, high ornamental value, and has a kind of magic that people fall in love with at a glance.

Is your balcony still in place? Raise a "beautiful tree", there are flowers in all seasons, and the fragrance of flowers fills the home


In addition to good looking, the floral fragrance is also very good, is the famous aromatic moon season, the flowers in the opening process will release a burst of rich fragrance, typical rose fragrance, thick and not turbid, fragrant overflowing, very volatile, planted in the enclosed balcony, when the flowers bloom, can make the whole house full of flowers, in addition to watching, but also obviously fresh and purify the air.

Is your balcony still in place? Raise a "beautiful tree", there are flowers in all seasons, and the fragrance of flowers fills the home

Strong flowering ability

The third advantage of Misaki: blossoming is very diligent. It is one of the ten kinds of moon seasons that are recognized as the most flowering in the month flower bar, just like a tireless flowering machine, as long as you raise it well, you can bloom from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, this wave is not thankful, the new flowers come again, the re-flowering time only takes about 28 days, and there are flowers almost every month. The amount of flowers is also very rich, multi-headed small clusters, single flower branches bloom several flowers at the same time, there must be flowers in the branches, often flowers bloom full of branches, like grass flowers are as easy to "burst pots".

Is your balcony still in place? Raise a "beautiful tree", there are flowers in all seasons, and the fragrance of flowers fills the home

Summer flowers are also so good

In addition, Mika is also one of the best summer performance of the monthly flowers, when most of the monthly flowers in the summer have bloomed "small white flowers", its flowers in the hot summer can still bloom standard flower type, but the flower color is slightly lighter than the spring flower, "face value" is still online. Single flowering period: 5 to 7 days in spring and autumn, 3 to 5 days in summer, and about 10 days in winter. There are bottle flower arrangements at home, and picking the water bottle inserts when they are half open can last longer, which is an excellent cut flower season, which is more beautiful than the "roses" sold in the flower shop outside.

Is your balcony still in place? Raise a "beautiful tree", there are flowers in all seasons, and the fragrance of flowers fills the home

Maintenance is not difficult

After talking about the advantages, let's talk about the disadvantages. This variety of mei sa disease resistance is relatively weak, when planted in a humid, insufficient place of light, it is easy to get sick, also known as "soft girl", "moon season Lin Daiyu", for novice flower friends, maintenance has a certain degree of difficulty, but master a good method, want to raise well is not difficult, two points must be done well:

First, to be placed in a sunny, well-ventilated place, can be planted in the open air the best, no terrace should also be placed on the south balcony, the north balcony is recommended to choose other varieties, as much as possible in the sun, while maintaining ventilation, placed in the air outlet is the best, winter cold doors and windows need to be closed, can be temporarily placed in the enclosed space, after all, winter bugs are rare.

Second, apply less fertilizer. Mika is a variety that does not need to be under heavy fertilizer, often fertilize the soil, easy to attract insects, and occasionally give a little thin fertilizer on the line. In addition, when you find insect infestations such as red spiders and thrips, do not hesitate, directly spray medicine, do not think of physical therapy such as washing with water and scratching, inexhaustible.

Is your balcony still in place? Raise a "beautiful tree", there are flowers in all seasons, and the fragrance of flowers fills the home

Balcony can also be raised

For the "fairy" such as Mika, a little problem is not a problem, it is still worth planting, daily maintenance is relatively simple, in addition to more sun, the rest of the work is watering and pruning only, watering does not need to be too frequent, the soil is dry and then give water, do not dry it does not need to be watered, simply prune after flowering, clean up the broken flowers in time, and the novice can also get it done.

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Japan new product Moon Season Mika / Misaki Garden Rose Blossom Fragrant Moon Season Rose Seedling ¥13.48 Purchase

Mika can also be raised on the balcony of the high floor, the south and the north are good, outdoor planting, indoor potted plants (where the sun shines) are eye-catching, or perennial woody plants, only need to raise once to watch for many years, enjoy the flowers can also smell, is a very worthy of having an excellent variety.

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